When to use my bad in a sentence

Hey, are you looking for a sentence? When to use bad in a sentence? Then you are at the correct place where I going to share with you the uses of “my bad” in a sentence.

My bed is used for saying to accept that you are going wrong or something you have done at fault.

“You have chosen the wrong book.”okay, my bad. I’ll change it”

Alternative words for Bad

  • amends
  • apologetically
  • apologize
  • atonement
  • conciliatory
  • excuse
  • expiate
  • forgivable
  • forgive
  • pardonable
  • plead

when to use “my bad” in a sentence

“my bad” is used when you mistake something for it. Suppose that you have done something work in the past And now if you are thinking that whatever you have done was wrong, Then you can use my bad in your sentences.

For an example Let’s understand.

  1. It was my bad. I should not make a decision on it.
  2. l chose the wrong one. It’s my bad.
  3. It’s my bad. I would be aware of him.
spoken english tips


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.