25 Shades of Red Orange Color Names, With Hex Codes

Looking forward to the shades of the red-orange color name, orange color names, and what is orange-red color called. As we know, the orange is the mixing between yellow and red on the visible light spectrum.

Human eyes can see orange colour. With a dominant wavelength between, 585 and 620 nanometers.

The red colour may refer to scarlet colour, orange-red web colour. The secondary colour of mixing by yellow and red.

In the RGB model, it is a territory colour. There are many fruits and vegetables colours in orange For example, carrots, pumpkins, and oranges, and orange colours come from carotenes, these pigments transform the solar light energy that plants absorb into chemical energy for plant growth.

Similarly, the colors of autumn leaves are derived from the same pigment after the chlorophyll has been removed.

Red Orange Color Name
Red Orange Color Name

25 Shades of Red Orange Color Names

Here is the list of shades of red orange color name with image, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes.

Dark orange

Dark orange is the hue color in the orange family. It is darker than other than the basic orange color. It has a more magenta undertone.

All shades of orange names

Get the shades of orange names information about all orange color codes and variations with names, hex codes, RGB codes, and CMYK.

Dark Orange
Hex #FF8C00
RGB 255, 140, 0
CMYK 0, 45, 100, 0

Aerospace orange

International orange, which is similar to safety orange but darker and reddish in tone, is a hue used in the aerospace sector to distinguish things from their surroundings.

Aerospace orange Hex triplet #FF4F00
sRGBB (r, g, b) (255, 79, 0)
HSV (h, s, v) (19°, 100%, 100%)

Alloy orange

One of the hues in the unique Metallic FX collection of metallic Crayola crayons, created by Crayola in 2001, is alloy orange. Even though this is meant to be a shiny color

Alloy Orange
Hex #C35214
RGB 195, 82, 20
CMYK 0, 58, 90, 24


The color amber is a pure chroma color, located on the color wheel midway between the colors of yellow and orange. The color name is derived from the material also known as amber, which is commonly found in a range of yellow-orange-brown-red colors.

Hex #FFC600
RGB 255, 198, 0
CMYK 0, 22, 100, 0


An Apricot is a bright yellowish-orangeish color that resembles apricots. It is, however, paler than genuine apricots.

Apricot Orange
RGB 251, 206, 177
CMYK 0, 18, 29, 2

Atomic Tangerine

Orange has a wavelength of around 585 to 620 nm in optics and a hue of 30° in HSV color space. As perceived in the RGB color space, it is a secondary color numerically midway between gamma-compressed red and yellow.

Atomic Tangerine
Hex #FF9966
RGB 255, 153, 102
CMYK 0, 40, 60, 0

Brown orange

Brown is a color. It can be considered a composite colour, but it is mainly a darker shade of orange. In the CMYK colour model used in printing or painting, brown is usually made by combining the colours orange and black.

The hex code for brown is #964B00.
RGB (165,42,42)


Orange-red is a bright vibrant colour that symbolizes physical energy. It is incorporated with a high percentage of Red.

Hex #FF4500
RGB 255, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 73, 100, 0


Tomato is a warm reddish-orange colour family that can be compared to the colour of tomato fruit.

Hex #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0


Pumpkin is a color that resembles pumpkins. The first recorded use of pumpkin as a color name in English was in 1922. Pumpkin or orange is used with black for Halloween decorations.

Hex #F5761A
RGB 245, 118, 26
CMYK 0, 52, 89, 4


Orange is the colour between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light.

Hex #FFA836
RGB 255, 168, 54
CMYK 0, 34, 79, 0

Carrot orange

Carrot orange is a tint of orange that is a representation of the colour of the raw carrot vegetable. The first recorded use of carrot orange as a colour name in English was in 1684.

Carrot Orange
Hex #ED9121
RGB 237, 145, 33
CMYK 0, 39, 86, 7

Spanish orange

Spanish orange is the colour that is called anaranjado in the Guía de coloraciones by Rosa Gallego and Juan Carlos Sanz, a colour dictionary published in 2005 that is widely popular in the Hispanophone realm.

Spanish Orange
Hex #F06105
RGB 240, 97, 5
CMYK 0, 60, 98, 6

Princeton orange

The first recorded use of Princeton orange as a colour name in English was in 1928. The colour symbolizes Princeton University and is defined as Pantone 158.

Princeton Orange
Hex #FF8F00
RGB 255, 143, 0
CMYK 0, 44, 100, 0


The first recorded use of saffron as a colour name in English was in 1200. It is considered the most important colour in Hinduism. It is worn by the monks of the Theravada tradition.

Deep Saffron
Hex #FFA52C
RGB 255, 165, 44
CMYK 0, 35, 83, 0

Halloween orange

Halloween orange is a warm, golden, yellowish orange that mimics the hue of an orange acorn squash or a yellowish pumpkin.

Halloween Orange
Hex #EE5921
RGB 238, 89, 33
CMYK 0, 63, 86, 7

Gamboge orange

The colour gamboge has orange undertones and is somewhat comparable to saffron or dark gold.

Hex #E89611
RGB 232, 150, 17
CMYK 0, 35, 93, 9

Vermilion orange

Vermilion is a color family of orange, and pigment most often made, from antiquity until the 19th century, from the powdered mineral cinnabar and its corresponding color. It is very often synonymous with red-orange, which often takes a modern form just 11% brighter

Hex #D74826
RGB 215, 72, 38
CMYK 0, 67, 82, 16


Fulvous is a colour, sometimes described as dull orange, brownish-yellow, or tawny; it can also be likened to a variation of buff, beige, or butterscotch.

Hex #E68000
RGB 230, 128, 0
CMYK 0, 44, 100, 10

Pastel orange

When represented in the HSV colour space, pastels or pastel hues belong to the pale family of hues and have a high value and low saturation.

Pastel Orange
RGB 254, 186, 79
CMYK 0, 27, 69, 0


Flame is a seed of orange colour which is bright warm in vibrant. This colour can be illustrated with fire.

Hex #E34A27
RGB 227, 74, 39
CMYK 0, 67, 83, 11

Beer orange

Pastels or pastel colours are a pale family of colours with high value and low saturation when expressed in the HSV colour system.

Beer Orange
Hex #F28F1C
RGB 242, 143, 28
CMYK 0, 41, 88, 5

Chinese orange

Chinese culture attaches certain values to colours, Chinese orange is a medium orange with faint coral undertones. Chinese orange is similarly similar to a muted salmon pink.

Chinese Orange
Hex #EB6841
RGB 235, 104, 65
CMYK 0, 56, 72, 8

Royal orange

Royal colour is a slightly light orange colour hue. This colour looks great with a variety of skin tones.

Royal Orange
Hex #FF9944
RGB 255, 153, 68
CMYK 0, 40, 73, 0


Bittersweet is a colour of reddish orange with cyan and magenta undertones. It gets its name from a little berry fruit with the same name and colour.

Hex #FE6F5E
RGB 254, 111, 94
CMYK 0, 56, 63, 0


What is a color name for orange red

The color name for orange-red is vermilion. It is used for mixing in paint.

Color name when combining red and orange

The name of color after combining red and orange produces Vermilion colour.


So, this is the information about Red Orange Color Name. I hope you will love this information. Further, if you need updating kindly suggest us and keep following us.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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