5 Effective Steps to Make Your Blog Posts Awesome

Creating excellent blog posts is one of the most important tasks associated with running a successful blog. However, it’s also one of the most difficult. There are a lot of myths on the internet that have made things more complicated. But if you want an easy answer to creating awesome blog posts, this is the right place for you.

Here, we will explain the art of creating excellent blog posts with the help of five simple and easy-to-follow steps. So, without any further delay, let’s delve into this discussion.

5 Effective Steps to Make Your Blog Posts Awesome

Make Your Blog Posts Awesome With 5 Steps:

Creating excellent blog posts isn’t always easy. The greatest challenge is knowing where to start. But the following list of five steps will make things easier for you:

  1. Create an Attractive Headline:

An attractive headline is one of the most critical aspects of an excellent blog post. Therefore, the first step for writing an awesome blog post is to focus on producing an eye-catchy headline.

Often, newbie bloggers ignore the importance of an attractive headline. But a compelling headline plays a vital role in the success of a blog post. In fact, some sources claim that only 20% of the audience will click through and read a blog post’s content, whereas the remaining 80% will only read the headline. Therefore, the headline of your blog post should be compelling enough to entice the audience.

But how can you find a good headline? Well, there are two ways:

  • You can input the main keyword of your topic in an analytics tool such as Ahrefs or SEMrush. The tool will show what works according to your keyword and what doesn’t.
5 Effective Steps to Make Your Blog Posts Awesome
example of a content marketing tool
  • If you don’t want the assistance of a tool, you can explore Reddit or Twitter. This way, you will know what is working in your space.
  1. Organize the Different Phases of a Blog Post:
5 Effective Steps to Make Your Blog Posts Awesome
Credit: giphy.com

The next step is to organize the different phases of a blog post creation and approach each stage individually. This way, things will not get jumbled.

Phase 1:

In the first phase, you will research your blog post’s topic. Generally, people only look for relevant material when they explore their blog posts’ topics. But since you want to make an excellent blog post, you should not restrict the research phase to finding relevant material. Instead, you should also look for facts related to your topic and verify those facts. 

Thus, once you’ve collected enough material for your blog post, you can move to the next phase.

Phase 2:

The next phase will be the writing phase, where you will begin the first draft of your blog post. So, here, you should not worry about grammatical errors and typos. Instead, this phase is about expanding on the research of your topic.

Thus, you will take assistance from the researched material to write content for your blog post in this phase.

Phase 3:

Once you’ve completed the first draft of your blog post, the next phase is to finetune your draft. So, here, you will exclude the unnecessary bits and pieces and research and add additional material if needed.

  1. Create Rules for Writing Blog Posts and Follow Them:
5 Effective Steps to Make Your Blog Posts Awesome
Credit: pixabay.com

Besides a compelling headline, the actual material and writing style are other crucial aspects of an excellent blog post. Therefore, developing rules for writing reader-friendly and SEO-friendly content is the third step in excellent blog post writing.

After analyzing the most successful bloggers of 2022, we have extracted the following key points from their writing styles:

  • Most blog writers prefer to write blogs in a conversational tone. Therefore, they address the readers with ‘you’ and themselves with ‘I’ or ‘We’ in their blogs. Doing so increases the readers’ engagement because the readers feel connected with the writers and the overall content quality looks better.
  • Generally, expert blog writers prefer short paragraphs and sentences when writing blog content. This way, they can write readers’ friendly content.
  • Among the blog writing tips for producing readers’ friendly content, another popular approach is dividing your blog post’s body into different subheadings. 
  1. Include Relevant Media Types:

An all-textual blog post becomes dull because readers can quickly lose interest in such a blog post. Therefore, another step towards creating an excellent blog post is leveraging different media forms in your blog post.

Research shows that blogs containing relevant visuals get 94% more views than others. Therefore, to compete in today’s blogging world, you should leverage different forms of media in your blog posts. For instance, you can take assistance from the following media types:

  • Infographics.
  • Pictures.
  • Podcasts.

However, the included media should be original, or you must have the copyrights of the included media. Otherwise, your blog can fall into copyright infringement issues, which is the next step in this guide.

  1. Stay Away from Plagiarized Content:

Generally, a blog aims to educate and inform the readers. But if you include content from existing blogs without permission, your blog can fall prey to content plagiarism and copyright infringement problems. Therefore, the final step in creating an excellent blog post is avoiding copying content.

You can create your own material when the content is in the form of visuals, such as pictures, infographics, and podcasts. However, you must credit the original owner if you want assistance from existing materials.

But when the content is text, the likelihood of plagiarism remains even if you have written the entire blog post yourself. Therefore, before publishing your blog post, you must ensure that the written content is 100% original. And for that, you can take assistance from the best plagiarism checker free or paid tools, such as the one provided by Check Plagiarism.

Some General Tips for Creating a Blog Post:

Besides the above-discussed 5 steps in creating a blog, here are some general instructions you should consider when writing a blog post:

  • As we’ve mentioned earlier, a blog aims to educate the readers. Therefore, you should write a blog post in a way that readers must learn something from your post.
  • You should not worry about a blog post’s word count. Instead, a blog post should answer its topic completely because doing so will help with search engine ranking.
  • If you face writer’s block, go outside and do other activities. Then, come back later and try to write and see if it fixes the writer’s block issue.
  • Once you have written the content for a blog post, you should read it aloud to check the content flow.
  • Similarly, you can ask someone else to read your blog’s content and provide honest feedback.


Blog writers often believe that writing a blog post is pretty similar to driving. You can read all the material and see all the tutorials you want, but you will only learn after doing it yourself. So, no matter which guide you choose, you can only learn to write a blog post by actually writing it.

Thus, suppose you are interested in starting a blog or becoming a blog writer. In that case, you should get down to writing a blog post as soon as possible. However, if you need a helping hand, you can take assistance from the above discussion.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.