Sweep Verb Forms – Past Tense for Sweep, Past Participle & V1 V2 V3 Form of Sweep

Looking for Past tense Sweep verb forms! Here I have covered all sweep verb forms V1 V2 V3 forms of Sweep.

Here are the verb forms of “sweep”:

Base FormPresent TensePast TensePast ParticiplePresent Participle
Sweep verb forms
TenseSimple PresentSimple PastPresent ParticiplePast Participle
1st PersonSweepSweptSweepingSwept
2nd PersonSweepSweptSweepingSwept
3rd PersonSweepsSweptSweepingSwept
FutureWill sweepWould sweepWill be sweepingWould be swept
ConditionalWould sweepWould sweepWould be sweepingWould be swept

Conjugations of Sweep

Present Simple:

  • I sweep the floor every day to keep it clean.
  • He sweeps the patio after the party.

Present Continuous:

  • She is sweeping the driveway at the moment.
  • They are sweeping the classroom before the students arrive.

Present Perfect:

  • We have swept the entire house for any hidden treasures.
  • The janitor has already swept the hallway this morning.

Present Perfect Continuous:

  • She has been sweeping the garden all afternoon.
  • The team has been sweeping the competition this season.

Past Simple:

  • He swept the debris off the sidewalk yesterday.
  • They swept the leaves into a pile before raking them up.

Past Continuous:

  • While it was raining, she was sweeping the garage.
  • They were sweeping the streets when the parade passed by.

Past Perfect:

  • By the time they arrived, she had already swept the entire house.
  • He had swept the beach before the tourists arrived.

Past Perfect Continuous:

  • She had been sweeping the attic for hours before finding the missing box.
  • They had been sweeping the warehouse when the power outage occurred.

Future Simple:

  • I will sweep the porch tomorrow morning.
  • She will sweep the kitchen after dinner tonight.

Future Continuous:

  • At this time tomorrow, he will be sweeping the office floors.
  • They will be sweeping the park during the community cleanup event.

Future Perfect:

  • By the time you arrive, we will have already swept the entire area.
  • She will have swept the stage before the concert begins.

Future Perfect Continuous:

  • He will have been sweeping the streets for a month by the time the project ends.
  • They will have been sweeping the garden all day when you visit.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.