127 Best I m Sorry Quotes To Apologize

“It’s hard to say to someone I’m sorry but if you say sorry you will see new hope”

No doubt. It’s hard to say sorry to someone. People have to see lots of consequences But if you say sorry or apologize to someone after that, you will see a new hope with positive understanding. I’m sorry quotes are very important or helpful for us to improve our relationships.

Apology, in its broad sense, encompasses the act of conveying sorrow, regret, or remorse for words or actions that have caused harm or offense to another person.

It also delves into the realm of apologetics, a field dedicated to crafting defenses and reasoned explanations to counter criticisms or objections against actions, attitudes, or beliefs that may be viewed as undesirable or detrimental.

To apologize typically involves expressing remorse, yet it can also encompass the formal activities of apologists, who engage in defending or justifying specific intentions or deeds in a systematic manner.

Apology Quotes to Say I’m sorry

The short way didn’t work to saying I’m sorry, If you are saying sorry to someone you need to make her/him understand and feel that you are really apologizing.

To prove it, I have created a list of apologies from books, movies, and songs.

I m Sorry Quotes For Her

I am sorry quotes for her

1. “I’m sorry for the hurt I’ve caused you. You mean the world to me.” – Unknown

2. “I apologize for my mistakes. Please forgive me.” – David Viscott

3. “I am sorry for being so difficult and for not making things easier for you.” – Nicholas Sparks

4. “I’m deeply sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. I never meant for things to turn out this way.” – Haruki Murakami

5. “I’m sorry I let you down. You deserve better.” – Unknown

6. “I apologize for my actions. You are the most important person in my life.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

7. “I am truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. You are the love of my life.” – Paulo Coelho

8. “I’m sorry for my mistakes. I promise to do better.” – Maya Angelou

9. “I apologize for hurting you. You are my sunshine, and I want to see you smile again.” – Unknown

10. “I am deeply sorry for the tears I’ve caused you to shed. You are my everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

11. “I’m sorry for letting you down. You mean more to me than words can express.” – Unknown

12. “I apologize for my actions. You are the love of my life, and I don’t want to lose you.” – Nicholas Sparks

I'm sorry quotes for her

I’m sorry quotes for him from the heart

1. “I’m sorry for the words I can’t take back, for the hurt I’ve caused. My love for you remains unwavering.” – Unknown

2. “In the gallery of my heart, I’m hanging a masterpiece of apologies, each stroke painted with love.” – Unknown

3. “I’m sorry for the tears I’ve caused, but I promise to spend a lifetime making you smile.” – Unknown

4. “Regret weighs heavy on my heart, but know that my love for you outweighs it all.” – Unknown

5. “My heart aches with remorse, and all I want is to make things right between us.” – Unknown

6. “I apologize not just because I have to, but because I can’t bear to see you hurt.” – Unknown

7. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused, and I’ll spend forever making it up to you.” – Unknown

8. “Mistakes are the price I pay for your love, and I’d pay it over and over again.” – Unknown

9. “I may not have been perfect, but my love for you is nothing short of extraordinary.” – Unknown

10. “I’m sorry for the past, but I’m committed to making our future a masterpiece of happiness.” – Unknown

11. “My heart aches with regret, but it beats with an overwhelming love for you.” – Unknown

12. “I’m not just apologizing for my actions; I’m apologizing for the pain they caused you.” – Unknown

13. “I’m sorry for the tears I’ve made you shed. Let me be the one to wipe them away forever.” – Unknown

I’m sorry quotes for girlfriend

I'm sorry quotes for girlfriend

1. “I’m sorry for the times I let you down, my love. I promise to always strive to be the person you deserve.”

2. “My heart aches knowing I hurt you. I’m sorry, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.”

3. “I apologize for the pain my words caused. Please forgive me, and let’s heal together.”

4. “Saying ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t seem enough, but it comes from the depths of my heart.”

5. “I never want to be the source of your tears. I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

6. “I’m sorry for the silence that followed our argument. My love for you has never wavered.”

