Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip (2023)

I’m gonna be showing you all Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip and I’m also gonna show you guys how I make a ranch dip and that we um that I also make some time so let’s get started it’s really nothing fancy I just buy this dry ranch seasoning and salad dressing mix and I follow the instructions on the back and sometimes I add a few seasonings to it give or take

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip

but we’re just we’re gonna need some dry ranch seasoning buttermilk and some mayonnaise for the salad dressing nothing sometimes I add a little bit more than a cup of buttermilk, Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip because with the Mayo sometimes, it can taste a little male Bates. so I add a little bit of the buttermilk to offset it.

so, whether with this ranch dressing you have to kind of taste it and play around with it because the ingredients on the back will tell you um one cup of mayo and one cup of milk, but Mayo is very strong, and if you don’t like Mayo I was to just use a little bit more buttermilk then um a little bit but look them Mayo.

so now at the last step which is making sure you taste it before you’re literally going because you can add more or TV that you powder the movie daily so I actually just lied to you guys on the back it says one cup of buttermilk one cup of mayo and three tablespoons of the renting season so instead of three.

I actually did about three and a half and might have been four and don’t laugh at what I’m pouring it in getting you your own [Music] this is a how many ounces of a 16-ounce it might be don’t be a little bit I think I think it’s 24 so the recipe is supposed to make 16 ounces but because I add it more buttermilk I got a little bit more but we got a whole jar and you shall a bit I like to give it one more.

last little shaking bait and we’re gonna put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes at the least before you start to taste it yo let it get nice and chill put on you some salad some vegetables anything you want to eat some ranch oh okay damn now another easy part this is for wrench this actual wrench deal like for carrots celery again.

anything you want to get some ranch in here you go this time we only need the ranch seasoning and some good old sour cream this recipe is also on the back so we just need some
sour cream and another three tablespoons of our ranch just get us started cuz you have gotta make sure you mix from the bottom you can do it in a bowl I think it’s very convenient to do it in a container like this.

because you see you get you don’t have to wash a dish and you still gotta put it in the fridge to chill so why not just have a market ranch dip in that sour cream once you get it all mixed up make sure you mix it from the bottom and mix it very well because that dry powder will get stuck in some places and I would taste it before you put it in the fridge just because you might need., a little more wrench you might not it’s really to your taste.

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip

But now again just like the salesperson we’re gonna put this in the refrigerator or at least 30 minutes before you dip some chips carrot celery or whatever you’re gonna dip in it I would not suggest that you sell it in the sour cream dip, it doesn’t taste too good but even way to each his own if you try this maybe either of these ranch recipes makes sure you let your girl know how it tastes so how you like it.

Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch Dip

See Also


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.