skin tones names

All Skin Tones Names

Want to know in detail all the skin tones names? Every website offers different skin colour names and a little bit difficult to find all skin colors.

Therefore, in this article, I have covered a complete list of skin tones names in detail with pictures.

Why do we have different skin tones?

Have you ever listen about the pigment melanin? We have many substances in our skin that affect the changing of our skin tones but the most important thing is pigment melanin.

What is pigment melanin?

Melanin is like the paint for our skin, hair, and eyes. It’s a natural substance that gives color to these parts of your body. Some people have more melanin, which makes their skin, hair, and eyes darker. Others have less melanin, which makes them lighter in color.

It depends on where you live in. Simply, I can say that more amount of sun exposure is responsible for making your skin darker. You can see in the summer season skin become tan and become lighter during winter. season

The Fitzpatrick Skin Scale

Fitzpatrick skin scale. It helps you understand various skin types and how to take care of them. This scale depends on how much melanin is in the skin and how it responds to the sun. You can see the scale in the picture below.

The Fitzpatrick Skin Scale
Image source: Pinterest

All skin tones namesColors That Start with A

According to the Fitzpatrick scale, there are six types of skin tones:

Type I: Very fair skin, always burns, never tans.

Type I skin is characterized by very fair skin that always burns and never tans. Its scientific name is “Fitzpatrick Type I.” An example of this skin type is often seen in people with red hair and freckles.

Type II: Fair skin, burns easily, tans minimally.

The second skin type is light and pale. It can easily get sunburned and usually doesn’t tan much. People with this skin type often have blond hair and blue, gray, or green eyes.

Type III: Light to medium skin, burns moderately, tans gradually.

The third Fitzpatrick scale skin type is fair to beige with golden undertones. It’s often paired with dark blonde or brown hair and hazel or light brown eyes. This skin type can burn but also tans.

Type IV: Olive or moderate brown skin, burns minimally, tans easily.

The fourth skin type has olive and brown shades, rarely burns, tans easily, and often has dark brown eyes and hair.

Type V: Brown skin, rarely burns, tans darkly.

Skin type V on the Fitzpatrick scale is dark brown, tanning easily with rare sunburn. Eye and hair colors range from dark brown to black.

Type VI: Deeply pigmented brown to black skin, very rarely burns, tans deeply.

The sixth skin tone on the Fitzpatrick scale displays deep, rich shades of brown with intense pigmentation. Individuals with this complexion never experience sunburn and consistently acquire a deep tan under the sun’s rays. People possessing this skin tone typically have dark brown or black eyes and black hair.

Here we have listed the 20 most common skin tone names to determine the inch skin color tones.

  • Caramel
  • Bronze
  • Alabaster
  • Porcelain
  • Marshmellow
  • Umber
  • Beige
  • Honey
  • Peaches and Cream
  • Almond
  • Chestnut
  • Espresso Brown
  • Tan
  • Pecan
  • Mahogany
  • Sable
  • Cacao
  • Ivory
  • Saddle Brown
  • Olive

One thing I wanna tell you is that the skin tone names are not listed in a specific pattern. Sharing with you some of the skin tones presented in this picture.

skin colors tones
skin colors tones
skin colors tones
Image source: Pinterest

Let’s discuss each skin colors name in more detail:

Top 10 Most Common Skin Tones Names in Detail

1. Fair

The first skin tone we will talk about is Fair skin tone. Fair skin, scientifically known as “Type II” on the Fitzpatrick scale, is a complexion that easily burns and rarely tans.

It appears pale and often has light-colored hair and blue or green eyes. People with fair skin need to be cautious in the sun, as they’re more prone to sunburns.

It’s common among individuals of European descent. Fair skin’s charm lies in its porcelain-like appearance, though it requires extra sun protection to prevent burns.

Embracing sunscreen and seeking shade helps keep this delicate skin healthy and glowing, allowing those with fair skin to enjoy sunny days safely.

For example, Celebrity that has fair skin tones is Taylor Swift

fair skin tone
Taylor Swift
2. Marshmellow

The Marshmallow, scientifically called Type I on the Fitzpatrick scale, is super fair. It’s like the color of a marshmallow – very pale.

People with this skin tone often have blonde or red hair and light-colored eyes. Celebrities like Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore in the United States have this skin tone.