7. “Regret fills my heart for the hurt I caused. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

8. “You mean the world to me, and I’m devastated by my mistakes. I’m deeply sorry, my love.”

9. “I wish I could turn back time and undo the pain I caused. Please accept my sincere apology.”

10. “I promise to learn from my errors and cherish your love like never before. I’m so sorry.”

11. “I hate myself for making you cry. I’m truly sorry, and I’ll work to be a better partner.”

12. “Let my actions speak louder than my mistakes. I’m sorry, and I’ll prove my love every day.”

13. “You’re the light of my life, and I’m sorry for any darkness I brought into it. I love you.”

Deeply sorry quotes

Deeply sorry quotes

1. “I am deeply sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. My actions were thoughtless, and I regret them immensely.”

2. “I want you to know that my apology comes from the depths of my heart. I am truly, deeply sorry for hurting you.”

3. “Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I never meant to hurt you, and I am deeply sorry for my mistakes.”

4. “I wish I could turn back time and undo the hurt I’ve caused. I am genuinely and deeply sorry for the pain I’ve brought into your life.”

5. “I hope you can feel the sincerity in my words when I say that I am deeply sorry for letting you down.”

6. “I never wanted to hurt you, and I am deeply sorry for the pain I’ve caused. Please give me a chance to make things right.”

7. “I want to apologize from the depths of my soul. I deeply regret my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

8. “My heart aches knowing that I’ve hurt you. I am deeply sorry, and I promise to do better in the future.”

9. “I understand the gravity of my mistakes, and I am deeply sorry for any harm I’ve caused you.”

10. “I am soulfully remorseful for my actions. Please accept my deepest apologies.”

11. “I want you to know that I’ve been reflecting on my actions, and I am profoundly sorry for the pain I’ve inflicted on you.”

12. “I can’t change the past, but I can promise to be a better person moving forward. I am deeply sorry for the hurt I’ve caused you.”

13. “I’m sorry doesn’t seem like enough, but please know that I am genuinely, deeply sorry for the hurt I’ve caused.”

14. “I never meant to hurt you, and I am deeply sorry for any pain I’ve brought into your life. You deserve better.”

15. “My apology may not erase the pain, but please know that I am truly, deeply sorry for my actions.”

I’m sorry for everything quotes

I'm sorry for everything quotes

1. “I’m sorry for every moment I couldn’t be there when you needed me, but know that my love for you never wavered.”

2. “I apologize for the times I let my ego get in the way of our happiness, for I value our relationship above all else.”

3. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me and let healing begin.”

4. “I regret every harsh word I’ve spoken, for they were never a true reflection of my feelings for you.”

5. “I apologize for the tears you’ve shed because of me. I promise to be the one who wipes them away from now on.”

6. “I’m sorry for the times I didn’t appreciate your efforts. You mean the world to me, and I’ll strive to show it every day.”

7. “I’m sorry for not understanding your perspective earlier. I’ve learned that love requires empathy and patience.”

8. “I apologize for taking your presence for granted. Now, I realize your absence would leave a void in my life.”

9. “I’m sorry for any sleepless nights I’ve caused you. My wish is for your dreams to be filled with happiness from now on.”

10. “I’m sorry for the moments I let pride stand in the way of our connection. You’re more important to me than any ego.”

11. “I apologize for every doubt I’ve cast upon our love. It’s the most precious thing I have, and I’ll protect it fiercely.”

12. “I’m sorry for not being the friend or partner you needed at times. I promise to always strive to be better for you.”

13. “I apologize for the silence that grew between us. Let’s break it with understanding and forgiveness.”

14. “I’m sorry for not realizing your worth sooner. You are a gem, and I’m lucky to have you in my life.”

15. “I’m sorry for making you feel unappreciated. You are cherished, and I’ll make sure you know it every day.”

