Words Power Made Easy Explainnation

Words Power made easy: Most of the students always think about how to increase our word power to improve our spoken English. If you are searching for best vocabulary power to build your English speaking faster and fluent then you are at the correct place.

Hello guys, In this article we are going to discuss to build words power but before that, I wanna say that if you want to build your fluency in English Just read the complete article. After reading this I am sure you will definitely appreciate it.word power made easy

In this post, I will talk about the great book Word power made easy which is written by Norman Lewis. It is an excellent book for those who want to build their vocabulary power. Also, it is a core book about the English language and correct word usage.

Those who are preparing to sit for CAT, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL and others. such examinations would definitely stand to greatly benefit from this book.

word power made easy
word power made easy

I am not going to copy of this book. I have just explained word meanings that will help you to understand in an easy way. This is the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language. If you want to buy this book click here

Explanation of Words Power Made Easy Explanation

Egoist: Who believes in self-advancement, selfish person.

Egotist: Who believes that he is better, more important, more talented than others.

Altruist: Who is interested in the welfare of others. (interested in mankind)

Introvert: A shy person; turns thoughts inward.

Extrovert: A very friendly person, turns thoughts outward.

Ambivert: Who is both Introvert and Extrovert.

Misanthrope: That person who hates human, hate mankind.

Misogynist: Hate women or female. (Mis-hate, Gyn-women, female)

Mysogamist: Those persons who hate marriage.

Ascetic: Those people who do not pursue pleasure or want to look like as a saint.

Egocentric: Too much selfish, caring only about himself, not others.

Egomaniacal: Extremely selfish in other ways extremely egocentric.

Altruism: Mankind people, helping others always.

Alternate: Other options.

To alternate: To take one or skip one.

To alter: To change

Alternative: A choice

Alteration: a change

Alter ego: A different version of yourself or a close friend who thinks or feel similar to the way you think or feel.

Altercation: Strong argument, forcefully.

Dexterous: skilful

Ambidextrous: Capable of using both hands with equal skill.

Sinister: Evil

Gause: Bad, awkward

Misanthropic: Hating mankind

Anthropology: Study of human development.

Gynaecology: Study of female diseases. (GYN-female)

Monogamy: System of only one marriage. (Mono- one)

Bigamy: System of two marriages. (Bi- two)

Misogyny: Hatred of women (Miso-hate, GYN-women)

Polygamy: System of many marriages (Poly- many, gamy- marriage)

Misogamy: Hatred of marriage (Miso- hate, gamy-marriage)

Philanthropy: Love of mankind. (Phil- love, anthro- mankind)

Adroitness: Skilful, clever (Droit- right hand)

Polygynist: Male with many wives. (Poly- many, Gyn- female)

Polyanthrist: Female with many husbands. (Poly- many, Andros- male)

Anthropologist: Student of the development of mankind. (Anthro- mankind)

Gynaecologist: Women’s doctor. (Gyn- women)

Philanthropist: One who engages in charitable works. (Phil- love, anthro- mankind)

Asceticism: Devotion to a lonely and simple life (Askets- monk)

Words related to Science with root words

Gynaecology: The scientific study of the reproductive system of women and its diseases (Gyne- female, women, Logy-subject)

Obstetrics: Branch of medical science that deals with child delivery. (Obstetrix- midwife, Ics- branch of science )

Paediatrics: Branch of medical science that deals with diseases of babies and children. (Paidos- child, Ics- branch of science)

Pedagogue: Teacher of children (Paidos- child, Gogue- leader)

Demagogue: A political leader who tries to support by making false claims and promises. (Gogue- leader, Demos- people)

Dermatology: The study of the skin and its diseases (Derma- skin, logy- subject)

Taxidermy: The skill, activity or job of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of dead animals so that they look like they did when they were alive. (Derma-skin, )

Hypodermic: Under the skin (Hypos-under, Derma- skin)

Epidermic: The outer layer of the skin. (Epi-outer, Derma- skin)

Pachyderm: Types of animals that have thick skin (Pachy-thick, Derma- skin)

Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin (Derma-skin, Titis-disease)

Optometrist: One who measure vision. (Opto-eye, Metrist- measurement)

Words related to medical science with root words

Obstetrician: Doctor who deals with pregnancy or childbirth. (Obstetrics- Midwife, A person who helps a woman when she is giving birth to a child).

Paediatrician: Doctor of infants and child. (Paidos- child)

Dermatologist: Doctor who deals with skin problems. (Derma- skin)

Ophthalmologist: Doctors who deal with eye and vision problem. (Opta- vision)

Orthopaedist: Doctor who deals with the skeletal system. (Ortho-straight, paidos- child)

Cardiologist: Deals with problems of heart. (Cardio- heart)

Neurologist: Doctor who deals with problems of the nervous system. (Neuro- nervous)

Psychiatrist: Deals with mental or emotional disturbance. (Psychic- mind)

Orthopaedics: Branch of medical science that deals with skeletal deformities. (Orthos- straight, correct)

Orthodontics: Branch of medical science that deals with the strengthening of teeth. (Orthos- straight, dontis-teeth)

