100+ Two Letter Words | 2 letter words in English

Hey, welcome! looking for two letter words? finding 2 letter words will be easiest for you. Sharing with you more than 100 two letter words for you. I have given a collection of 2 letter words for scrabble. if you are finding this then I suggest that it will be definitely beneficial for you. Enhancing vocab power, especially for beginners who want to learn English and speak fluently can remember these words.

two letter words
two-letter words

List of Two Letter Words

S. No.2 Letter WordsMeaning
1AaAmerican Airlines
2Ababdominal muscle 
3AdAbbreviation of Ab like active duty, after date etc.
4AtExpressing location or place
5Awexpress protest
6AxA cutting tool that consists of a heavy-edged head 
8AyDifferent spelling of aye
9AhExclamation of pain
10AiArtificial intelligence
11AlEast Indian tree
12AmPresent tense of be
13AnIndefinite article
14ArAugmented reality
15AsUsed in comparisons to refer to the extent 
16Bathe supposed soul of a person or god
19Boto have an objective existence
20ByIdentifying the agent performing an action
21ChCh. is a written abbreviation for chapter
22Dadays after acceptance or (district attorney)
23Deperson’s father
24DiThe program in which elementary,
25Doto perform action
26EaEA is an initialism for Electronic Arts
27Elan elevated railroad
28Ema unit for measuring the width of printed matter
29Ena unit of measurement equal to half an em 
30Errepresent a pause, hesitation
31Esforming plurals of nouns ending in sibilant sounds.
32Etforming nouns that were originally diminutives.
33Ewused to express disgust or distaste.
34Exa former spouse or partner
35FaA Fat Admirer,
36Fethe chemical symbol for. iron
37FyFiscal year 
38Gia lightweight
39Goto move or proceed
40Gurelated to the genital and urinary organs or their functions
41Haused to express surprise
42Herepresent male person
43Hiused especially as a greeting
44Housed as a call to attract attention
45HmHm as a abbreviation means Hectometer
46Idused as  identification
47Ifused to say that a particular thing can
48Into get inside
49Ioused to draw attention to an interesting
50Ispresent tense third-person singular of be
51Ita thing
52JaJa is a German word and is defined as yes
53Jooften used in addressing a person.
54kaa spiritual entity
55Kia plant of the lily family
56koto knock unconscious
57Kystate of Kentucky
58Lathe syllable used for the sixth tone of a diatonic scale
59Lia Chinese unit of distance
60Loused to draw attention to an interesting 
61Maabbreviation for Master of Arts
62MeThe objective case of I
63Mi the third degree of any major
64Mmmm is a written abbreviation for millimeter or millimeters
65Moa moment
66Mua Greek letter
67Myme or myself
68Nanot applicable
69Neused to indicate the original
70Noa negative answer or decision
71NkNot kidding!
72NyNew York
73Oba type of gene
74OdTo OD is to Overdose
75OeOE stands for original equipment
76Ofused to show possession, belonging, or origin
77Ohfor emphasizing
78Oiattract someone’s attention
80Oma mantra
81Onphysically in contact 
82Ooshow a shocked expression
83Opa style of abstract art
84Orused as a function word to indicate an alternative
85Os operating system
86OuAbbreviation for overused
87Owto express sudden pain
88Oxa male cow
91Pephysical education
92Pisixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet
93PoPost Office
94Qivital energy that is held to animate the body internally
95Re to indicate repetition
96Shused to tell someone to be quiet
97Umused to indicate hesitation
98Wua group of Chinese dialects
99Xi the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet.

Common 2 Letter Words in English

S. No2 Letter WordsMeaning
1ifintroducing a conditional clause
2asto the exact degree
3atused to show a point
4beto live
6byclose to or next to
7doto complete action
8exa former husband or partner
9go to reach or proceed
10hedesignate male person
11hiused as an interjection of greeting
12if within
13in used to instruct
14ispresent tense of exist
15ita something
16meobjective case of I
17myme or myself 
18nodispute reply
19ofassociated with
20okall honourable
21onsupported by
22orpossibilities or choices
23soto such a great extent.
24koa doll in a boxing match.
25umpause in the lecture.
26uptowards a higher place
27usrefer to himself
28weto refer to himself or herself
29tointended to communicate something
30owused to express sudden pain

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.