50 Gen Z Slangs Words, Phrases, Lingo and What they Mean

By Alex

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Explore the latest Gen Z slangs: Stay updated on the coolest and most relevant terms used by the youngest generation. From ‘yeet’ to ‘savage,’ uncover the language that’s shaping today’s pop culture.

What is gen z slangs?

Generation Z, often referred to as Gen Z, is known for creating and adopting a variety of slang terms and phrases that reflect their unique culture and experiences. Slang is ever-evolving, and its popularity can vary by region and subculture. Like example below;

Bae: A term of endearment for a romantic partner, short for “before anyone else.”

Simp: Originally referring to someone who is overly attentive or generous to gain someone’s affection, it’s often used humorously or ironically.

Noob: Short for “newbie,” it’s used to describe someone who is inexperienced or inexperienced in a particular area.

Cancel Culture: The practice of withdrawing support for individuals or entities that are deemed offensive or problematic.

Slide into DMs: To send a direct message to someone on social media, often with romantic or flirtatious intentions.

50 Gen Z Slang Words With Meanings

Yeet: To express excitement, enthusiasm, or approval.

Lit: Used to describe something exciting, impressive, or excellent.

Fam: A term of endearment for friends or a close-knit group.

Savage: Complimentary term for someone who’s fearless or confident.

Flex: To show off or boast, often about one’s achievements.

Tea: Gossip or insider information.

Clout: Social influence or popularity.

Vibe: The overall feeling or atmosphere of a situation.

Glow Up: A significant transformation, usually in appearance or lifestyle.

Cap: To lie or exaggerate. “No cap” means “no lie.”

Ghost: To suddenly stop communicating with someone, often in dating.

Mood: Expression of agreement or relatability.

Bet: Agreement or confirmation.

GOAT: Acronym for “Greatest of All Time.”

Bae: Term of endearment for a romantic partner.

Simp: Originally refers to someone overly attentive for affection, often used humorously.

Noob: Someone inexperienced in a particular area.

Cancel Culture: Withdrawing support for problematic individuals or entities.

Slide into DMs: To send a direct message, often with romantic intentions.

FOMO: Acronym for “Fear of Missing Out.”

On Fleek: Means something is perfect or flawless.

Woke: Being socially and politically aware.

Stan: An enthusiastic and devoted fan of someone or something.

Slay: To excel or perform exceptionally well.

TBH: Acronym for “To Be Honest.”

Sip Tea: To mind one’s business or avoid drama.

Extra: Over-the-top or dramatic behavior.

Lowkey: To do something discreetly or secretly.

Highkey: To do something openly or strongly.

Sksksk: An expression of excitement or amusement.

And I Oop: Expressing surprise or realization.

Yasss: An enthusiastic yes or agreement.

FOMO: Acronym for “Fear of Missing Out.”

AF: Abbreviation for “as f***,” used for emphasis.

Hundo P: Short for “a hundred percent,” meaning full agreement.

Lit AF: Extremely exciting or impressive.

G.O.A.T.: Acronym for “Greatest of All Time.”

TBT: Acronym for “Throwback Thursday.”

Wig: Expressing amazement or astonishment.

Flexin’: Bragging or showing off.

Sis: Term of endearment or address for a woman.

Sus: Short for “suspicious.”

Ratchet: Tacky, low-class, or messy.

Bop: A catchy and enjoyable song.

Thirsty: Desperate for attention or approval.

Ship: Short for “relationship,” referring to a desired romantic pairing.

Spill the Tea: Share gossip or information.

Lituation: A situation that’s exciting or lit.

Savage AF: Extremely fearless or confident.

Gucci: Meaning “good” or “cool.”

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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