50 sentences of active and passive voice

Are you looking for 50 sentences of active and passive voice? In this article, I gonna solve your query. It’s no longer needed to search on google for active-passive sentences. Before that, if you don’t know about what is active voice and passive voice then here are the brief definitions with examples.

Active voice:

Active voice is a grammatical voice that describes a sentence where the subject performs the action described by the verb. In active voice sentences, the subject is the doer of the action. Here are some examples of active voice:

  1. The dog chased the cat. (The subject “dog” is performing the action of “chasing”)
  2. She sings beautifully. (The subject “she” is performing the action of “singing”)
  3. He finished the project on time. (The subject “he” is performing the action of “finishing”)
  4. They won the game. (The subject “they” is performing the action of “winning”)
  5. I am writing a letter. (The subject “I” is performing the action of “writing”)
  6. The wind blew down the tree. (The subject “wind” is performing the action of “blowing down”)
  7. The teacher graded the exams. (The subject “teacher” is performing the action of “grading”)
  8. The company is launching a new product. (The subject “company” is performing the action of “launching”)
  9. He is playing the piano. (The subject “he” is performing the action of “playing”)
  10. They are having a meeting. (The subject “they” is performing the action of “having”)

Passive voice:

Passive voice is a grammatical voice that describes a sentence where the subject is affected by the action described by the verb. In passive-voice sentences, the subject is not the doer of the action, but rather the receiver of the action. The verb is typically in a form of the past participle and is often accompanied by the auxiliary verb “to be” (is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been). Here are some examples of passive voice:

  1. The cat was chased by the dog. (The subject “cat” is affected by the action of “chasing,” and the doer “dog” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  2. Beautiful singing is done by her. (The subject “beautiful singing” is affected by the action of “singing,” and the doer “her” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  3. The project was finished on time by him. (The subject “project” is affected by the action of “finishing,” and the doer “him” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  4. The game was won by them. (The subject “game” is affected by the action of “winning,” and the doer “them” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  5. A letter is being written by me. (The subject “letter” is affected by the action of “writing,” and the doer “me” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  6. The tree was blown down by the wind. (The subject “tree” is affected by the action of “blowing down,” and the doer “wind” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  7. The exams were graded by the teacher. (The subject “exams” is affected by the action of “grading,” and the doer “teacher” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  8. A new product is being launched by the company. (The subject “new product” is affected by the action of “launching,” and the doer “company” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  9. The piano is being played by him. (The subject “piano” is affected by the action of “playing,” and the doer “him” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
  10. A meeting is being had by them. (The subject “meeting” is affected by the action of “having,” and the doer “them” is introduced by the preposition “by”)
50 sentences of active and passive voice

50 sentences of active and passive voice


  1. The dog chased the cat.
  2. She sings beautifully.
  3. He finished the project on time.
  4. They won the game.
  5. I am writing a letter.
  6. The wind blew down the tree.
  7. The teacher graded the exams.
  8. The company is launching a new product.
  9. He is playing the piano.
  10. They are having a meeting.
  11. The storm damaged the house.
  12. She is reading a book.
  13. He is walking to work.
  14. I will finish the task tomorrow.
  15. They will go on a trip next week.
  16. The chef is cooking dinner.
  17. He is studying for the exam.
  18. The band is rehearsing for the concert.
  19. I have finished the report.
  20. They have completed the project.
  21. The doctor is examining the patient.
  22. He is talking on the phone.
  23. The company was launching a new product.
  24. They were having a meeting.
  25. He was playing the piano.


  1. The cat was chased by the dog.
  2. Beautiful singing is done by her.
  3. The project was finished on time by him.
  4. The game was won by them.
  5. A letter is being written by me.
  6. The tree was blown down by the wind.
  7. The exams were graded by the teacher.
  8. A new product is being launched by the company.
  9. The piano is being played by him.
  10. A meeting is being had by them.
  11. The house was damaged by the storm.
  12. A book is being read by her.
  13. Walking to work is being done by him.
  14. The task will be finished by me tomorrow.
  15. A trip will be gone on by them next week.
  16. Dinner is cooked by the chef.
  17. Studying for the exam is being done by him.
  18. The concert is being rehearsed for by the band.
  19. The report has been finished by me.
  20. The project has been completed by them.
  21. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
  22. Talking on the phone is being done by him.
  23. A new product was being launched by the company.
  24. A meeting was being had by them.
  25. The piano was being played by him.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.