Common Noun: Definition, List of Words & Examples

A common noun is a particular name of any person, place, thing, or idea, like “dog,” “city,” “book,” or “idea.” It doesn’t need capitalization unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence.

What is a Common Noun?

A common noun is a particular name of any person, place, thing, or idea, like “dog,” “city,” or “book.”

Common nouns can be either one thing or more than one thing. If you have just one, you write it as it is. If you have more than one, you usually add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the end of the word.

These common words can be countable or uncountable. According to their size, mass, and Quantity.

Common Noun

Examples of a common noun


  • Person: man, woman, child, teacher, doctor, friend


  • Country: India, Brazil, Japan
  • City: New York, Tokyo, Paris
  • Town: Smallville, Midtown
  • Island: Bali, Maui, Madagascar
  • Village: Greenfield, Riverside


  • Book: novel, textbook, magazine
  • Desk: table, workstation, writing desk
  • Water: river, lake, ocean
  • Clothes: shirt, dress, jeans, hat
  • Toy: ball, doll, puzzle
  • Car: sedan, truck, bicycle


  • Anger: frustration, rage, irritation
  • Loyalty: devotion, faithfulness, allegiance
  • Memory: recollection, remembrance, retention
  • Honesty: truthfulness, integrity, sincerity

Read more List of common nouns and proper noun with examples

Examples of Common Noun are in Sentences

  1. I found an interesting book at the library.
  2. The teacher explained the lesson patiently to the students.
  3. We went for a walk in the beautiful park.
  4. She left her keys on the desk in the office.
  5. The man smiled and greeted everyone in the room.
  6. The children played with a colorful toy in the backyard.
  7. We took a refreshing drink of cool water after the hike.
  8. The city was bustling with activity and noise.
  9. The cozy village had charming cottages and friendly neighbors.
  10. The woman wore a stylish hat to the event.
  11. I drove my car to the store to buy some groceries.
  12. The island was surrounded by clear blue water.
  13. The baby giggled as the father played peek-a-boo.
  14. The town had a small but thriving community market.
  15. The child eagerly opened the gift to find a new toy.
  16. The ocean waves crashed against the sandy shore.
  17. The doctor prescribed medicine to help with the illness.
  18. A cozy cottage sat at the edge of the quiet lake.
  19. The friend offered a helping hand during a difficult time.
  20. Clothes of all colors hung on the laundry line to dry.

List of Common Noun Words

  1. Teacher
  2. Student
  3. Waiter
  4. Artist
  5. Pilot
  6. Chef
  7. Musician
  8. Athlete
  9. Baker
  10. Gardener
  11. Police Officer
  12. Actor
  13. Nurse
  14. Engineer
  15. Scientist
  16. Photographer
  17. Plumber
  18. Carpenter
  19. Receptionist
  20. Writer
  21. Farmer
  22. Electrician
  23. Salesperson
  24. Librarian
  25. Janitor
  26. Park
  27. School
  28. Hospital
  29. Beach
  30. Restaurant
  31. Library
  32. Stadium
  33. Mall
  34. Theater
  35. Zoo
  36. Gym
  37. Museum
  38. Church
  39. Office
  40. Market
  41. Farm
  42. Airport
  43. Café
  44. Lake
  45. Playground
  46. City
  47. Mountain
  48. Forest
  49. River
  50. Computer
  51. Bicycle
  52. Phone
  53. Chair
  54. Table
  55. Lamp
  56. Television
  57. Refrigerator
  58. Shoes
  59. Watch
  60. Glasses
  61. Wallet
  62. Camera
  63. Backpack
  64. Umbrella
  65. Soccer ball
  66. Guitar
  67. Bookshelf
  68. Pillow
  69. Plate
  70. Fork
  71. Love
  72. Courage
  73. Patience
  74. Curiosity
  75. Generosity
  76. Friendship
  77. Creativity
  78. Respect
  79. Gratitude
  80. Determination
  81. Hope
  82. Empathy
  83. Loyalty
  84. Happiness
  85. Responsibility
  86. Honesty
  87. Compassion
  88. Wisdom
  89. Tolerance
  90. Forgiveness

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Krishna Sahani

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