Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix

hey guys buddy Crowley here with Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix kitchens I’m a food service broker and a classically trained chef for affinity elite and I represent Hidden Valley in the Arizona market today what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you some of the key elements for using and preparing Hidden Valley Ranch dryness first we’ll look at the packaging here this is going to be your 3.

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix

2-ounce packet you’re going to have 18 of these in a case you’re going to yield 18 gallons of finished product per case or one gallon of finished product per packet.

you’re going to add your buttermilk first you want to use a high butterfat content buttermilk this is going to have a lot of flavor-enhancing properties that really bring up the value of the dry Hidden Valley Ranch the next step here is to add your ranch dressing mix now I want to note that you’re not going to need a scissor or store knife to cut this open this is like super easy just rip that intense or tear it with a scissor or anything we’re just going to dump this 3.

2-ounce packet right in the bowl so now you want to mix the ranch with the buttermilk before you apply the mayonnaise so just give it a quick stir that’s all I’m going to do right now just let all of this seasoning bloom inside of the buttermilk this is a heavy-duty high fat content mayonnaise just like helming this is going to add all of your fitness and add all of the depth to your ranch dressing still needs.

to go in the refrigerator for a minimum of 12 hours to allow it to marinate in itself and get that optimal thickness and flavor you’re looking for so now in preparing dry Hidden Valley Ranch to add milk we’re going to be using the same steps as the original however we’re going to replace the buttermilk with milk so here’s your dry Hidden Valley Ranch add milk formula as you can see it’s got a lot more white powder because what those are is the buttermilk solids which is going to have those flavor enhancing properties already in it.

alright we’ve mixed our milk in our mayonnaise now we’re ready to add the dry Hidden Valley Ranch add milk formula I’m just going to just pop that right in there nice and easy there we go that’s our dry Hidden Valley Ranch add milk formula ready to go you can put it in the refrigerator and store it according to the package instructions [Music] so now in showcasing the versatile uses for dry Hidden Valley Ranch mix we’re going to apply them in some key applications that you see on a lot of different menus nationwide and what.

we’re going to use are some of the equipment and the tools from the Hidden Valley Ranch tool collection I like to keep Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing in a squeeze bottle so that it’s ready in the kitchen ready whenever I want so I can apply it to just about anything including salad and then here we’ve got nice little shaker you can cross utilizar dry Hidden Valley Ranch original or use the dry Hidden Valley Ranch add milk so here I’m just dusting them on top of some french fries but you can get very creative with this.

you can put it on just about anything that comes out of the fryer chicken-fried steak onion rings anything that goes on a sampler platter or use it dry just to rim a Bloody Mary glass to cool down a spicy Bloody Mary the entire family of Hidden Valley Ranch products is gluten-free and there are also kosher options for no preservative and options for no high fructose corn syrup so your average food cost savings will be at least 20% with dry Hidden Valley Ranch versus your pourable product.

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix is the product. Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix can be made at home. I hope you like this Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix video and article.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.