100 Sentence With Very for Kindergarten

List of 100 Sentence With Very for Kindergarten. Sometimes it is difficult to find sentences while teaching students. If you are looking for sentences with very for kindergarten then you must see below the complete list where I have shared with you a huge list of sentences using very for beginners.

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100 Sentence with very for Kindergarten

1. I am very happy to see you!

2. The sun is very bright today.

3. My teddy bear is very fluffy.

4. Ice cream is very tasty.

5. The cat is very soft.

6. I am very excited for school.

7. It’s very important to share.

8. The flowers are very colorful.

9. I have a very big smile.

10. Rainbows are very pretty.

11. The butterfly is very delicate.

12. I am very good at drawing.

13. The elephant is very large.

14. I feel very silly today.

15. This puzzle is very fun.

16. I have a very special friend.

17. The moon is very shiny.

18. My mom is very nice.

19. It’s very cold in winter.

20. I am very brave.

21. The car is very fast.

22. The bear is very sleepy.

23. I have a very tiny toy.

24. Playing is very important.

25. I am very good at sharing.

26. The rainbow has very bright colors.

27. The cake is very delicious.

28. I am very good at counting.

29. The train is very loud.

30. My shoes are very shiny.

31. The dinosaur is very scary.

32. I have a very big hug for you.

33. The giraffe has a very long neck.

34. I am very kind to my friends.

35. The robot is very cool.

36. I am very happy to learn.

37. The bird sings very beautifully.

38. I have a very cozy blanket.

39. The fish is very colorful.

40. My smile is very big today.

41. The monkey is very playful.

42. I am very good at listening.

43. The sunflower is very tall.

44. I have a very shiny crown.

45. I am very proud of myself.

46. The spider is very small.

47. I am very good at sharing toys.

48. The rainbow has very pretty colors.

49. I have a very special teddy bear.

50. The snail is very slow.

51. I am very good at saying sorry.

52. The rocket is very fast.

53. I have a very big imagination.

54. The turtle is very slow.

55. I am very good at saying thank you.

56. The star is very shiny at night.

57. I have a very bouncy ball.

58. The penguin is very cute.

59. I am very good at being kind.

60. The cupcake is very sweet.

61. I have a very warm blanket.

62. I am very good at taking turns.

63. The bee is very busy.

64. I am very good at cleaning up.

65. The dragon is very friendly.

66. I have a very loud laugh.

67. I am very good at saying please.

68. The moon is very round.

69. I have a very jumpy frog.

70. I am very good at tying my shoes.

71. The owl is very wise.

72. I have a very colorful kite.

73. I am very good at saying excuse me.

74. The rainbow has very vibrant colors.

75. I have a very soft pillow.

76. I am very good at being patient.

77. The robot is very helpful.

78. I have a very sparkly crown.

79. I am very good at following directions.

80. The fish is very happy.

81. I have a very bumpy toy.

82. I am very good at making friends.

83. The bear is very cuddly.

84. I have a very big book.

85. I am very good at being honest.

86. The rainbow has very bold colors.

87. I have a very wiggly worm.

88. I am very good at being respectful.

89. The rocket is very loud.

90. I have a very tall tower.

91. I am very good at being responsible.

92. The sun is very warm.

93. I have a very shiny star.

94. I am very good at being helpful.

95. The bear is very fuzzy.

96. I have a very big heart.

97. I am very good at being a good friend.

98. The rainbow has very cheerful colors.

99. I have a very jingling bell.

100. I am very proud of my artwork.

William Pots

I am William form Kansas City, I have done BTech from science Background. I am a professional English content writer. My profession is writing about colleges, schools, and communication.