Consent in Sentence – Examples

By Alex

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Consent in a sentence

Sentences with Consent, Consent in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Consent, Sentences with Consent

Consent in a sentence

1. Before conducting any medical procedure, the doctor must obtain informed consent from the patient, explaining all potential risks and benefits.

2. In order to participate in the clinical trial, each participant must sign a detailed consent form that outlines the study’s objectives and potential side effects.

3. When enrolling their child in school, parents are typically required to provide written consent for emergency medical treatment.

4. In the world of online marketing, companies are obligated to seek user consent before collecting personal data through cookies and tracking mechanisms.

5. During a job interview, it is essential for the employer to seek the candidate’s consent to contact their references and verify their employment history.

6. When posting pictures of others on social media, it is courteous to ask for their consent to ensure their privacy is respected.

7. In a legal context, a contract is considered valid when both parties freely give their consent to the terms and conditions.

8. In a research setting, obtaining consent from study participants is not only ethical but also crucial to the integrity of the study.

9. Journalists must respect the privacy of individuals and obtain their consent before publishing personal information or photographs.

10. Before starting therapy, clients should sign a consent form acknowledging the therapist’s policies on confidentiality and treatment goals.

11. At the airport security checkpoint, passengers must provide their consent for their bags to be screened by security personnel.

12. Informed consent is especially important in the field of reproductive medicine, where patients make critical decisions about their fertility.

13. When applying for a credit card, applicants must give their consent to undergo a credit check to determine eligibility.

14. For minors to participate in certain activities, such as school field trips, parental consent forms are often required to ensure safety.

15. Consent to search a vehicle is typically needed for law enforcement officers to conduct a thorough inspection during a traffic stop.

16. Prior to conducting surveys, researchers must obtain consent from the individuals or groups they intend to collect data from.

17. In the context of organ donation, individuals can express their consent to donate their organs after their death through legal documents.

18. Before uploading content to a website, content creators should obtain consent to use any copyrighted material to avoid legal issues.

19. When borrowing books from a library, patrons implicitly give their consent to follow the library’s borrowing policies.

20. Consent from shareholders is necessary for a company to make significant changes to its corporate structure, such as mergers or acquisitions.

21. To access someone’s medical records, healthcare professionals require written consent from the patient or legal guardian.

22. In educational settings, students and their parents often need to provide consent for the release of academic records to third parties.

23. Before granting a loan, financial institutions must obtain the borrower’s consent to conduct a credit check and assess their creditworthiness.

24. Consent plays a pivotal role in the field of human rights, ensuring that individuals are not subjected to torture or inhumane treatment.

25. In the context of online subscriptions, users must provide their consent to receive newsletters and promotional emails.

26. Before undergoing surgery, patients must sign a consent form acknowledging the risks and potential complications associated with the procedure.

27. In criminal trials, the principle of informed consent is crucial when it comes to accepting or rejecting plea bargains.

28. Consent is a fundamental aspect of ethical animal research, with strict guidelines in place to protect the welfare of laboratory animals.

29. When conducting psychological research, psychologists must obtain informed consent and ensure participants understand the nature of the study.

30. Before initiating contact with potential job candidates, recruiters should obtain their consent to discuss job opportunities.

31. In the realm of intellectual property, artists and authors often require written consent for the use and reproduction of their creative works.

32. To participate in a clinical drug trial, patients must provide their informed consent after thoroughly reviewing the study’s protocols.

33. In marriage, both parties must freely give their consent during the wedding ceremony to legally bind themselves in matrimony.

34. Consent from parents or guardians is typically required for minors to receive certain medical treatments or vaccinations.

35. Before sharing sensitive information, individuals should seek consent from others involved to maintain trust and confidentiality.

36. In the context of environmental conservation, indigenous communities must give their consent before any development projects are initiated on their lands.

37. In the world of sports, athletes must provide consent for drug testing to maintain the integrity of competition.

38. Consent from a client is essential for lawyers to take legal actions on their behalf or disclose confidential information.

39. When conducting archaeological excavations, researchers must obtain consent from relevant authorities and communities.

40. Consent is a key principle in the field of data protection, ensuring that individuals have control over how their personal information is used.

41. In the realm of organ transplantation, obtaining family consent is crucial when a deceased individual’s organs are being considered for donation.

42. For a teacher to photograph or record students for educational purposes, parental consent is often required to protect the children’s privacy.

43. In the realm of experimental art, artists must obtain the consent of participants or subjects before including them in their creative works.

44. Consent to be a reference on a job application is an important step in helping potential employers verify a candidate’s qualifications.

45. In the context of military service, recruits must provide their informed consent when agreeing to the terms and conditions of their enlistment.

46. Consent is a cornerstone of ethical journalism, ensuring that sources willingly provide information for news stories.

47. In the realm of assisted reproductive technology, both donors and recipients must give their consent for procedures like in vitro fertilization.

48. Before conducting a search of an individual’s electronic devices, law enforcement officers typically require a warrant or the individual’s consent.

49. Consent is vital in the field of clinical psychology, where therapists must obtain it before recording or sharing session content.

50. In the context of commercial photography, models and subjects must provide their consent for the use of their images in advertisements and publications.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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