Conclusion in a sentence: Examples

Let’s see the examples of a conclusion in a sentence in this post you will come to know unique examples of conclusion sentence that is useful for all classes with synonyms.

Definition: A conclusion is the final part or outcome of something, often a result of reasoning or analysis.

Synonyms: End, finale, termination, resolution, deduction, inference, outcome, verdict, closing, climax, decision, settlement, closing remarks, wrap-up, final thoughts, culmination, endgame, endpoint, wrap, finish, result, consequence

conclusion in a sentence

Conclusion in a sentence

  • The conclusion of the book left readers in awe.
  • Her deduction was that the experiment failed.
  • The concert’s finale was spectacular.
  • We reached a resolution to the issue.
  • The movie’s climax was intense.
  • The closing remarks were heartfelt.
  • Their decision shocked everyone.
  • The settlement was fair to both parties.
  • The endpoint of our journey was breathtaking.
  • What’s your final verdict on the matter?
  • The wrap-up of the meeting was brief.
  • The outcome of the game was unpredictable.
  • The consequence of his actions was severe.
  • The culmination of years of hard work.
  • The ending of the story was bittersweet.
  • The judgment in the court case was just.
  • Inference suggests a different conclusion.
  • Their final thoughts echoed our own.
  • The closing statement summarized it all.
  • The finishing touch made it perfect.
  • The result of the test surprised me.
  • We’ve reached the end of the road.
  • What’s your opinion on this matter?
  • Deduction is a crucial skill in logic.
  • The closing ceremony was magnificent.
  • The climax of the play was dramatic.
  • This marks the conclusion of our journey.
  • The endpoint is just around the corner.
  • The outcome exceeded our expectations.
  • What’s the wrap-up for today’s meeting?
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