learn to speak Punjabi through English

Want to learn and Speak Punjabi through English, Then You don’t need to go anywhere. I have the best solution for you.

Why Should We learn Punjabi?

Punjabi is a language which is mostly spoken in Canada, U.K, United States of America as well as in Austrelia and many more except Punjab and Haryana.

Why, Just because of large number of Punjabis are living in these countries with their families. So they need to learn Punjabi.

A great number of Punjabi are settled in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and the United states of America.

This Punjabi speaking through English course. you will get all the information that How we can learn Punjabi and able to speak.

I would recommend you to follow ifactner. YouTube channel

learn and speak punjabi
How can I learn Punjabi Easily?

If you want to speak Punjabi, you have to be mastering in pronunciations of the different sounds.
Add Punjabi words to learn
Learn Punjabi vowels words
Practice aspired consonants words
keep practicing, Punjabi pronouncing words

English vs Punjabi Which is Hard?

Learning Punjabi is not very tough, just like any other language it totally depends on how are you pronouncing. teaching Punjabi is a little bit challenging.

How Can I become fluent in Punjabi?

Start communicating in Punjabi with people who knows Punjabi.
Watch Punjabi movies with English Subtittles
Read Punjabi basic books.
Punjabi songs will help you.

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.