Bury Verb Forms – Bury Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3 Forms of Bury

Bury Verb Forms, Base Form, Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3

1.Base Form (Infinitive) (V1):Bury
2.Simple Past (V2):Buried
3.Past Participle (V3):Buried
4.Present Participle (-ing):Burying
5.3rd Person Singular (-es):Buries
Bury Verb Forms

Synonyms Words For Bury

  • Inter
  • Entomb
  • Inhume
  • Sepulcher
  • Lay to rest
  • Plant
  • Cover
  • Hide
  • Conceal
  • Immure

Conjugation of Bury

Present Simple Tense:

SubjectConjugated Verb

Present Continuous Tense:

SubjectConjugated Verb
Iam burying
Youare burying
He/She/Itis burying
Weare burying
Theyare burying

Past Simple Tense:

SubjectConjugated Verb

Past Continuous Tense:

SubjectConjugated Verb
Iwas burying
Youwere burying
He/She/Itwas burying
Wewere burying
Theywere burying

Future Simple Tense:

SubjectConjugated Verb
Iwill bury
Youwill bury
He/She/Itwill bury
Wewill bury
Theywill bury

Examples of Bury

  1. John buried his dog in the backyard after it passed away.
  2. The treasure was buried deep underground, waiting to be discovered by adventurers.
  3. She decided to bury her past mistakes and focus on building a better future.
  4. The old town was buried under several feet of snow during the winter storm.
  5. The detective uncovered new evidence that was buried in the suspect’s backyard.
  6. The secret document was buried among a stack of old papers, hidden from prying eyes.
  7. The archaeologists carefully buried the ancient artifacts they discovered, ensuring their preservation.
  8. The news of the scandal was quickly buried by more sensational headlines.
  9. The feeling of sadness was temporarily buried beneath a facade of happiness.
  10. The sun began to set, slowly burying the horizon in hues of orange and pink.

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.