How to say sorry

By Alex

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how to say sorry

How to say sorry when someone apologizes to you? Have you ever thought that or feel that you must reply… I’m dam sure you thought about replying. Also, how did you say sorry to someone? But wait a minute! what did you reply? Have you got an Idea! how to reply in that situation. Well, today I gonna solve your problem. I gonna share with you some tips. Here are some suggestions that might help you out.

I’m sorry

I’m sorry Dear, I dididn’t Wanted to Hurt You. I am really apologize for that. Please I am sorry.

You can use it when

  • You must apologize to someone.
  • You don’t know how to express yourself effectively in a challenging scenario.
  • You have difficulty getting things off your mind.

Why is it difficult to say “sorry”?

How to say sorry
credit: giffy

Even decent individuals make mistakes from time to time. Unfortunately, when you have to admit to being a jerk, your brain has to work overtime to convince you that you are the one who is wrong. That is not an enjoyable experience.

We avoid apologizing because we don’t want to feel horrible about ourselves. We strive to maintain a positive image of ourselves, and our desire to do so might make really apologizing difficult.

Why is it essential to admit our mistakes?

Being unable to own our mistakes and honestly apologize to others when necessary can have ramifications in all aspects of our lives, including the workplace, the classroom, and our relationships. It can also stifle our ability to grow and learn from our experiences.

Few Steps for Apologizing

Step 1: Practice self-affirmation before you do anything.

Begin by speaking a few encouraging words to yourself. This is known as self-affirmation,’ and it has a favorable effect on how you perceive yourself. Self-affirmation has been demonstrated to boost self-esteem and confidence while decreasing tension and anxiety.

Consider your beliefs and great personal qualities, such as your abilities and hobbies, your accomplishments at work or school, or the way you treat family members and friends. For example, you could tell yourself, “I’m wonderful at coming up with unique ideas,” or “I’m kind to everyone I meet.”

Using self-affirmation before apologising might help make your apologies more authentic and honest. By reminding yourselves of your good traits, you are lowering your guard and demonstrating yourself, ‘Hey, there are so many great things about you, one mistake doesn’t affect anything.’

Step 2: Explain why you wish to apologise.

It may seem apparent, but the first element of an apology is to explicitly describe what you have done before apologizing. 

It also shows the other person that you recognize your error. 

Before you apologize, it can be a good idea to practice what you’re going to say.

Example: I am really sorry for that, “I should not behave like that”

Step 3: Admit your mistakes

It is critical to demonstrate to other people that you are willing to accept responsibility for your actions and confess that you would be wrong.

For Example: ” It was totally wrong what I behave with you. “

Step 4: Respect the emotions of the other person

A good apology entails demonstrating that you understand how your actions have affected the other person. This shows that you understand why they are upset.

For Example, you can say “I can understand what you feel that time, and get upset”

Step 5: Express regret

Express your sincerity by simply saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ Keep it concise, and avoid adding a ‘but…’ at the end of the phrase.

Step 6: Beg forgiveness from them.

Request forgiveness by saying something like, “I realize it will take time, but I sincerely hope we can still be friends,” or “Is there anything I can do to make this right?” This communicates to the other person that your relationship with them is really important to you.

Express yourself that you are sorry

It is crucial to demonstrate, rather than simply say, that you regret what you have done. Consider how you can solve the problem and make things right if at all possible. For example, if you misplaced or broke something belonging to someone else, you may assist them in replacing it.

Some things, however, cannot be repaired, such as when you have said something harmful to a friend. In this case, the best thing to do is to prevent it from happening again and to demonstrate your genuine regret by your actions. If you’ve identified a problem that you can address, you might disclose it to demonstrate that you’re taking steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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