Come in a Sentence

“Come” is a verb that indicates the action of moving towards or arriving at a particular place or situation. It signifies a transition from one location or state to another.

Synonyms for “Come“:

  1. Arrive
  2. Approach
  3. Reach
  4. Show up
  5. Go over
  6. Move in
  7. Turn up
  8. Appear
  9. Enter
  10. Materialize
  • Please come to the party tonight.
  • I’ll come over as soon as I’m done with work.
  • When will you come home from your trip?
  • The sun will come up in the morning.
  • Let’s come together and solve this problem.
  • She came to the meeting late.
  • The train is coming into the station.
  • The flowers have come into bloom.
  • It’s important to come prepared for the interview.
  • We’ll come back later for dessert.
  • They will come forward with their ideas.
  • Don’t come any closer!
  • The opportunity to succeed will come your way.
  • I can’t wait for summer to come.
  • Come rain or shine, we’ll be there.
  • Come what may, we’ll face it together.
  • The news came as a shock to everyone.
  • He came by to drop off some documents.
  • The winter holidays always come too quickly.
  • Their efforts will come to fruition.
  • Please come in and make yourself at home.
  • The new movie will come out next week.
  • Come hell or high water, I’ll finish this project.
  • The answer will come to you eventually.
  • The concert will come to an end soon.
  • She can’t wait for her birthday to come.
  • The solution to the puzzle will come with time.
  • Don’t worry; help will come shortly.
  • I hope the weekend comes quickly.
  • He’ll come to regret that decision.
  • The truth will come out eventually.
  • When did you come to this realization?
  • The cat will come out of its hiding place.
  • The new book will come out in September.
  • The dawn will come with a new day.
  • Let’s come together to make a difference.
  • Come here and take a look at this.
  • The storm will come with strong winds.
  • The news of the promotion came unexpectedly.
  • She’ll come around to our point of view.
  • The guests will come from all over the world.
  • The summer heat will come with full force.
  • The plan will come to fruition soon.
  • The snow will come down heavily tonight.
  • Please come back later; I’m busy right now.
  • The sunset will come with beautiful colors.
  • The truth will come out sooner or later.
  • The new season will come with new challenges.
  • The smell of fresh bread is coming from the bakery.
  • The future will come with its own surprises.
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