Nonrenewable Resources With Examples | Spoken English Tips

What are non-renewable resources? Why it is important to know everyone, let’s know about the amazing facts about nonrenewable resources with examples.

Hello readers, 

Do you want to know about nonrenewable resources? then you are at the correct place. Here I am going to share about the importance of nonrenewable resources.

Nonrenewable resources are limited in nature. So Before It consumes let’s know about basic information.

Trust me after reading this information your all questions will be cleared about nonrenewable resources.

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Nonrenewable Resources With Examples

Renewable and nonrenewable resources are two types of energy sources that human society uses to function on a daily basis. The difference between these resources is that renewable resources can produce more while nonrenewable resources cannot.

Nonrenewable Resources With Examples

As you know these resources are very limited in nature. This is because the process of renewal of these sources is very slow. Unfortunately, Overall humans totally depend on these resources.

One day these resources are going to end like coal, liquid oil, Natural gas, Nuclear energy, Biomass Energy, etc. 

Most of the non-renewable resources are called fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Carbon is the main important element on the earth.

There is one common thing in fossil fuels, they formed ancient wetlands, plants, algae, and plankton grew.

1. Coal

Coal is a black or brownish rock. It remains of plants and animals that died hundreds of millions of years ago. We use to generate energy from coal for Electricity, Cooking food, etc. 

In ancient times coal was used in trains as fuel. But nowadays it is used in many industries. 

Coal is also harmful. It releases many toxic gases and pollutes our atmosphere. Coal mining can also cause underground fires to burn for decades.

2. Natural Gas

Natural gas is found underground The Earth is another fossil fuel that is mostly used as a source of energy for nonrenewal resources.

It consists mostly of methane gas. We use Natural gas for cooking food or for the heating process.

The decomposing material in landfills releases methane that smells like rotten eggs. 

Natural gas also converts into liquid gas called LNG. LNG ( Liquefied natural gas ) liquid gas is much clear than all fossil fuels.

3. Liquid OIL

It is also a Fossil fuel called crude oil. This is also one of the most important nonrenewable resources on Earth. Liquid oil is founds underground trapped by rocks.

Now you have questions, How it will have made? So let me inform you, that liquid oil is the decay of animals thousands of years ago and preserved as Tar.

In ancient times millions of big animals were living like dinosaurs etc.  

4. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy generates power through fission, which is the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy.

Also called Atomic energy, an energy that is released in significant amounts in processes that affect the atomic nuclei of crores of atoms.

It is also used to generate Energy and nowadays more than 30 countries are using it.

5. Biomass Energy

Biomass Energy is found in plants and Trees. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants, such as corn and soy.

The energy from these organisms can be burned to create heat or converted into electricity.

What is a good example of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is electricity generated by a nuclear reactor, which is the major power source used in Japan

Where is biomass energy used?

Biomass is the only renewable energy source that can be converted into liquid biofuels. Biofuel is used to power vehicles.

What are 6 Non renewable resources?

Natural gas
Nuclear energy

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Question 1: How is biomass energy generated?

Biomass Energy is generated by burning in a combustor or furnace to generate hot gas, which is fed into a boiler to generate steam, which is expanded through a steam turbine or steam engine to produce mechanical or electrical energy.

So these are the Examples of Nonrenewable resources, You can Download nonrenewable resource images for Free and use them for learning.

I hope you love this article now it’s your turn to learn all these. Thanks for reading.

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.