Holy Bibles NFT | A Unique Collection Of Bible

By Alex

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Holy Bibles NFT: The Bible is the Word of God consisting of 66 books written by about 40 authors in different places and at different times. There are a total of 1189 chapters and 31101 verses in the Bible. The word God is used 3382 times in the Old Testament.

The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) The Bible says that the Word of God is sharper in itself than the double-edged sword that pierces the heart and the flesh of man, that is, knows the mind. . (Hebrews 4:12)

Holy Bibles NFT | A Unique Collection Of Bible
God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Gospel Church Bible

The sword is a weapon that strikes it is spiritually attributed to the forces of darkness. Because our weapons are enough to break down spiritual strongholds

The Word of God is powerful

The Word of God is as powerful as a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). That is, it takes a heavy blow on the wrong teachings. And the powers of Satan can break it to pieces. God’s Word brings us spiritual light even in the darkest of times. Bread is an essential item for living life, which provides nutrients to our bodies and keeps us healthy. But the Lord Jesus said that man will live not only by bread but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God, that is, by the word of God.

What is the Bible?

The Bible: it’s one of the most influential books in human history. It explores the big questions of why we exist. It’s inspired many people to do amazing things, and… confused many others. And you’ve probably got one, sitting around… somewhere. So. What is the Bible actually?

Well, the Bible is a small library of books, that all emerged out of the history of the people of ancient Israel. And in one sense, they were just like any other ancient civilization. But among them were a long line of individuals called prophets, and they viewed Israel’s story as anything but ordinary.

They saw it as a central part of what God was doing for all humanity. And, these prophets, were literary geniuses. Really? Yeah, they expertly crafted the Hebrew language to write epic narratives,

very sophisticated poetry, they were masters of metaphor and storytelling, and they leveraged all this to explore life’s most complicated questions about death, and life, and the human struggle. So, there are a lot of different authors writing this book. Yeah, and these texts were produced over a thousand-year period, starting with Israel’s origins in Egypt. Then leading up to their kingdom, with their first temple.

But eventually, they were conquered by the Babylonians, who took them away into exile. Then, at a crucial moment in their history, many Israelites returned to their land. They built a second temple, they reformed their identity, and this is when the Jewish Scriptures begin to be formed into the shape that we have them today.

Okay, the Jewish Bible… what’s in it? Well in Hebrew, it’s called by an acronym: Tanakh. The “T” stands for “Torah.” (Sometimes called “the law.”) That’s Israel’s five-book foundation story. The “N” stands for “Nevi’im,” the Hebrew word for “prophets,” and this section consists of the historical books

that tell Israel’s story from the prophets’ point of view, then you get the poetic books of the prophets themselves. The “K” stands for “Ketuvim” – the Hebrew word for “writings.” This is a diverse collection of poetry books, wisdom books, and more narratives. And the Jewish people believe that through all of these literary works,

God speaks to His people. Now, there are other Jewish writings being produced during this Second Temple period as well. Yeah, a really diverse group of texts, and these too were highly valued in Jewish communities. And there was debate from ancient times, about whether or not some of these should be considered part of their scriptures.

So… this is a lot of different writings, over a long period of time… Why did they put them all together like this? Well all together, these texts tell an epic story, about how God is working through these people to bring order and beauty out of the chaos of our world.

And it all builds up to hope for a new leader who would come, and renew all creation… And then the Tanakh concludes… and this leader never comes!

So it’s an expertly crafted work but it’s missing an ending? That’s exactly right. Now, a few centuries later, a Jewish prophet comes onto the scene, named Jesus of Nazareth. He claimed he was carrying the Tanakh story forward. Yeah so Jesus, did a bunch of cool stuff… was killed…

But his followers claimed he was alive from the dead. Yeah, they said that Jesus was that long-awaited leader who would restore the world. And so his earliest followers called “Apostles,” they compose new literary works about the story of Jesus,

So the Christian movement has taken different forms over 2,000 years, and from the beginning, all Christians recognized the Tanakh and the New Testament as scripture. And for centuries, much of the Second Temple literature was read as part of the biblical tradition.

The Catholic Church eventually made it official, and called some of the books from this collection the “deuterocanonical books.” Some Orthodox churches used even more books from the Second Temple literature, and then in the 1500s, during the Reformation,

Protestant Christians wanted to go back to the oldest writings of the prophets and Apostles, so they accepted only the Old & New Testaments. But… how does a collection of books produced over a thousand years, by all these different authors, tell one unified story.


The Holy Bibles NFT or Biblia sacra is a holy library that’s right it’s not a single book. but, rather a collection of sacred books in reality it’s a compilation of histories recorded by many authors more than that its scripture-inspired words from God given to men and women from about 4000 bc to about 95 a.d.

That’s a long time so unsurprisingly there’s a lot to be said this collection of holy writings follows a pattern where God reveals truth through his servants while there’s a ton of good advice the crux of the entire collection centers. On Jesus, christ the old testament foreshadows his coming and details the history of god’s people the new testament covers. His birth ministry life death and resurrection also describe how Jesus organized his church on earth and equipped his servants to spread his gospel.

But that’s really just the beginning of 5 000 years of God speaking to us there’s much more to discover maybe you’ve been wondering if the ten commandments are still relevant or what on earth. A beatitude is or perhaps you simply want to become a better follower of Jesus we’ll help you explore these questions and more with a personalized bible study whether you’re jumping in for the first time or rekindling a lost love for the bible there’s unlimited wisdom to uncover together

Holy Bibles NFT | A Unique Collection Of Bible

We firmly believe that God’s power is limitless and as the Child of God, we have the responsibility to spread his teaching to continuously grow our family; and for more people to be blessed under his wings. pLz visit the Holy Bible NFT and donate.



Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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