7 Best Apps To Learn A Language For Travel

7 Best Apps To Learn A Language For Travel

Language learning apps allow users to learn at their own pace and schedule. They can access lessons and practice exercises whenever and wherever they want, making integrating learning into their daily routines easy. There are many online learning apps to build a strong foundation in language skills.

1. Lingq

LingQ is an online language learning platform designed to help users improve their language skills through reading and listening to authentic content. It was developed by Steve Kaufmann, a prominent polyglot. It has many features, such as:

  • Language Learning Material: LingQ offers a library of texts and articles in various languages, allowing learners to read and listen to content at their level. These texts cover various topics and genres to make learning more engaging.
  • Vocabulary Building: One of the unique aspects of LingQ is its focus on vocabulary acquisition. While reading, users can click on words they don’t understand to get instant definitions and translations. The platform keeps track of these words, helping learners build their vocabulary.
  • Listening Practice: LingQ provides audio recordings for many texts, helping users practice their listening skills alongside reading. This combination of reading and listening can be beneficial for language comprehension.
  • Interactive Learning: The platform encourages active engagement with the language. Users can highlight, save, and review words and phrases they’ve encountered, creating a personalized learning experience.
  • Progress Tracking: LingQ tracks users’ progress, including the number of words they’ve encountered and learned, the texts they’ve read, and the time spent on each activity. This can help learners monitor their development and set goals.
  • Community and Social Features: Users can interact with other learners on LingQ, share resources, and join discussions. This social aspect can add a sense of community to the language learning journey.

Learn More About Lingq App.

2. Duolingo

7 Best Apps To Learn A Language For Travel

Duolingo is a popular and user-friendly language-learning app that offers a fun and interactive way to learn a new language. With its gamified approach, Duolingo has managed to make language learning feel like a game, which can be both motivating and enjoyable for users.


  • Gamified Learning: Duolingo’s gamified format makes language learning feel like a playful experience. Users earn points, complete lessons, and unlock new levels, which adds a sense of achievement and progress.
  • Variety of Languages: Duolingo offers a wide range of languages, making it accessible to learners interested in many different languages, including less commonly taught ones.
  • Mobile Accessibility: The app is available on mobile devices, allowing users to learn on the go. This flexibility fits well with busy schedules and enables consistent practice.
  • Structured Lessons: Duolingo provides structured lessons that cover various language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Lessons are divided into bite-sized chunks, making it easy to fit learning into short sessions.
  • Community and Social Features: Users can join clubs, interact with other learners, and compete with friends. This community aspect can enhance motivation and provide a sense of connection.
  • Free Version: Duolingo offers a free version with substantial content. This makes it accessible to learners who might not want to invest in a paid language learning program.


  • Limited Depth: Duolingo is great for building vocabulary and basic language skills, but it might not provide the same depth and complexity as more comprehensive language courses or immersion experiences.
  • Overemphasis on Translations: Some users have noted that Duolingo’s exercises often involve translating sentences rather than focusing on conversational fluency.
  • Lack of Explanation: Duolingo sometimes introduces new concepts without thorough explanations, confusing learners about grammar or language nuances.
  • Lack of Personalization: The app’s one-size-fits-all approach might not cater to all learning styles and levels, potentially leaving some learners bored or overwhelmed.
  • Speaking and Pronunciation Practice: While Duolingo offers speaking exercises, it might not provide as much focused pronunciation practice as some users prefer.

Learn More About Duolingo App

3. Babbel

Babbel is a language learning platform that stands out for its structured and practical approach to language acquisition. Unlike some other language apps that focus on gamification, Babbel is designed to help users develop functional communication skills through targeted lessons and exercises.


  • Focused Learning: Babbel’s lessons are organized to cover various aspects of language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and writing. This approach ensures that users receive a well-rounded education in the language.
  • Real-World Application: The lessons in Babbel are geared towards real-world scenarios, helping users acquire the language skills they need for everyday conversations and situations. This can make the learning process more practical and relevant.
  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Babbel thoroughly explains grammar concepts and introduces vocabulary useful in real-life contexts. This can lead to more confident and effective communication.
  • Interactive Exercises: The platform offers a variety of interactive exercises that engage users in different ways, such as typing, speaking, and matching. This hands-on approach helps reinforce learning and keeps users engaged.
  • Pronunciation Practice: Babbel’s speech recognition technology allows users to practice pronunciation and receive feedback. This feature benefits those aiming to sound more natural when speaking the language.
  • Progress Tracking: Babbel keeps track of users’ progress, allowing them to revisit completed lessons and track their improvement over time. This feature can be motivating and helpful for reinforcement.


