Animals that start with b in Spanish

Looking for animals that start with “b” in Spanish? Check out our list of animals that start with b in Spanish with pictures. We do often need to learn the Spanish language. Due learning a new language, it is important to learn meanings first. If any purpose if you are wondering about animal names starting with the letter b in the Spanish language, See the complete list below.

I have been writing articles since 2002, So, I know what is best for you. I can provide you with the best list of animal names that start with b in Spanish.

So, Whether you are interested in wildlife and animals as pets or want to improve your vocabulary in the Spanish language.

Check out this 50 list of animals that start with b in Spanish with images.

Animals That Start with B in Spanish

50 Animals that start with b in Spanish

1. BaboonBabuino
2. BadgerTejón
3. BalineseBalinés (breed of cat)
4. Banded Palm CivetCíveta de palma rayada
5. BandicootBandicut (similar in Spanish)
6. BarbBarbo
7. Barn OwlLechuza común
8. BarracudaBarracuda
9. Barramundi FishPez barramundi
10. Basenji DogPerro basenji
11. Basking SharkTiburón peregrino
12. BassadorBassador (mixed breed)
13. BatMurciélago
14. Bavarian Mountain HoundSabueso de montaña bávaro
15. BeagleBeagle
16. BearOso
17. BeaverCastor
18. Bedlington TerrierTerrier Bedlington
19. BeetleEscarabajo
20. Bengal TigerTigre de Bengala
21. Bernese Mountain DogPerro de montaña Bernés
22. Bichon FriseBichón frisé
23. BinturongBinturong
24. BirdPájaro
25. BirmanBirmano (breed of cat)

30 Animals that start with B

  • Bear
  • Butterfly
  • Bat
  • Bee
  • Bison
  • Baboon
  • Blue Jay
  • Barracuda
  • Bullfrog
  • Bumblebee
  • Booby (bird)
  • Bonito (fish)
  • Budgerigar (parakeet)
  • Barnacle
  • Bluebird
  • Beluga Whale
  • Binturong (bearcat)
  • Bull
  • Beetle
  • Blobfish
  • Boar
  • Barramundi Fish
  • Bengal Tiger
  • Bald Eagle
  • Bongo (antelope)
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Black Widow Spider
  • Brown Pelican
  • Blowfish
  • Bobcat

William Pots

I am William form Kansas City, I have done BTech from science Background. I am a professional English content writer. My profession is writing about colleges, schools, and communication.