What is the difference between a republic and a democracy

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy

The difference between a republic and a democracy is explained in here detail. This is a very very important topic in the world which is mostly asked by the teachers in school to write essays about the difference between democracy and a republic. Keep reading this article at the end of the article I have something amazing secrets for you. Also, this question has been asked by the UPSC civil services in the Exam.

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?

what’s the difference between a democracy and a republic? this can be a difficult question to answer a democracy is obvious like a western country where there isn’t a dictatorship and we vote every now and then and maybe have political parties. whereas the republic is well it’s what we have in the west where there isn’t a dictatorship and we vote every now and then and there may be political parties, okay that wasn’t actually very helpful at all.

let’s see what Twitter has to say on the matter anybody else ever noticed that democrats and liberals generally have no idea that hashtag America is a republic, not a democracy? they actually think that their party name is a description of who they are democratic if asked most would say we are democratic.

if they would learn the pledge it would be obvious and the republic for which it stands at GOP at DNC for your information America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy big dear friends anyone who “pledges allegiance” to the flag of the united states of America.

The “constitutional republic” for which its times is a danger to democracy and the communist ideologies for which it stands democracy is mob rules communism it is not subject to the constitution.

Oh wow really so America is a republic but not a democracy several people there brought up the pledge of allegiance which is some weird ritual where school children have to tell a piece of cloth in unison how much they love it.

so let’s take a closer look, shall we? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America, and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all well that settles it, then America is a republic, not democracy and crooked Hillary is clearly a communist as all democrats are wait hang on the house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states.

well, that sounds an awful lot like democracy to me now I’m all confused. I suppose you’ll have to do actual research and not just look through Twitter.

The standard library cyclopedia of political, constitutional, statistical, and forensic knowledge forms a work of universal reference on subjects of civil administration political economy finance commerce laws, and social relations in four volumes volume four was published by henry my book titled is too long bonne in 1849.

A republic according to the modern usage of the word signifies a political community, which is not under a monarchical government or in other words a political community, in which one person does not possess the entire sovereign power well that settles it then all republics are a democracy.

Hang on the second republic of Iran but they have a supreme leader that doesn’t fit the definition at all. I suppose I’ll have to do more research on this topic as it appears I clearly wasn’t educated enough on the topic and I’m back on Twitter in a democracy the majority rules if the majority decided.

They want to take your bike they could take it in a republic your bike is your property and you do not owe it to anyone. it cannot be taken against your will by law America is a constitutional republic.

Therefore the constitution is the law by which we are supposed to be protected in a republic the individual is protected from the majority by constitutional law. a constitutional republic is what we were given it is up to us to keep it.

I see that a republic is where there is a constitution but no congress or parliament or laws whereas democracy is where there is no constitution and the government steals bikes from people that make a lot of sense except for the fact that every country in the world has a constitution.

So that would mean that every country is a republic and there are no countries. which are democracies, but that would make Saudi Arabia a republic which just doesn’t feel right and it also doesn’t fit the definition about not having a monarchy from that book with a really long title we saw earlier.

okay, you stupid European cuck stop making fun and start making sense just tell me is America a democracy or a republic that’s what I clicked on this video for and you still haven’t told me all right fine I think the confusion about whether America is a democracy or a republic. stems from the fact that you have a two-party system where you have one particle the democratic party and another party called the republican party. I said just tell me well it depends on what you mean by democracy.

I bet you voted for bernard Sandler didn’t you make clickbait videos promising a simple answer but then spend five minutes making stupid voices reading tweets? so America is by almost all accounts a republic but being a republic does not mean that you can’t also be a democracy.

most countries and the key word here is most which call themselves republics are also democratic at least to some extent because at the end of the day what a republic really means is a country that has neither a monarch nor a dictator.

In charge, Sweden which has a constitutional monarchy is not a republic but we are relatively speaking a democracy we have elected representatives on a local regional, and national level that we elect once every four years.

But we also have a constitution that guarantees things like freedom of assembly freedom of demonstration freedom of association freedom of religion and even freedom of speech to a certain extent.

I mean all countries limit freedom of speech in one way or another. in America for example it’s a federal offense to say you want to kill Donald trump in Sweden defamation slander and libel can get you in some trouble but freedom of speech is in a valid defense in all situations but that’s beside the point so America is a republic great the trump supporting conservatives were right but could it be a democratic republic.

maybe even a democratic people’s republic might hang on now we’re back to communism. so okay, this is a bit controversial is America a democracy well it definitely wants people to think so but with the congress and the elections and so on but in reality, it’s a hybrid regime at best and plutocracy at worst.

what with the electoral congress and the faithless electors and the gerrymandering and the lobbying and the such and such but that’s a story for another time I hope you enjoyed reading this article.

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy? watch this video to find the great difference between a democracy and a republic.

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy

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