They’re known for their creamy complexions and sometimes freckles. This skin type burns easily in the sun and rarely tans, so it’s important for those with Marshmallow skin to use sunscreen to protect their fair skin from the sun’s rays.

For Example Celebrity name with a marshmallow skin color

Jorja Smith
Jorja Smith
3. Pale

Pale Skin Tone: Scientifically known as Fitzpatrick Type I, pale skin is the lightest on the Fitzpatrick scale.

It’s a very fair complexion that tends to burn easily in the sun and rarely tans. People with pale skin often have blue or green eyes and blonde or red hair.

Celebrities in the United States with this skin tone include Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, and Emma Stone.

Julianne Moore
Julianne Moore
4. Ivory

Ivory is one of the main three light-skin tones.

Among the first three shades on the Fitzpatrick scale, we have porcelain and alabaster. Yet, at the darkest end of this trio lies ivory.

Ivory skin, nestled within the first category, typically boasts a creamy whiteness reminiscent of an elephant’s prized tusk.

Moreover, individuals blessed with this exquisite ivory hue may discover undertones of yellow, gold, peach, pink, or even a subtle touch of blue.

Celebrities that have the ivory skin tone are Emma Stone, Christina Hendricks, etc,

Emma Stone
Emma Stone
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
5. Beige

Beige skin tone encompasses a range of shades, extending from white to light brown. Nevertheless, this unique skin tone is most frequently described as light brown with a grey, green, or yellow undertone.

Your undertone will determine the particular shade of beige skin you possess.

Famous actresses with beige skin tones include Jessica Alba and Jennifer Aniston.

Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba
6. Olive

Olive skin tone means having skin that’s tan but not too dark, kind of like the color of pecans. It has a hint of yellow, gold, or green underneath.

If you don’t get much sun, it can lose its color and look paler.

Olive skin fits into the third, fourth, or fifth category on the Fitzpatrick scale, depending on how deep the tan is.

You often see people with olive skin in places like the Mediterranean, parts of Asia, Latin America, India, and the Middle East.

Examples of celebrities are Eva Mendes and Jessica Szohr.

Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes
7. Honey

This list of skin tones is similar to honey. Honey-like skin can be very light with a yellow-orange touch or quite dark and rich brown.

An example of a celebrity name is Penelope Cruz

Penelope Cruz
Penelope Cruz
8. Golden

Golden skin tone is when your skin has a kind of golden or yellowish touch underneath. It makes your skin look warm and shiny. But if you don’t get much sun, golden skin might seem a bit pale.

An example of a celebrity name is Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot
9. Tan

Tan skin comes in many shades of brown, from light to dark. But usually, it’s like the skin tone of people from the Mediterranean region.

An example of a celebrity name is Selma Hayek

Selma Hayek
Selma Hayek
10. Caramel

Caramel skin tone is a beautiful, warm, and buttery brown color. It’s like the color of caramel candy.

This skin tone is right in the middle, not too dark and not too light. If you look at the Fitzpatrick scale, caramel skin falls between the fourth and fifth types.

People with caramel skin have a creamy, cinnamon-brown look with hints of gold or red underneath. It’s a lovely and unique shade.

An example of a celebrity name is Zoey Saldana.

Zoey Saldana
Zoey Saldana

25 Common Skin Tones Name Chart With Hex Code

Fair – #F0D9B5

Light – #F8E0C7

Medium – #D2B48C

Olive – #CCBE8B

Tan – #D2A172

Beige – #F5F5DC

Caramel – #FFD59A

Honey – #ead1a8

Bronze – #CD7F32

Mahogany – #C04000

Cocoa – #964B00

Espresso – #4F2A04

Almond – #EFDECD

Sand – #C2B280

Ivory – #FFFFF0

Peach – #FFDAB9

Saddle Brown – #8B4513

Mocha – #8B7355

Tawny – #CD5700

Sable – #704214

Porcelain – #DFDCDA

Wheat – #F5DEB3

Chestnut – #954535

Nutmeg – #8A3324

Ebony – #555D50

20 Skin Tones Name Chart

image is about 20 Skin Tones Name Chart


In conclusion, our world is filled with a vast array of skin tones, ranging from the palest porcelain to the deepest sable. Each of these shades possesses its own unique beauty and distinct characteristics.

Our skin colors tell the story of our heritage, geography, and individuality, reminding us that diversity is not only something to be celebrated but also a testament to the rich tapestry of human existence.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.