10 Lines On Peacock In English

By Alex

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10 Lines On Peacock In English

Looking for quick facts about the majestic peacock? Check out these 10 lines on peacock in English, covering everything from its vibrant plumage to its cultural significance. Learn about the peacock’s diet, behaviour, and lifespan in the wild, as well as its association with Hindu mythology and traditional Indian weddings. Whether you’re a bird enthusiast or simply curious about this beautiful creature, these ten lines on peacock will give you a glimpse into its world.

The peacock, also known as the Indian peafowl, is a beautiful bird with striking colours and an impressive display of feathers. This bird is native to South Asia and is the national bird of India. The male peacock is known for its colourful and iridescent feathers, while the female, known as a peahen, is much more subtle in appearance. In this blog post, we will be discussing ten lines on peacocks in English, highlighting some interesting facts about this magnificent bird.

Ten Lines On Peacock In English:

  1. The male peacock is known for its beautiful plumage of iridescent blue, green, and gold feathers.
  2. The peacock is often associated with Hindu mythology and is considered a sacred bird in India.
  3. The peacock can fly, but it prefers to stay on the ground and roost in trees at night.
  4. The female peahen is brown in colour and lacks the elaborate plumage of the male.
  5. The peacock’s feathers are used for decorative purposes in many cultures, including in traditional Indian weddings.
  6. The peacock is a symbol of beauty, grace, and pride.
  7. Peafowl is omnivores, and their diet consists of insects, small mammals, and plants.
  8. Peafowl is social birds and often roost in groups.
  9. The peacock’s distinctive call, a loud and piercing cry, is often heard during mating season.
  10. The lifespan of peafowl in the wild is around 15-20 years.

10 Lines Facts about Peacock

No.Facts about Peacock
1.The peacock is also known as the Indian peafowl.
2.It is the national bird of India.
3.The male peacock is known for its colourful feathers.
4.The female peahen is less vibrant in appearance.
5.Peafowl is omnivores and eats insects, plants, and more.
6.They can fly, but prefer to stay on the ground.
7.The peacock is a symbol of pride, beauty, and grace.
8.Their feathers are used in traditional Indian weddings.
9.Peafowl is social birds and often roost in groups.
10.Their lifespan in the wild is around 15-20 years.
10 Lines On Peacock In English


In conclusion, the peacock is a fascinating and beautiful bird that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. Its striking appearance, distinctive call, and cultural significance make it a truly unique animal. We hope these ten lines on peacocks in English have given you a glimpse into the world of this magnificent bird.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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