50 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense Examples

The Present Continuous Tense is used to describe actions or situations that are happening right now or are in progress at the moment of speaking. It is formed using the present tense of the verb “to be” (am, is, are) + the base form of the main verb + -ing. For Example: I am eating breakfast.

Affirmative Sentences

  1. I am eating dinner right now.
  2. She is studying for her exams.
  3. They are playing soccer in the park.
  4. He is watching a movie at the moment.
  5. We are dancing to our favorite song.
  6. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  7. My parents are cooking dinner together.
  8. The children are laughing and having fun.
  9. Sarah is reading a book in the library.
  10. It is raining heavily outside.
  11. The construction workers are building a new skyscraper.
  12. I am taking a break from work.
  13. The dog is chasing its tail in the yard.
  14. Maria is painting a beautiful landscape.
  15. They are hiking in the mountains.
  16. The chef is preparing a delicious meal.
  17. My friends are playing video games.
  18. The baby is crawling on the floor.
  19. Lisa is practicing her guitar skills.
  20. Tom and Jerry are arguing again.
  21. The sun is setting over the horizon.
  22. The teacher is explaining a difficult concept.
  23. The mechanic is fixing the car’s engine.
  24. The birds are singing in the trees.
  25. John is jogging in the park.
  26. The baby is giggling with joy.
  27. Susan is knitting a sweater for her niece.
  28. The scientists are conducting experiments in the lab.
  29. The kids are swimming in the pool.
  30. The chef is tasting the soup for seasoning.

Negative Sentences

  1. She is not studying for the exam right now.
  2. They are not playing video games at the moment.
  3. I am not cooking dinner tonight.
  4. He is not watching TV this evening.
  5. We are not attending the meeting tomorrow.
  6. She is not working on the project today.
  7. They are not talking on the phone currently.
  8. I am not wearing a jacket in this warm weather.
  9. He is not reading a book at the moment.
  10. We are not going to the party next week.

Interrogative Sentences

  1. Are you eating dinner right now?
  2. Is she working on a new project this week?
  3. Are they watching a movie at the cinema tonight?
  4. Is he studying for his upcoming exams?
  5. Are we going to the beach this weekend?
  6. Are the children playing in the park this afternoon?
  7. Is it raining outside at the moment?
  8. Are you and your friend traveling together next month?
  9. Are the guests enjoying the party so far?
  10. Is your brother cooking dinner tonight?
Sentences of Present Continuous
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