Math Symbols and Signs List | Symbols list

Here we will know math symbols and signs. Which are mathematically used, often use for calculations in our education system or business. These mathematical symbols are very important and if you are not aware form this you must know.

Let’s discuss the math symbols list here

Math Symbols List

math symbols and signs

Not equalityApproximately equal
<Less than>Greater than
()Parentheses+P addition
√aSquare root3√Cube root
πPi constant!Exclamation mark
/Division slashΣSummation
Integral$Dollar sign
Big than or equalLess than or equal
/SlashQuotation Mark
&AmpersandΩOhm sign

Basic Arithmetic Symbols

+AdditionUsed to add two or more numbers.
SubtractionUsed to subtract one number from another.
*MultiplicationUsed to multiply two or more numbers.
/DivisionUsed to divide one number by another.
%ModuloUsed to find the remainder of a division operation.
=EqualityUsed to indicate that two expressions are equal.
InequalityUsed to indicate that two expressions are not equal.
<Less thanUsed to indicate that one value is less than another.
>Greater thanUsed to indicate that one value is greater than another.
Less than or equal toUsed to indicate that one value is less than or equal to another.
Greater than or equal toUsed to indicate that one value is greater than or equal to another.

Algebra Symbols

xVariableA letter or symbol that represents an unknown value.
a, b, c, …ConstantsA number or value that does not change in an equation.
^ExponentIndicates the number of times a value is multiplied by itself.
Square rootIndicates the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals the original value.
()ParenthesesUsed to group numbers or variables together in an expression.
{}BracesUsed to group sets of numbers or variables together.
[]BracketsUsed to group sets of numbers or variables together.
SummationUsed to represent the sum of a set of numbers.
ProductUsed to represent the product of a set of numbers.
IntegralUsed to represent the area under a curve in calculus.

Trigonometry Symbols

sinSineThe ratio of the length of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.
cosCosineThe ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse.
tanTangentThe ratio of the length of the opposite side to the adjacent side.
cotCotangentThe ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the opposite side.
secSecantThe reciprocal of the cosine.
cscCosecantThe reciprocal of the sine.

Calculus Symbols

Partial derivativeThe derivative of a function with respect to one of its variables, holding the other variables constant.
NablaA vector operator used in vector calculus to represent various operations, such as gradient, divergence, and curl.
InfinityIndicates a value that is infinitely large.
limLimitIndicates the value that a function approaches as its input approaches a certain value.
d/dxDerivativeIndicates the rate at which a function is changing with respect to its input.

Set Theory Symbols

Element ofUsed to indicate that an element belongs to a set.
Not element ofUsed to indicate that an element does not belong to a set.
SubsetUsed to indicate that one set is a subset of another.
Subset or equal toUsed to indicate that one set is a subset or equal to another.
IntersectionUsed to indicate the set of elements that are in both sets.
UnionUsed to indicate the set of elements that are in either or both sets.
Empty setA set with no elements.

Logic Symbols

ConjunctionUsed to represent logical “and”.
DisjunctionUsed to represent logical “or”.
¬NegationUsed to represent logical “not”.
ImplicationUsed to represent logical “if-then”.
Bi-implicationUsed to represent logical “if and only if”.
Exclusive orUsed to represent logical “exclusive or”.
TautologyA statement that is always true.
ContradictionA statement that is always false.

Probability and Statistics Symbols

PProbabilityThe likelihood of an event occurring.
EExpected valueThe average value of a random variable.
σStandard deviationA measure of how spread out a set of data is.
μMeanThe average value of a set of data.
nSample sizeThe number of items in a sample.
NPopulation sizeThe number of items in a population.
ρCorrelation coefficientA measure of how strongly two variables are related.

Calculus Symbols

Partial derivativeA derivative with respect to one variable while holding all other variables constant.
IntegralA measure of the area under a curve.
InfinityA concept representing something without bound or limit.
NablaA differential operator that represents the gradient of a scalar field.
dxDifferentialA small change in the value of x.
dy/dxDerivativeThe rate of change of a function with respect to x.

Linear Algebra Symbols

AMatrixA rectangular array of numbers.
aScalarA single number.
det(A)DeterminantA scalar value associated with a square matrix.
rank(A)RankThe dimension of the column space of a matrix.
tr(A)TraceThe sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix.
ATTransposeA matrix obtained by interchanging its rows and columns.
IIdentity matrixA square matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

Geometry Symbols

πPiA mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
AngleThe measure of the amount of rotation between two rays that share a common endpoint.
PerpendicularTwo lines that intersect at a right angle.
CongruentTwo shapes that have the same size and shape.
AAreaThe measure of the size of a two-dimensional shape.
VVolumeThe measure of the size of a three-dimensional shape.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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