Blow Verb Forms, Base Form, Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
1. Base Form (Infinitive) (V1): Blow 2. Simple Past (V2): Blew 3. Past Participle (V3): Blown 4. Present Participle (-ing): Blowing
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Blow Past Tense
Blew Blew is the past tense of the Blow word.
Blow Past Participle
Blown Blown is the past participle of the Answer word.
Blow Verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Blow Blew Blown Blowing
Conjugation of Blow
Tense Conjugation Example Sentence Simple/Indefinite Present Tense blow The wind blows through the trees. Simple Past Tense blew He blew out the candles on his birthday cake. Simple Future Tense will blow I will blow up the balloons for the party. Present Continuous Tense am/is/are blowing They are blowing bubbles in the park. Past Continuous Tense was/were blowing She was blowing the whistle during the game. Future Continuous Tense will be blowing We will be blowing kisses goodbye. Present Perfect Tense have/has blown He has blown out the fuse. Past Perfect Tense had blown By the time we arrived, they had blown up all the balloons. Future Perfect Tense will have blown By this time tomorrow, they will have blown all the leaves off the driveway. Present Perfect Continuous Tense have/has been blowing She has been blowing bubbles for hours. Past Perfect Continuous Tense had been blowing The wind had been blowing fiercely all night. Future Perfect Continuous Tense will have been blowing By the end of the week, they will have been blowing kisses for 10 years.
Synonyms of Blow
Blow Verb Examples With V1 V2 V3
The wind blew fiercely, rattling the windows.
He blew out the candles on his birthday cake.
I asked him to blow up the balloons for the party.
The whistle blew, signaling the start of the game.
She blew a kiss to her loved ones before boarding the plane.
The storm blew down several trees in the neighborhood.
He tried to blow the dust off the old book.
The child blew bubbles with her bubble wand.
The referee blew the whistle to stop the play.
She blew her chance to win the competition with a mistake.
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