Neuralgia: Nerve pain. (Neuro- nerve, algia- pain)

Neuritis: Inflammation of the nerves. (Neuro- nerve, itis- disease)

Geriatrics: It is a medical science it deals with an old person. (Geras- old age)

Cardiogram: Record of heartbeats. (Kardia, cardio-heart Gram- a record of heartbeats)

Cardiograph: Instrument of recording heartbeats. (Cardio- heart, graph- an instrument of record )

Neurosis: Emotional disturbance. (Neuro- nervus, Osis- abnormal)

Psychosis: Mental unbalance or illness. (Psyche- mind, Osis- abnormal)

Psychiatry: Medical science deals with personality disorders. (Psyche- mind, Iateria- medical healing)

Nephrologist: Kidney specialist (Nephro-kidney)

Psychologist: Expert in human behaviour. (Psyche-mind)

Psychoanalyst: Expert of analysing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disturbance or disorders. (Psyche-mind analyse-analyse)

Orthodontist: Specialist in the straightening in teeth. (Ortho- straight, odontos- teeth)

Optometrist: Measures vision and prescribes the types of glasses. (Opto- vision, metron- measure)

Osteopath: Specialist in treating illness may be caused by displaced bones on nervus and blood vessels by massaging. (Osteo- bone, path-suffering)

Chiropractor: Who treats illness caused by bones in the spine by hand. (Chiro- hand, proctor- practice)

Chiropodist: Who treats minor problems of the foot by hand. (Chiro- hand, Podis-foot)

Graphologist: Who are the specialist of handwriting and analyse our character. (Graph-writing logistic- specialist)

Gerontologist: Doctor of old peoples. (Geria- old age)

Word power related to mind with root words

Psychology: Study of human mind and behaviour (Psyche- mind, logy- subject)

Psyche: The soul, mind, self-image or personality of a person or mental life. (Psyche- mind)

Psychic: Related to mind, or having strange and unnatural mental abilities.

Psychopath: A person who is mentally ill, who does not care about other people and who is usually dangerous or violent. (psycho- mind, Path- disease)

Psychopathy: Mental or emotional disturbance. (psycho- mind, path-diseases)

Psychosomatic: Caused by mental or emotional problem rather than by physical illness. (Psycho-mind, soma-body)

Psychoanalysis: Method of psychological treatment. (Psycho- mind, analysis-process to analyse)

Psychogenic: Originating in the mind and emotions. (Psycho-mind. genesis-birth)

Psychotherapy: Method of psychological treatment. (Psycho-mind, therapy- method of healing)

Words related to Teeth and measures with root words

Orthodontics: Specialist in tooth straightening. (Orthos-straight, Odontos- teeth)

Periodontics: Speciality of the gums. (Peri-around, Odontos- teeth )

Endodontics: Dental speciality involving the pulp and root canal. (Endo- inner, within. Odontos- teeth )

Exodontics: Speciality of tooth extraction. (Exo-out, Odontos- teeth)

Barometer: Instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. (Baro-weight)

Sphygmomanometer: Instrument that measures blood pressure. (Sphygmos-pulse)

Osteopathy: Treatment by pushing and moving bones and muscles. (Osteo-bone, Path- suffering, disease)

Chiropody: Treatment of minor problems of the foot. (Chiro-hand, Podos-foot)

Thermometer: Instrument to measure heat. (Therma- heat)

Octopus: Eight armed sea creature. (Okto- 8, Pous-foot)

Platipus: Mammal with webbed or flat feet. (Platys-flat, Pous-foot)

Podium: Speakers platform. (Podos-foot)

Chiropractic: Treatment by pushing and moving bones in the spine and joints. (Chiro- hand, Practic-practice)

Words related to writing with root words

Chirography: Handwriting. (Chiro- hand, Graph- writing)

Chiromancy: Palm reading. (Chiro- hand, Mancy- prediction)

Graphology: The study of handwriting especially for the purpose of character analysis. (Graph-writing, Logy-suffix of the subject)

Calligraphy: The art of making beautiful handwriting. (Cally-beauty, Graph-writing)

Cacography: Ugly, bad handwriting. (Caco-bad)

Callipygian: Having shapely and beautiful buttocks. (Cally-beauty, Pygian-buttock)

Cardiograph: An instrument that graphically registers the movement of the heart (Cardio-heart, Graph-writing)

Photograph: Written by the light a picture made by a camera. (Photo-light, Graph-writing)

Biography: A story of a real person written by someone. (Bio-life, Graph- writing)

Telegraph: Distance writer “An old fashioned system of sending messages over long distances by using wires and electrical signals. (Tele-distance, Graph-writing)

Telephone: A device which receives the sound of long distances. (Tele-distance, Phone-sound)

Word related to older or senior citizens

Senior: A person who is older or in a higher rank than another person. (Old-sen, Geria)

Senility: The physical and mental infirmity of old age. (Old-sen, Geria)

Senate: Council or group of older. (Old-sen, Geria)

Senescence: Condition of ageing or growing old (Old-sen, Geria, Acence-growing)

Gerontology: The scientific study of old age. (Old-sen, Geria)


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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