Looking for animals that start with “b” in Spanish? Check out our list of animals that start with b in Spanish with pictures. We do often need to learn the Spanish language. Due learning a new language, it is important to learn meanings first. If any purpose if you are wondering about animal names starting with the letter b in the Spanish language, See the complete list below.
I have been writing articles since 2002, So, I know what is best for you. I can provide you with the best list of animal names that start with b in Spanish.
So, Whether you are interested in wildlife and animals as pets or want to improve your vocabulary in the Spanish language.
Check out this 50 list of animals that start with b in Spanish with images.
50 Animals that start with b in Spanish
English | Spanish |
1. Baboon | Babuino |
2. Badger | Tejón |
3. Balinese | Balinés (breed of cat) |
4. Banded Palm Civet | CÃveta de palma rayada |
5. Bandicoot | Bandicut (similar in Spanish) |
6. Barb | Barbo |
7. Barn Owl | Lechuza común |
8. Barracuda | Barracuda |
9. Barramundi Fish | Pez barramundi |
10. Basenji Dog | Perro basenji |
11. Basking Shark | Tiburón peregrino |
12. Bassador | Bassador (mixed breed) |
13. Bat | Murciélago |
14. Bavarian Mountain Hound | Sabueso de montaña bávaro |
15. Beagle | Beagle |
16. Bear | Oso |
17. Beaver | Castor |
18. Bedlington Terrier | Terrier Bedlington |
19. Beetle | Escarabajo |
20. Bengal Tiger | Tigre de Bengala |
21. Bernese Mountain Dog | Perro de montaña Bernés |
22. Bichon Frise | Bichón frisé |
23. Binturong | Binturong |
24. Bird | Pájaro |
25. Birman | Birmano (breed of cat) |
30 Animals that start with B
- Bear
- Butterfly
- Bat
- Bee
- Bison
- Baboon
- Blue Jay
- Barracuda
- Bullfrog
- Bumblebee
- Booby (bird)
- Bonito (fish)
- Budgerigar (parakeet)
- Barnacle
- Bluebird
- Beluga Whale
- Binturong (bearcat)
- Bull
- Beetle
- Blobfish
- Boar
- Barramundi Fish
- Bengal Tiger
- Bald Eagle
- Bongo (antelope)
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Black Widow Spider
- Brown Pelican
- Blowfish
- Bobcat