Confess Verb Forms, Base Form, Past Tense, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3
1. Base Form (Infinitive) (V1): Confess 2. Simple Past (V2): Confessed 3. Past Participle (V3): Confessed 4. Present Participle (-ing): Confessing
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Confess Past Tense
Confessed Confessed is the past tense of the Confess word.
Confess Past Participle
Confessed Confessed is the past participle of the Confess word.
Confess Verb forms V1 V2 V3 V4
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Confess Confessed Confessed Confessing
Conjugation of Confess
Tense Conjugation Example Sentence Present Indefinite Confess I confess my mistakes. Present Continuous am/is/are confessing He is confessing his love for her. Present Perfect have/has confessed They have confessed their secrets. Present Perfect Continuous have/has been confessing She has been confessing all evening. Past Indefinite Confessed He confessed his involvement in the crime. Past Continuous was/were confessing We were confessing our fears. Past Perfect had confessed She had confessed before the trial. Past Perfect Continuous had been confessing They had been confessing for hours. Future Indefinite will/shall confess I will confess my feelings to her. Future Continuous will/shall be confessing He will be confessing his sins. Future Perfect will/shall have confessed They will have confessed by tomorrow. Future Perfect Continuous will/shall have been confessing She will have been confessing all day.
Synonyms of Confess
Own up
Confess Verb Examples With V1 V2 V3
I confess that I ate the last piece of cake.
She confessed her love for him.
He confessed to stealing the money.
We confessed our mistakes to the teacher.
They confessed their involvement in the crime.
The suspect confessed to the police during interrogation.
He confessed his guilt in front of the court.
She confessed her secret to her best friend.
We confessed our sins during the church service.
The witness confessed to lying under oath.
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