10 Short funny Stories in English

Are you looking for short funny stories for your kids in English? Here I have come up with the most beautiful stories.

These funny stories are beneficial for kids to sleep.

Short funny Stories in English

The Lost Sandwich

Once upon a time, Timmy made a big, delicious sandwich. It had cheese, lettuce, tomato, and lots of peanut butter and jelly. Timmy was very excited to eat his sandwich. He put it on a plate and went to get a drink from the kitchen.

When Timmy came back, the sandwich was gone! “Where did my sandwich go?” he wondered. He looked under the table. No sandwich. He looked in the living room. No sandwich. Finally, he looked outside.

There was his dog, Max, with peanut butter and jelly all over his face! Max had found the sandwich and eaten it all up. Timmy laughed and gave Max a big hug. From then on, Timmy made sure to keep his sandwiches away from Max.

The Silly Squirrel

In a big park, there was a very silly squirrel named Sammy. Sammy loved to play tricks on the other animals. One day, Sammy found a big pile of acorns. He decided to hide them in funny places.

He put some acorns in the birdbath, some in the flowerpot, and even some inside the gardener’s hat! When the other animals came to look for their acorns, they couldn’t find them. They looked everywhere.

The birds found acorns in their bath and chirped in surprise. The flowers were happy with acorns in their pot. And the gardener laughed when he put on his hat and acorns fell out. Everyone laughed and Sammy the silly squirrel was happy he made everyone smile.

The Flying Pancakes

Lily and her dad loved making pancakes on Saturday mornings. One day, Lily’s dad decided to show her how to flip pancakes in the air. “Watch this!” he said. He flipped the pancake high into the air, but it didn’t land back in the pan. Instead, it flew across the kitchen and stuck to the ceiling!

Lily and her dad laughed so hard. They tried to get the pancake down, but it stayed stuck. So they made another pancake, and this time Lily tried to flip it. Whoosh! The pancake flew up and landed on top of the fridge!

By the end of the morning, they had pancakes stuck on the ceiling, the fridge, and even one on the window. They couldn’t stop laughing. From then on, Lily and her dad always made a few extra pancakes, just in case some decided to fly away.

The Giant Carrot

Once, a little bunny named Benny planted a carrot seed in his garden. He watered it every day and made sure it got plenty of sunshine. One day, Benny noticed the carrot was growing bigger and bigger. It kept growing until it was the biggest carrot he had ever seen!

Benny decided to pull the giant carrot out of the ground, but it was too big for him alone. He asked his friend, Daisy the duck, to help. Daisy pulled and pulled, but the carrot wouldn’t budge. They asked more friends for help: Freddy the fox, Sally the squirrel, and even Henry the hedgehog.

All together, they pulled and pulled until finally, the giant carrot popped out of the ground. Everyone cheered! They chopped up the carrot and had a big carrot feast. Benny was happy to share his giant carrot with all his friends.

The Sneaky Cat

There was a sneaky cat named Whiskers who loved to play pranks on his friend, the mouse named Pip. One day, Whiskers decided to hide Pip’s favorite cheese. He hid it in the toy box and waited for Pip to find it.

Pip looked everywhere for his cheese. He looked under the couch, behind the curtains, and even in his tiny mouse hole, but he couldn’t find it. Whiskers watched and giggled quietly.

Finally, Pip saw a little bit of cheese sticking out of the toy box. “Aha!” Pip shouted. He pulled out his cheese and said, “Gotcha, Whiskers!” Pip decided to play a prank on Whiskers in return. He took Whiskers’ favorite ball and hid it in a flowerpot.

When Whiskers found his ball, they both laughed and agreed to play pranks on each other forever, because it was so much fun.

The Talking Tree

In a magical forest, there was a tree that could talk. Its name was Oakley. One day, a little boy named Sam was walking through the forest when he heard someone say, “Hello!”

Sam looked around but didn’t see anyone. “Hello?” he said back. “Up here!” said the voice. Sam looked up and saw Oakley the talking tree. Sam was amazed.

Oakley and Sam became good friends. Oakley told Sam stories about the forest and the animals that lived there. One day, Oakley told Sam a joke. “Why did the tree go to the dentist?” Sam shrugged. Oakley laughed, “Because it needed a root canal!”

Sam laughed so hard he almost fell over. From then on, Sam visited Oakley every day to hear more jokes and stories. The talking tree and the little boy became best friends, sharing laughs and adventures together.

The Mischievous Monkey

In a jungle, there was a mischievous monkey named Coco. Coco loved to play tricks on his animal friends. One day, he decided to play a trick on Ellie the elephant.

Coco found some sticky mud and made it into a ball. When Ellie was not looking, Coco threw the mud ball at her. Splat! The mud stuck to Ellie’s big ear. Ellie was surprised but quickly realized it was Coco’s doing. She decided to teach Coco a lesson.

Ellie found a big leaf and dipped it in some cool water. When Coco wasn’t looking, she splashed the water on him. Coco was soaked but he laughed. “You got me, Ellie!” he said.

From then on, Coco and Ellie took turns playing funny tricks on each other, and they always ended up laughing together.

The Runaway Cookie

There was a little boy named Max who loved cookies. One day, Max’s mom baked a big, delicious cookie just for him. Max was so excited that he couldn’t wait to eat it.

As soon as the cookie came out of the oven, it jumped off the baking tray and ran out the door! “Come back, cookie!” Max shouted and chased after it.

The cookie ran through the yard, past the doghouse, and around the garden. Max’s dog, Sparky, joined the chase. The cookie was fast, but Sparky was faster. Just as the cookie tried to run up a tree, Sparky caught it in his mouth.

Max caught up and laughed. “Good job, Sparky! Now we can share the cookie.” Max broke the cookie in half and gave Sparky the biggest piece. They both enjoyed their treat, and Max never saw a runaway cookie again.

The Dancing Frog

In a quiet pond, there was a frog named Freddy who loved to dance. Freddy would practice his dance moves on lily pads every day. But Freddy was shy and never danced in front of anyone.

One sunny day, Freddy decided to show his friends his dance. He invited all the animals in the pond: the fish, the turtles, and the ducks. When everyone gathered around, Freddy felt nervous, but he took a deep breath and started to dance.

Freddy jumped and twirled, spun and leaped. His friends watched in amazement. “Wow, Freddy, you’re amazing!” said Tina the turtle. The animals clapped and cheered.

Freddy was so happy. From that day on, he danced every day, and his friends always came to watch and cheer him on. Freddy realized that sharing his talent made him and everyone else very happy.

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