List of Insects With Alphabetical Order

Hi, there! Are you looking for an Insects name? Here I gonna cover the list of insects’ names in alphabetical order. Check out the complete list of insects in alphabetical order.

Insects are tiny animals with six legs and three body segments. They are found all around the world, from your backyard to deep forests. Ants, bees, butterflies, and mosquitoes are common examples of insects.

They play essential roles in nature, like pollinating flowers and helping in the decomposition of organic matter. Insects come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them fascinating to study and observe.

Some insects, like ladybugs, are beneficial to gardens as they eat harmful pests. Overall, insects are a diverse and crucial part of our ecosystem.

Read Also | 100+ List of Insects name in English

Alphabetical list of insects

Insect NameInsects Image
AntInsects names
HoneybeeBee Fly
Praying MantisPraying Mantis
Stink BugGreen Stink Bug
Walking StickWalking Stick
Yellow JacketYellow Jacket
Zebra LongwingZebra Longwing

Animal crossing list of insects

InsectInsects Image
Common Butterflycommon butterflly
Yellow ButterflyYellow Butterfly
Tiger ButterflyTiger Butterfly
Peacock ButterflyPeacock Butterfly
Emperor ButterflyEmperor Butterfly
Agrias ButterflyAgrias Butterfly
Rajah Brooke’s BirdwingRajah Brooke's Birdwing
Queen Alexandra’s BirdwingQueen Alexandra's Birdwing
Atlas MothAtlas Moth
Madagascan Sunset MothMadagascan Sunset Moth

List of aquatic insects

Insect NameDescription
MosquitoSmall flying insect, known for biting
DragonflyLong-bodied insect with large wings
MayflyDelicate insect, often found near water
DamselflySimilar to dragonflies, but smaller
CaddisflyAquatic insect with a protective case
Water StriderInsect that can walk on water surfaces
StoneflyWinged insect, commonly found in streams
Water BoatmanAn aquatic insect that swims upside down
BackswimmerInsects that can walk on water surfaces
Diving BeetleBeetle adapted for swimming underwater

List of tiny animals and insects

  • Ants
  • Bees
  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes
  • Ladybugs
  • Spiders
  • Butterflies
  • Grasshoppers
  • Fireflies
  • Beetles
  • Caterpillars
  • Crickets
  • Aphids
  • Fleas
  • Mites

List of beneficial insects in agriculture

1. Ladybugs (Ladybirds): They consume aphids and other plant-eating pests.

2. Lacewings: Their larvae feed on aphids, mealybugs, and other soft-bodied insects.

3. Praying Mantises: They prey on a variety of pests, including flies, crickets, and grasshoppers.

4. Hoverflies: Their larvae eat aphids, while the adults are essential pollinators.

5. Parasitic Wasps: They lay eggs inside pest insects, helping control their populations.

6. Ground Beetles: They feed on slugs, snails, and insect larvae in the soil.

7. Minute Pirate Bugs: These small insects consume thrips, mites, and aphids.

8. Green Lacewings: Similar to lacewings, their larvae are voracious aphid hunters.

9. Tachinid Flies: They parasitize caterpillars and beetles, controlling their numbers.

10. Trichogramma Wasps: They lay their eggs in the eggs of pests like moths, reducing their population.

List of Australian insects

  • Australian Tiger Beetle
  • Australian Carpenter Bee
  • Green Tree Ant
  • Australian Paper Wasp
  • Jewel Beetle
  • Australian Giant Water Bug
  • Blue Ant (Flower Wasp)
  • Australian Stick Insect (Phasmids)
  • Orchid Mantis
  • Australian Dragonfly
  • Blue-banded Bee
  • Australian Robber Fly
  • Huntsman Spider
  • Golden Stag Beetle
  • Australian Cicada

List of insects and their scientific name

  • Honeybee – Apis mellifera
  • Monarch butterfly – Danaus plexippus
  • Ladybug – Coccinella septempunctata
  • Dragonfly – Anisoptera (order)
  • Mosquito – Culicidae (family)
  • Ant – Formicidae (family)
  • Grasshopper – Caelifera (order)
  • Housefly – Musca domestica
  • Firefly – Lampyridae (family)
  • Butterfly – Lepidoptera (order)
  • Bumblebee – Bombus (genus)
  • Fruit fly – Drosophila melanogaster
  • Cockroach – Blattodea (order)
  • Beetle – Coleoptera (order)
  • Cicada – Cicadidae (family)


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.