Apology quotes to your girlfriend

Apology quotes to your girlfriend

1. “I’m deeply sorry for my actions. I promise to make amends and show you how much you mean to me every single day.”

2. “I want to apologize from the depths of my heart for hurting you. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness.”

3. “I never want to be the reason for your tears, and I’m truly sorry for causing them. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.”

4. “I know I messed up, but you mean the world to me. I’m ready to work on us and make things right, starting with this apology.”

5. “My love for you is immeasurable, and I regret any pain I’ve caused. I’m committed to making you smile again.”

6. “I’m sorry for letting you down. You deserve nothing but happiness, and I promise to do better.”

7. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m devastated that my actions hurt you. Please give me a chance to make things better.”

8. “Our love is worth fighting for, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust I’ve lost. I’m deeply sorry.”

9. “I’m apologizing not because I have to but because I genuinely want to make things right between us. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world.”

10. “I’m sorry for my mistakes and for not being the partner you deserve. Let’s work together to heal our relationship.”

11. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I’m truly sorry for any pain I’ve caused. I promise to cherish and protect our love.”

12. “I’m willing to swallow my pride and admit my faults because you mean more to me than anything else. I’m so sorry, my love.”

13. “I understand that my actions have hurt you deeply, and for that, I’m sincerely sorry. I’m ready to make things right.”

14. “I’m apologizing not just with words but with a commitment to change. You are my everything, and I want to be the partner you deserve.”

15. “I love you more than words can express, and I’m devastated that my actions hurt you. Please allow me the chance to prove how much you mean to me.”

I Apologize quotes for him

i apologize quotes for him

1. “I apologize from the depths of my heart, hoping that you can find it in yours to forgive me for my thoughtless actions.”

2. “I’m truly sorry for the hurt I’ve caused you. Please believe me when I say that I’ll do everything in my power to make it right.”

3. “My love, I never meant to hurt you. I’m sincerely sorry for my mistakes, and I promise to learn from them.”

4. “I apologize not because I have to, but because I want to make things right between us. You mean the world to me.”

5. “In your eyes, I see the pain I’ve caused, and it breaks my heart. I am deeply sorry, and I promise to be better.”

6. “I’m sorry for letting my pride get in the way. Please accept my apology, and let’s move forward together.”

7. “My actions were thoughtless, but my apology is sincere. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

8. “Regret fills my heart for the pain I’ve caused you. I apologize and promise to cherish you like you deserve.”

9. “I apologize for the tears I’ve caused and the trust I’ve shattered. Let me rebuild what I’ve broken.”

10. “Saying sorry feels inadequate for the pain I’ve inflicted. Please know that I’ll work tirelessly to make amends.”

11. “I’m deeply sorry for my actions. You deserve better, and I’m committed to proving that I can be the person you need.”

12. “Apologies cannot undo the past, but they can pave the way for a brighter future. I’m truly sorry, my love.”

13. “I apologize for the hurt I’ve caused, and I promise to be more mindful of your feelings in the future.”

14. “I’m not just apologizing for my mistakes; I’m also promising to be a better partner, friend, and confidant.”

15. “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, for I can’t bear to see you hurt. I am truly, deeply sorry.”

Apologizing quotes to your boyfriend

apologizing quotes to your boyfriend

1. “I’m truly sorry for my thoughtless actions. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give us another chance.”

2. “I never meant to hurt you, and I can’t express how sorry I am for the pain I’ve caused. Please believe in us and our love.”

3. “I messed up, and I take full responsibility for it. I apologize from the bottom of my heart and promise to do better.”

4. “You mean the world to me, and I hate that I hurt you. I’m deeply sorry, and I’ll work hard to make it up to you.”

5. “I’m sorry for letting you down. I value you more than anything, and I hope you can see how sincere I am in wanting to make things right.”

6. “Please forgive my foolishness. I can’t bear the thought of losing you. I promise to learn from my mistakes.”

7. “I know I hurt you deeply, and I regret every moment of it. I’ll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.”

