Amazing Benefits of Mango 

Shela Alex


1. Rich in Nutrients

Mangoes are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

2. Immune Support

They boost the immune system with their high vitamin C content.  

3. Eye Health  

Mangoes contain antioxidants that promote eye health.  

4. Digestive Aid  

The fiber in mangoes aids digestion and prevents constipation.

5. Skin Health

They contribute to healthy skin due to vitamin A and antioxidants.  

6.Heart Health

Mangoes may lower cholesterol levels and support heart health.  

7. Cancer Prevention

Antioxidants in mangoes can help reduce the risk of certain cancers.  

8. Alkalizing Properties  

Mangoes help maintain the body's pH balance.  

9. Weight Management  

They are relatively low in calories and can aid in weight control.