Irregular Verbs | Past & Present Participle

By Alex

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irregular verbs

Irregular verbs List: Hey! Are you looking for an “Irregular verbs” list then you are right place today I gonna share with you a list of irregular verbs list.

Irregular Verbs

Definition: The English language contains a large number of irregular verbs, with around 200 in common use—and much more if prefixed variants are counted. In most cases, the irregularity is with the past tense, often known as the past participle.

irregular verbs with Image

irregular verbs
Present Inf.Past Tense  Past ParticiplePresent Participle 
To eatAteEatenEating
To fallFellFallenFalling
To feedFedFedFeeding
To feelFeltFeltFeeling
To fightFoughtFoughtFighting
To findFoundFoundFinding
To fleeFledFledFleeing
To flyFlewFlownFlying
To forbearForboreForborneForbearing
To forbidForbadeForbiddenForbidding
To forecastForecast(ed)Forecast(ed)Forecasting
To foregoForewentForegoneForegoing
To foreknowForeknewForeknownForeknowing
To foreseeForesawForeseenForeseeing
To foretellForetoldForetoldForetelling
To forgetForgotForgottenForgetting
To forgiveForgaveForgivenForgiving
To forsakeForsookForsakenForsaking
To forswearForsworeForswornForswearing
To freezeFrozeFrozenFreezing
To gainsayGainsaidGainsaidGainsaying
To getGot/gottenGot/gottenGetting
To girdGirt/girdedGirt/girdedGirding
To giveGaveGivenGiving
To goWentGoneGoing
To graveGravedGraved/gravenGraving
To grindGroundGroundGrinding
To growGrewGrownGrowing
To hangHung/hangedHung/hangedHanging
To haveHadHadHaving
To hearHeardHeardHearing
To hideHidHid/hiddenHiding
To hitHitHitHitting
To holdHeldHeldHolding
To hurtHurtHurtHurting
To inlayInlaidInlaidInlaying
To keepKeptKeptKeeping
To kneelKnelt/kneeledKnelt/kneeledKneeling
To knitKnit/knittedKnit/knittedKnitting
To knowKnewKnownKnowing

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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