  • Limited Free Content: Babbel offers a trial period, but a subscription is usually required to access the full range of lessons. The subscription cost might be a drawback for some users, especially when compared to free or more affordable alternatives.
  • Language Selection: While Babbel offers a range of languages, the selection might not be as extensive as some other language learning platforms.
  • Less Gamified: Unlike some competing apps, Babbel is less focused on gamification and may not have the same level of visual rewards or game-like elements.
  • Cultural Context: Some users feel that Babbel could provide more cultural insights to enhance language understanding within its cultural context.

Learn More About Babbel App

4. Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a well-known language-learning software that has existed for some time. It’s recognized for its immersive and intuitive approach to language acquisition, aiming to replicate how we naturally learn our first language.


  1. Immersive Learning: Rosetta Stone employs an immersive method where learners are exposed to the target language through images, sounds, and text. This can help users develop a more intuitive understanding of the language.
  2. No Translation: One unique feature of Rosetta Stone is its avoidance of translation. Instead, learners associate images and words directly, which can help foster thinking in the target language rather than translating from their native language.
  3. Listening and Pronunciation: Rosetta Stone strongly emphasizes listening and pronunciation skills. The software’s speech recognition technology helps learners practice speaking and receive feedback on their pronunciation.
  4. Comprehensive Lessons: The lessons cover many language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking. This comprehensive approach can lead to a well-rounded language proficiency.
  5. Cultural Context: Rosetta Stone incorporates cultural context into its lessons, helping learners understand the language within its cultural framework.
  6. Mobile App: Rosetta Stone offers a mobile app that allows users to learn on the go and fit language practice into their daily routines.


  • Price: Rosetta Stone can be relatively expensive compared to other language learning options. The cost might be a deterrent for budget-conscious learners.
  • Lack of Explanation: Some users have found that Rosetta Stone lacks explicit explanations of grammar rules and language nuances, which could be challenging for those who prefer a more structured learning approach.
  • Limited Interaction: While Rosetta Stone focuses on individual practice, it might not offer as much interactive communication practice with real people as some other platforms.
  • Level of Engagement: While some learners appreciate the immersion, others might find the approach less engaging or challenging, especially if they prefer more interactive or gamified learning methods.
  • Not for All Languages: Rosetta Stone’s course availability varies by language, and it might not offer as many options for less commonly taught languages.

Learn More About Rosetta Stone App

5. Speakly

Speakly is a relatively new language-learning platform that focuses on practical vocabulary and conversation skills. It aims to help learners develop the ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations.


  • Targeted Vocabulary: Speakly emphasizes teaching essential and relevant vocabulary for everyday conversations. This can help learners quickly build a foundation for effective communication.
  • Conversational Approach: This app is designed to help users engage in conversations from the early stages of learning. This can boost confidence and motivation by showing tangible progress in real-life communication.
  • Real-Life Scenarios: Speakly’s lessons are centered around common situations and scenarios, allowing learners to practice using the language in context.
  • Data-Driven Learning: This platform uses data and algorithms to optimize learning, adapting lessons based on individual progress. This personalized approach can enhance the efficiency of learning.
  • Interactive Exercises: Speakly offers various interactive exercises, including listening, speaking, typing, and multiple-choice questions. This diversity keeps learners engaged and reinforces language skills.
  • Pronunciation Practice: The app includes pronunciation practice and feedback, helping users improve their spoken language skills.


