50+ Birds Sound Name | Birds and Their Sounds

Hay! Are you looking for birds sound names in English? Here you will get a list of birds sound name in English with pictures. As we know it is most important for kids like kindergarten students to know birds name with their sounds, which helps to improve vocab power as well as knowledge. Here, students learn the names of birds and their sounds.

Sound of Birds

The sound of birds can vary greatly depending on the species.

Some birds, such as robins and finches, have a clear and melodic song, while others, like crows and ravens, have a more raucous call. Some birds, such as parrots and some songbirds, can mimic human speech or other sounds.

Birds also make a variety of other sounds, such as calls and alarm calls, to communicate with each other.

Birds Sound Chart

Birds sound name

Common Birds Sound Name

  1. Indian Myna – loud, harsh “tok-tok” call
  2. Koel – loud, melodious “ko-el” call
  3. Peacock – loud, distinctive “may-a-may” call
  4. Great Indian Hornbill – loud, honking calls
  5. Asian Koel – loud, melodious “ko-el” call
  6. Indian Peafowl – loud, distinctive “may-a-may” call
  7. Indian Sparrow – chirping
  8. House Sparrow – chirping
  9. Indian Robin – melodic warbling song
  10. Asian Pied Starling – loud, harsh “garrulous” calls
  11. White-throated Kingfisher – loud, sharp “kwek-kwek” call
  12. Jungle Babbler – loud, chattering calls
  13. Black Drongo – metallic “drong-drong” calls
  14. Brahminy Starling – loud, harsh calls
  15. Common Hawk Cuckoo – loud, distinctive “brain-fever” call
  16. Indian Roller – loud, harsh “kraa-kraa” call
  17. Black Kite – high-pitched “kee-yew” call
  18. Indian Paradise Flycatcher – loud, melodious “tweet-tweet” call
  19. Indian Blackbird – melodious warbling song
  20. Indian Golden Oriole – loud, melodious calls

List of Birds and their Sounds

  1. American Robin – melodic warbling song
  2. Blue Jay – loud, harsh “jay-jay” call
  3. American Goldfinch – cheerful “potato-chip” call
  4. Bald Eagle – high-pitched “screech”
  5. Woodpecker – loud, rapid drumming on wood
  6. Red-tailed Hawk – distinctive, high-pitched “keee-aaaw”
  7. Mallard Duck – familiar “quack”
  8. Killdeer – loud, piercing “kill-dee” call
  9. Great Blue Heron – deep, guttural croaking
  10. Eastern Bluebird – clear, flute-like song
  11. European Nightingale – beautiful, complex song
  12. Canada Goose – honking
  13. House Sparrow- chirping
  14. House Finch – melodious warbling song
  15. Pigeon – low-pitched cooing
  16. Crows – cawing
  17. Sparrow – chirping
  18. mourning Dove – cooing.
  19. Western Meadowlark – melodic, flute-like song
  20. Eastern Phoebe – clear, sharp “phoebe” call
  21. Northern Cardinal – clear, loud “whit-cheer” or “purty-purty-purty” call
  22. Black-capped Chickadee – clear, whistled “fee-bee” or “hey, sweetie” call
  23. Tufted Titmouse – clear, whistled “peter-peter-peter” call
  24. American Woodcock – nasal “peent” call
  25. Eastern Screech Owl – eerie, whinnying “screech” call
  26. Chimney Swift – high-pitched, twittering call
  27. Osprey – sharp, whistled “cheep” call
  28. Belted Kingfisher – loud, rattling “kuk-kuk-kuk” call
  29. American Coot – clucking “cluck-cluck” call
  30. American White Pelican – deep, guttural honking

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.