Top 4 Challenges Faced By Maths Tutors

By Krishna Sahani

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Education is incomplete without challenges. It gives us a gap where we can apply our knowledge to solve various issues and problems. Similarly, maths is that kind of a subject, which is full of problems.

That is why you will see most students having stereotyped behavior towards the subject. 

And that poses a serious challenge for maths tutors to resolve and impart quality guidance to students. In large, challenges are presumptions of students that create a psychological blockade for them to resolve. 

Therefore, based on the above paragraph, we will discuss the challenges faced by Math tutors in recent times.

Also, we will give them solutions to solve such issues. So, kindly shift your attention to the next section. 

Challenges Faced By Maths Tutors 

Maths is a grey subject, which you need to solve to add some colors to it. However, most students only see shades of grey and do not add colors to it. And that is where the problems come in, giving nights of frustration and irritation to tutors. 

Here are some of the challenges faced by maths tutors, as said by the tutors of Eipimath

Existence of Pre-requisite Knowledge 

Pre-requisite knowledge is dangerous for tutors, as it creates prejudiced behavior in students who lose confidence due to fear of maths. This leads to poor academic scores as well as lower attendance in the tuition class.

Furthermore, it is tougher when the student hasn’t received low scores continuously. 

Therefore, it is better to talk to them before and after the class and give them the confidence to try to solve the problem.

Once they succeed in solving one problem, they look to solve another. Similarly, the chain reaction will certainly remove the psychological blockade from their minds. And you will see an attentive student in the tuition. 

Traditional Method Teaching 

Another challenge comes from the teaching methods, which are basically from traditional form teaching. This is unwelcome to most students, as it makes maths just a subject of numbers.

Also, the black or whiteboard does not help the cause to grow their attention towards maths. 

Therefore, you need to use technology as the best way to grab the attention of students and get them to focus on maths. Today, several games can certainly develop students’ critical thinking skills.

Moreover, with technologies like VR, you can present in a simulated manner. This will certainly help the students to understand maths much better. 

Poor Connection To Real Life 

Another challenge that maths tutors often face is students’ poor connection of maths to real life. This can be troubling for tutors who deliver lectures on trigonometry and geometry.

Eventually, it reduces the motivation level of students and their interest in learning maths. 

Therefore, you need to teach them to teach maths in the real world, where they can see structures and buildings and use them to solve sums.

It can be a cylinder or construction site, where you can teach mensuration and geometry. You can even take to the bank to learn the interest rates and returns they will get from the institution. 

Timely Assessment 

Another issue the maths tutor faces while teaching students is giving them timely grading. This means they have to check all the papers after the test to determine how they are performing in the class.

It is because there is no point in giving the grades after a week. That way, they won’t be able to improve mathematical issues. 

Hence, you can take Computer-based Exams, where you will send questions in software and add multiple-choice questions.

This way, you will understand how students are solving problems. In addition, you can give them a rough page to check how they did it and then work on it. 

The Bottom Line 

In the end, we can say challenges are part and parcel of life, especially in education, where students come with varying mentalities.

Therefore, tutors need to have several strategies up their sleeves to solve those issues – thus imparting a quality education to them.

Krishna Sahani

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