100 Sentence with then for Kindergarten

Are you looking for Sentence with then for kindergarten? Here I have covered new and the best sentences using “then” for kindergarten.

Then” is a word that we use to talk about the order of events or actions. It helps us understand what happens next. Here are some simple and fun ways to explain the use of “then” to kids:

  1. First and Then: You can tell kids that “then” is like saying “first this, and then that.” For example, “First, we eat breakfast, and then we go to school.”
  2. In Stories: You can use “then” when you’re reading stories to them. Say, “First, the little bunny hopped, and then he found a carrot.”
  3. Daily Routine: Explain how “then” helps us talk about our daily routine. “First, we wake up, and then we brush our teeth.”
Sentence with then for kindergarten

100 Sentence with then for kindergarten

  1. Eat your vegetables, and then you can have dessert.
  2. Put on your shoes, then we can go to the park.
  3. Finish your homework, and then you can play with your toys.
  4. Brush your teeth, then it’s time for bed.
  5. Listen to the story, and then we’ll do some crafts.
  6. First, we’ll color the picture, and then we’ll sing a song.
  7. Clean up your toys, then we can have a snack.
  8. Put on your jacket, then we’ll go outside to play.
  9. Wash your hands, and then you can have a snack.
  10. Finish your milk, then you can have a cookie.
  11. Wait for your turn, and then you can go on the slide.
  12. Put away your books, then we’ll go to the library.
  13. Tie your shoelaces, then we can go for a walk.
  14. Say “thank you,” and then you can have a sticker.
  15. Close the door, then we can start the game.
  16. Listen to the instructions, and then we’ll begin.
  17. Finish your puzzle, then we’ll do another one.
  18. Put your backpack away, then we’ll have lunch.
  19. Raise your hand, and then you can answer the question.
  20. Wait in line, then you can get a book from the shelf.
  21. Take turns, and then everyone can have a chance.
  22. Finish your drawing, then we’ll hang it on the wall.
  23. Wash your face, then it’s time for bed.
  24. Follow the leader, and then we’ll play a game.
  25. Listen to the music, then we’ll dance.
  26. Put the puzzle pieces together, then we’ll see the picture.
  27. Share your toys, and then we’ll have fun together.
  28. Finish your snack, then you can go play outside.
  29. Line up at the door, and then we can go to the playground.
  30. Put on your hat, then we’ll go to the beach.
  31. Watch the birds, and then we’ll have a picnic.
  32. Finish your fruit, then you can have a sandwich.
  33. Take a deep breath, then we’ll blow up balloons.
  34. Clap your hands, and then we’ll sing a song.
  35. Shake your legs, then we’ll do the dance.
  36. Sit in a circle, and then we’ll play a game.
  37. Hold your partner’s hand, then we’ll skip together.
  38. Count to ten, then we’ll hide and seek.
  39. Smile at your friend, and then we’ll have a playdate.
  40. Finish your juice, then you can have some water.
  41. Look both ways, and then we’ll cross the street.
  42. Finish your coloring, then we’ll hang it on the fridge.
  43. Listen to the rain, and then we’ll have hot cocoa.
  44. Finish your bath, then it’s time for pajamas.
  45. Put on your costume, then we’ll have a parade.
  46. Finish your storybook, then we’ll read another one.
  47. Wave to your grandparents, and then we’ll visit them.
  48. Finish your drawing, then we’ll mail it to Grandma.
  49. Say “please,” and then you can have some more.
  50. Finish your cereal, then we’ll have some toast.
  51. Jump up and down, and then we’ll play catch.
  52. Finish your puzzle, then we’ll do a new one.
  53. Say “I’m sorry,” and then we’ll be friends again.
  54. Finish your ice cream, then we’ll go for a walk.
  55. Take a deep breath, then we’ll blow out candles.
  56. Finish your drawing, then we’ll hang it on the wall.
  57. Follow the path, and then we’ll find the treasure.
  58. Finish your lunch, then we’ll have some fruit.
  59. Put on your helmet, then we’ll ride our bikes.
  60. Finish your nap, and then we’ll play with toys.
  61. Wait for your turn, then you can use the swing.
  62. Finish your milk, then we’ll have some cookies.
  63. Say “thank you,” and then you can have a sticker.
  64. Finish your snack, then we’ll read a book.
  65. Put away your toys, and then we’ll do a puzzle.
  66. Finish your puzzle, then we’ll build a tower.
  67. Say “goodbye,” and then we’ll see you tomorrow.
  68. Finish your coloring, then we’ll sing a song.
  69. Put on your jacket, then we’ll go outside.
  70. Finish your homework, and then you can play.
  71. Wait for your friend, then we’ll start the game.
  72. Finish your drawing, then we’ll use glitter.
  73. Take a deep breath, and then we’ll blow bubbles.
  74. Finish your story, then we’ll tell another one.
  75. Say “please,” and then we’ll have some more.
  76. Finish your juice, then we’ll have some water.
  77. Put away your books, and then we’ll do art.
  78. Finish your art, then we’ll have snack time.
  79. Wait for the signal, and then we’ll run.
  80. Finish your playtime, then we’ll go home.
  81. Say “I’m sorry,” and then we’ll forgive.
  82. Finish your game, then we’ll read a book.
  83. Put on your pajamas, and then we’ll snuggle.
  84. Finish your bath, then we’ll brush your teeth.
  85. Take a deep breath, and then we’ll dream.
  86. Finish your dinner, then we’ll clean up.
  87. Wait for bedtime, and then we’ll rest.
  88. Finish your hug, then we’ll say goodnight.
  89. Put on your blanket, then we’ll sleep tight.
  90. Finish your dreams, and then a new day begins.
  91. Say “good morning,” and then we’ll start again.
  92. Finish your breakfast, and then we’ll go play.
  93. Wait for your friends, then we’ll have fun.
  94. Finish your laughter, then we’ll go home.
  95. Say “see you later,” and then we’ll be back.
  96. Finish your adventure, then we’ll share stories.
  97. Put on your smile, and then we’ll be happy.
  98. Finish your kindness, then we’ll be friends.
  99. Say “I love you,” and then we’ll never end.
  100. Finish your day, and then we’ll say goodnight.

Sentence with then for kindergarten Infographic

Sentence with then for kindergarten
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