  • Limited Language Selection: As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Speakly might have a more limited language selection than larger language learning platforms.
  • Depth of Content: While Speakly focuses on practical communication, it might not offer as much depth in advanced grammar or specialized vocabulary compared to more comprehensive language courses.
  • Gamification: Speakly’s approach might be less gamified than some other language learning apps, which could impact the level of engagement for certain users.
  • Price: Depending on the subscription model, Speakly’s cost might be a consideration for budget-conscious learners.
  • Community and Interaction: Speakly’s emphasis on individual practice might result in fewer opportunities for interaction with fellow learners or native speakers.

Learn More About Speakly

6. Busuu

Busuu is a language learning platform that offers a range of features designed to help learners acquire new languages effectively and efficiently.


  • Structured Lessons: Busuu provides well-organized lessons that cover different language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This structured approach can help learners develop a comprehensive understanding of the language.
  • Real-Life Situations: Lessons in Busuu often focus on practical scenarios and conversations that learners might encounter daily. This approach helps users build language skills directly applicable to real-world contexts.
  • Interactive Exercises: The platform offers a variety of interactive exercises, such as quizzes, dialogues, and writing exercises. This interactivity keeps learners engaged and reinforces their understanding of the material.
  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Busuu clearly explains grammar rules and introduces relevant vocabulary to help users form correct sentences and express themselves effectively.
  • Speaking Practice: Busuu’s speech recognition technology enables learners to practice their speaking skills and receive feedback on their pronunciation. This feature can be valuable for improving spoken language abilities.
  • Mobile App: Busuu’s mobile app allows users to learn on the go, making it convenient to fit language practice into their daily routines.
  • Community and Feedback: Busuu encourages interaction with other learners through language exchange opportunities, where users can help each other practice their target languages. Additionally, users can receive feedback on their exercises from native speakers.


  • Free Version Limitations: While Busuu offers a free version, access to more advanced lessons and features often requires a premium subscription.
  • Price: The subscription cost for Busuu’s premium features might be a consideration for some learners, especially when compared to other language learning options.
  • Language Selection: While Busuu offers a variety of languages, the selection might not be as extensive as some other platforms.
  • Level of Engagement: While Busuu provides interactive exercises, some users might find its approach less gamified or visually engaging compared to certain other language apps.

Learn More About Busuu

7. HelloTalk

HelloTalk is a language exchange and learning app that facilitates communication between native speakers of different languages. It provides a platform for users to connect, practice, and improve their language skills through real conversations. Here’s a review of HelloTalk:


  • Language Practice: HelloTalk offers an excellent opportunity to practice speaking, writing, and listening skills with native speakers of the language you’re learning. Engaging in real conversations helps users develop fluency and gain confidence.
  • Cultural Exchange: In addition to language learning, HelloTalk encourages cultural exchange. Users can learn about customs, traditions, and daily life from their language partners, enhancing their understanding of the language’s cultural context.
  • Varied Languages: HelloTalk supports many languages, making it suitable for learners interested in less commonly taught languages or those looking to practice more popular languages.
  • Correction and Feedback: Users can receive corrections and feedback on their messages from native speakers, helping them identify and correct mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
  • Rich Media Integration: The app allows users to send text, voice messages, images, and even make voice or video calls, providing a diverse and interactive language learning experience.
  • Language Journal: HelloTalk’s language journal feature allows users to share their thoughts, experiences, and daily activities in the language they’re learning, promoting consistent practice and improvement.
  • Community and Support: The HelloTalk community is generally helpful and friendly, providing a supportive environment for language learners to connect and learn from each other.


  • Language Partners’ Availability: The quality of language exchange can vary depending on the availability and commitment of language partners. Some users might experience difficulties finding consistent and reliable partners.
  • App Learning Content: While HelloTalk focuses on language exchange and communication, it might not offer as extensive structured lessons and learning materials as some dedicated language learning apps.
  • Privacy Concerns: As with any social networking app, privacy concerns exist when sharing personal information and interacting with new people. Users should exercise caution and follow safety guidelines.
  • Free vs. Premium Features: While the app offers a free version, some of the more advanced features and functionalities are available through premium subscriptions, which might limit access for users who prefer to stick with the free version.

Learn More About HelloTalk


Language learning apps offer a flexible, engaging, and efficient way to acquire new language skills, catering to different learning styles and preferences. Duolingo is the best app to start free learning, and Babbel is the perfect app to learn advanced concepts of the language.

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