The Best 10 Lines on Benefits of Planting Trees

I am melodiously excited to share with you 10 lines on benefits of planting trees. As we know, Onam is one of the most beautiful festivals in Kerala. This festival is not only for Kerala also, but this festival is also celebrated all over India. Onam festival can be celebrated by the States of India, Also it is known by different names according to their places.

This celebration known as Onam begins on the first morning of the Malayalam New Year and continues for 10 days. A major series of celebrations occur in all thirty cities in Kerala with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm across all Malayalam communities. In celebration of Onam, the government of the state declares a public holiday that begins on “Uthradom” i.e. Onam eve in Kerala. Let’s know about the importance of trees essay and learn about trees and how do trees help the environment. What is the importance of trees

10 Lines on Benefits of Planting Trees

10 Lines on Benefits of Planting Trees

1.) The trees are the primary Oxygen source.

2.) A typical tree can produce enough oxygen to meet the oxygen requirements of four people.

3) Trees aid in the absorption of dirt and other contaminants out of the air, thereby clearing it.

4.) The area beneath the tree is able to absorb more rainwater and prevents flooding.

5) Trees also absorb a significant amount of sound and aid in reducing noise pollution.

6) Birds place eggs in nests of trees and trees are also helpful in the care of many species.

7.) Some trees possess therapeutic properties and can be utilized in healthcare industries.

8.) They also shield us from damaging Ultra Violet rays, which cause skin cancer.

9) The importance of trees in a variety of industries, such as paper, rubber, timber, Silk etc., aiding in the development of economics.

10) From the roots to the leaves, each part of a tree has value to us.

10 Benefits of Planting Trees

1.) The trees are the mainstay for sustaining life on earth.

2.) The trees absorb carbon dioxide, and then release oxygen through photosynthesis.

3.) They also assist in reducing the erosion of soil by binding soil with their root.

4.) They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and then store it in their woods and bark, thereby slowing the pace of global warming.

5) Forests are essential to the flourishing of wildlife and provide shelter for hundreds of species, including humans.

6) Trees produce fruits which are food sources for animals, birds, and humans.

7) They also are the primary source of raw materials used in the paper and wood industries that aid in the growth of the economy.

8) Trees function in the role of natural air conditioners, cutting down the heat to between 8 and 10 degC, thereby cooling the surrounding.

9.) Neem is the common tree that helps purify the air by killing harmful organisms.

10.) Amazon Rain Forest is the “Lung of Earth” since it is the largest contributor to producing oxygen.

20 Sentence about Trees Benefits

1.) A tree’s planting can be like adding a healthier year to your lifestyle.

2.) Trees can be planted to help to maintain ecological balance.

3.) Tree planting helps to keep soil’s nutrition intact and aids in irrigation.

4.) The planting of trees can also help in containing rainwater as well as maintaining natural water resources.

5) The benefits of planting trees are for you and for society.

6.) Trees play an important contribution to helping to reduce noise pollution by absorbing noise from a variety of sources.

7) Well, trees that have been planted may cause a cooling effect which can reduce power consumption.

8.) Trees battle global warming and climate change and protect the planet from the negative effects.

9) Trees aid in maintaining the soil’s efficiency.

10) Trees can help reduce the amount of pollution in water by preventing harmful substances from flowing into the water bodies.

11) Trees represent the largest aspect of the earth’s ecology.

12) Trees are a great way to ensure that the environment is healthy and secure.

13) The planting of trees can provide long-lasting and vast benefits for well-being and the natural environment.

14.) When we plant trees we’re helping to secure the future of our generations.

15) Trees work as natural filtering agents by absorption of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

16) Trees planted will ensure that the earth’s temperature is kept in check.

17) The trees act as a natural defence against floods and erosion of soil.

18) Trees help the earth appear gorgeous and healthy.

19) Trees are essential habitats for birds and animals.

20) 20) Trees provide a source of sustaining human life by providing shelter, food as well as medicines.

5 Benefits of Trees

1.) Trees are oxygenators.

2.) Trees purify the air.

3) Trees are food sources and shelter.

4.) We receive lots of products from our trees.

5) Trees are the balance of the ecosystem.

Trees are an essential part of the survival of humanity Without them, it would be difficult to maintain existence on earth. Forests played an important role in the development of human beings, fulfilling their requirements for food, shelter and clothing. It is due to some of the major forests that we can ward off the effects of global warming and pollution. Growing more trees will be beneficial to us as well as the environment.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.