What color is cyan? Shades of Cyan Color

The cyan color looks greenish-blue and has special shades and colorings. The cyan color was named in 1879. “cyan blue” was the name used for “cyan” in the 19th century. Cyan colors are used as primary colors like yellow and Magenta.

What color is cyan?

Cyan is pronounced as ‘sai-an’. It is the color between green and blue on the visible spectrum of light that represents cleanliness, Cyan is a relaxing and inspiring color that shows crystal images of water. It is associated with energy and liveliness.

Cyan is also a popular ink used in four-color printing, along with magenta, yellow, and black; this set of colors is known as CMYK. In printing, cyan ink is also known as printer’s cyan, process blue.

Cyan color meaning

The colour cyan has an intriguing symbolism and has been associated with tranquility, feeling good, and brightness since its discovery.

The hex value of the basic cyan color in HTML is #00FFFF, while the RGB value of the base cyan colour in HTML is RGB (0, 255, 255).

Shades of Cyan Color Names

Sr. NoColor ImageColor Namecyan color code
1what color is cyanCyanf0f8ff
2what color is cyanAlice bluef0f8ff
3what color is cyanAqua00ffff
4what color is cyanAquamarine00ffbf
5what color is cyanAzure whitef0ffff
6what color is cyanBlue-green0d98ba
7what color is cyanCapri00bfff
8what color is cyanCaribbean Current006d6f
9what color is cyanCelesteb2ffff
10what color is cyanCerulean007ba7
11what color is cyanDark cyan008b8b
12what color is cyanElectric blue7df9ff
13what color is cyanFluorescent blue15f4ee
14what color is cyanIce blue99ffff
15what color is cyanJungle green29ab87
16what color is cyanLight cyane0ffff
17what color is cyanLight sea green20b2aa
18what color is cyanMagic mintaaf0d1
19what color is cyanMedium turquoise48d1cc
20what color is cyanMint3eb489
21what color is cyanPacific Blue1ca9c9
22what color is cyanPersian green00a693
23what color is cyanPine green01796f
24what color is cyanPowder blueb0e0e6
25what color is cyanRobin egg blue00cccc
26what color is cyanSea green2e8b57
27what color is cyanSkobeloff007a74
28what color is cyanSky blue87ceeb
29what color is cyanSpring green00ff7f
30what color is cyanTiffany Blue81d8d0
31what color is cyanTeal008080
32what color is cyanTurquoise40e0d0
33what color is cyanTurquoise blue00ffef
34what color is cyanVerdigris43b3ae
35what color is cyanVivid sky blue00ccff

List Of Cyan Color Shades


Cyan is one of the colours available to players in Among Us. They look to be friends with Green and Orange.

light cyan color: The hex code for Light Cyan is #E0FFFF. The comparable RGB values are (224, 255, 255), which implies it is made up of 31% red, 35% green, and 35% blue.


Alice blue

Color Alice Blue #F0F8FF

Alice blue


Aqua is a light greenish-blue colour with the hex code #00FFFF



Aquamarine is a colour that is a light tint of spring green, in between cyan and green on the colour wheel. It’s hex color code 00ffbf


Azure white

On the visible light spectrum, the colour is between cyan and blue. It is frequently described as the hue of a clear day’s sky. Its hex color code is f0ffff

Azure white


Blue-green is the colour that is between green and blue. It belongs to the cyan family of colors. Its hex color code is 0d98ba



Capri or in-depth sky blue is a deep shade of sky blue which is between cyan and azure on the colour wheel. Its hex color code is 00bfff.


Caribbean Current

A deep shade of cyan is indicated by the hexadecimal colour #006d6f. 0% red, 42.75% green and 43.53% blue make up the RGB colour code #006d6f.

Caribbean current


Sometimes this tincture is referred to as just celeste. The tincture azure, the classic blue used in heraldry, is shown in a lighter hue than the variety of shades used for the more common shades of blue. Its hex color code is b2ffff.



Cerulean also spelled caerulean, is a shade of blue ranging between azure and a darker sky blue.Its hex color code is 007ba7.


Dark cyan

Dark Cyan is a bright, lively greenish-blue. Its hex code is #008b8b.

Dark cyan

Electric blue

Electric blue is a shade whose meaning varies but is often considered close to cyan, and which is a representation of the colour of lightning. Its hex code is #7df9ff.

Electric blue

Fluorescent blue

Fluorescence is the cyan color family which means emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation. Its hex code is #15f4ee.

Fluorescent blue

Ice blue

Its hex code is #99ffff.

Ice blue

Jungle green

Its hex code is #29ab87.

Jungle green

Light cyan

Its hex code is #e0ffff.

Light cyan

Light sea green

Its hex code is #20b2aa.

Light sea green

Magic mint

Its hex code is #aaf0d1.

Magic mint

Medium turquoise

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #48d1cc.

Medium turquoise


Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #3eb489.


Pacific Blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #1ca9c9.

Pacific blue

Persian green

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #00a693.

Persian green

Pine green

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #01796f.

Pine green

Powder blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #b0e0e6.

Powder blue

Robin egg blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #00cccc.

Robin egg blue

Sea green

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #2e8b57.

Sea green


Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #007a74.


Sky blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #87ceeb.

Sky blue

Spring green

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #00ff7f.

Spring green

Tiffany Blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #81d8d0.

Tiffany Blue


Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #008080.



Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #40e0d0.


Turquoise blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #00ffef.

Turquoise blue


Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #43b3ae.


Vivid sky blue

Belongs to The Cyan colour family and Its hex code is #00ccff.

Vivid sky blue


What colour is cyan?

Cyan is pronounced as ‘sai-an’. It is the color between green and blue on the visible spectrum of light that represents cleanliness

what color is cyan blue?
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What does the color cyan look like?
What is cyan color?


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

1 thought on “What color is cyan? Shades of Cyan Color”

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