Accurate used in a sentence, Accurate in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Accurate

Are you looking for accurate sentences? Here I have covered a huge list of sentences with accuracy.

Accurate used in a sentence

Accurate used in a sentence

  1. The scientist’s accurate measurements confirmed the hypothesis.
  2. Please provide me with the accurate details of the incident.
  3. Her predictions about the stock market were surprisingly accurate.
  4. We need to ensure that our data is accurate before making any decisions.
  5. The GPS system provided us with an accurate location.
  6. The detective’s hunch turned out to be accurate.
  7. To be a good historian, you must strive for accurate historical accounts.
  8. The weather forecast was remarkably accurate this week.
  9. The witness gave an accurate description of the suspect.
  10. The artist’s portrayal of the landscape was incredibly accurate.

Accuracy vs precision

DefinitionAccuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value.Precision refers to how consistent and repeatable a measurement is, regardless of its closeness to the true value.
FocusAccuracy focuses on correctness or trueness.Precision focuses on consistency or repeatability.
ExampleHitting the bullseye on a target is accurate, even if all shots are clustered far from the center.Hitting the same spot on the target repeatedly, even if it’s far from the bullseye, is precise.
ErrorAccuracy measures the systematic error or bias in measurements.Precision measures the random error or scatter in measurements.
GoalThe goal of accuracy is to minimize systematic errors and bring measurements closer to the true value.The goal of precision is to reduce random errors and minimize variation between measurements.
MeasurementIt’s possible to be accurate without being precise.It’s possible to be precise without being accurate.
ExampleShooting a basketball and always hitting the backboard in the same spot, but not necessarily the basket itself, is precise but not accurate.Hitting the center of the bullseye every time, even if it’s not the true center, is accurate but not precise.
RepresentationAccuracy can be visualized as hitting a target’s center.Precision can be visualized as consistently hitting the same spot, even if it’s not the target’s center.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.