Forms of Legible – Past Tense, Past Participle V1 V2 V3 Form Of Legible

Learn Forms of Legible Past Tense, Past Participle V1 V2 V3, Legible meaning.

Legible refers to something that is clear and easy to read or understand. It is an important quality in various aspects of communication, such as writing, typography, signage, and design. Legibility plays a crucial role in ensuring that information, text, or visuals are readily comprehensible and accessible to the intended audience.

When content is legible, it facilitates effective communication, enhances readability, and reduces the chances of confusion or misinterpretation. Whether it is a printed document, a digital interface, or any form of visual representation, legibility is essential for conveying information accurately and efficiently.

FormPresent TensePast TensePresent ParticiplePast Participle
Base FormLegibleLegibledLegiblingLegibled
Third PersonLegiblesLegibledLegiblingLegibled
InfinitiveTo LegibleLegibledTo LegiblingLegibled

What is legible?

“Legible” refers to something that is clear and easy to read or understand. It describes text, handwriting, or any form of communication that is written or printed in a way that allows the reader to easily decipher and comprehend the content. Legibility is important in ensuring effective communication and preventing confusion or misinterpretation.

Definition of legibility

Legibility refers to the quality or state of being clear, readable, or easily decipherable. It relates to how easily letters, words, or symbols can be distinguished and comprehended without causing confusion or difficulty.

Legibility is important in various contexts, such as handwriting, typography, signage, printed materials, or digital interfaces


Synonyms of Legible

  • Readable
  • Clear
  • Decipherable
  • Comprehensible
  • Understandable
  • Plain
  • Distinct
  • Intelligible
  • Apparent
  • Lucid

Examples of Legible

Here are some examples of sentences using the word “legible”:

  1. Please make sure your handwriting is clear and legible on the exam paper.
  2. The font size on the sign was too small, making it difficult to read and not very legible.
  3. The ink had smudged, making the text on the document barely legible.
  4. The typewriter produced crisp and legible letters on the page.
  5. The book was old and worn, causing some of the text to be faded and barely legible.


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