A Master of Psychology is a master’s degree in the specialization of Psychology. Here is the complete list of masters in psychology abbreviations.
Sometimes psychology abbreviation can be confusing! You may end up exploring the wrong psychology degree. If you are not sure about what is the abbreviation of psychology.
Masters in Psychology Abbreviation
1. PsyD : Doctor of Psychology
The Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree trains students to work as psychologists in a variety of clinical settings.
2. PhD : Doctor of Philosophy
A Doctor of Philosophy is the most frequent highest academic level degree conferred after completing a course of study.
3. MS: Master of Science
MS is a formal designation for graduate degrees in a variety of scientific subjects, including mathematics, physical science, applied science/engineering, social and behavioural science, computer science, medicine, and nursing.
4. MA: Master of Arts
The fundamental graduate-level degree awarded to graduate students in the humanities, social sciences, or fine arts.
5. BS: Bachelor of Science
Undergraduates in science and technology often receive a bachelor’s degree.
6. BA: Bachelor of Arts
Majors in liberal arts, humanities, or social sciences such as English, creative writing, fine arts, or political science typically follow this path. A bachelor’s degree is normally conferred after completing a four-year undergraduate programme in a regular school or university.