8. “I apologize for my actions, which were thoughtless and selfish. You deserve better, and I promise to be better for you.”

9. “I’m sorry for not thinking things through and causing you pain. I’ll do everything I can to mend what’s broken.”

10. “You are the most important person in my life, and I’m devastated that I hurt you. I promise to be more considerate and make amends.”

11. “I never want to be the source of your sadness. I’m sorry for my actions, and I promise to be more mindful of your feelings.”

12. “I made a mistake, and I’m truly sorry for the hurt I’ve caused. Please give me the chance to prove how much you mean to me.”

13. “I’m apologizing from the depths of my heart for the hurt I’ve inflicted on you. I promise to make it right and cherish our love.”

14. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m so sorry for jeopardizing what we have. I’m committed to making things better.”

15. “I love you more than words can express, and I’m devastated that I hurt you. I’m deeply sorry and willing to work on our relationship.”

Forgive me quotes for boyfriend

forgive me quotes for boyfriend

1. “In the grand story of us, my love, forgiveness is the chapter where we learn to mend the pages of our hearts.”

2. “Forgiveness is the bridge we walk together, hand in hand, across the river of mistakes, headed toward the land of endless love.”

3. “You are my sunshine after the storm, my love, and forgiveness is the rainbow that graces our path.”

4. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and that prisoner is often ourselves. I set myself free when I forgave you, my dearest.”

5. “In your arms, I’ve found my sanctuary, and in forgiveness, I’ve discovered the key to our everlasting love.”

6. “Forgiving you was the easy part, my love. Forgetting was the real challenge, but it’s a challenge I’m willing to take on for us.”

7. “Every time I hold you, every time I kiss you, every time I forgive you, my heart finds a new reason to love you.”

8. “Forgiveness is not a weakness; it’s a testament to the strength of our love.”

9. “My heart may have been bruised, but it is in the mending that our love has grown stronger. Forgiveness is our love’s secret ingredient.”

10. “Forgiving you was never about absolving your mistakes; it was about choosing to love you despite them.”

11. “In the story of us, my love, forgiveness is the plot twist that makes our love story truly extraordinary.”

12. “My love for you is like an endless ocean, deep and forgiving, with waves that carry away our past mistakes.”

13. “I forgive you not because you asked for it, but because my love for you is greater than any hurt you could ever cause.”

14. “Forgiveness is the gift I offer you, not because you deserve it, but because I love you more than my pride.”

15. “Our love is a masterpiece, painted with the colors of forgiveness, understanding, and unwavering devotion.”

I apologize for everything the quotes

i apologize for everything quotes

1. “I apologize not only for my words but for the silence that followed them, for they left you with unanswered questions and a wounded heart.”

2. “Sometimes, saying ‘I apologize’ is like healing a wound, but it’s never too late to mend what was broken.”

3. “I’m sorry if my absence ever made you feel like you were not important; you’ve always meant the world to me.”

4. “Apologizing is not just about admitting wrong, it’s about valuing the relationship more than your ego.”

5. “I apologize not just for my mistakes, but for the hurt they caused you, and I promise to learn and grow from them.”

6. “In every ‘I’m sorry,’ there’s a chance for a new beginning, a chance to rebuild what was once broken.”

7. “I apologize for the tears you shed because of me, and I hope one day I can be the reason behind your smile.”

8. “Saying ‘I apologize’ isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength to admit when we’ve faltered.”

9. “I’m deeply sorry if my actions ever made you question your worth; you are invaluable to me.”

10. “Apologizing is a way of saying, ‘I respect our connection enough to make amends and preserve our bond.'”

11. “I apologize not because I have to, but because I want to make things right between us.”

12. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused; forgiveness may take time, but I promise to always be patient.”

13. “Regret often comes too late, but an apology is the first step toward redemption.”

14. “I apologize for my imperfections; they’ve taught me the value of understanding and compassion.”

15. “I’m sorry if my words ever hurt you; I cherish your presence in my life more than you know.”


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.