Definition of Adjective and its Types | Grammar

An adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or pronoun. or Definition An adjective (and its types) modifies a noun it describes the quality, state, size, quantity, action and characteristic etc. of a noun or pronoun


  • She is a beautiful woman.
  • Aviraj is handsome and intelligent.
  • He has a big house.
  • It is a charming scenery. 
  • He is rich.

(Here beautiful, handsome and intelligent, big, charming, rich is used for woman, Aviraj, house, scenery and he)

Note: More than one adjective can also be used for a single noun or pronoun in one sentence.

Use of adjective

There is two usages of adjectives:

  • Attribute use: When we use adjective before the use of the noun is known as attribute use.

Ex: He has a green pen. , She was an intelligent girl.

  • Predicate use: When we use adjective after the use of noun which means when it tells about noun or pronoun in the predicate part of a sentence is known as predicate use.

Ex: She was industrious, Ramesh babu is intelligent.

Some uses of adjectives:

Attribute usePredicate use
Raju is an honest boyRaju is honest
He was a laborious man.He was laborious. 
America has a big army.America is big.
This is a red colour.This colour is red.

Kinds of adjectives

  • Adjective of quality or qualitative adjective

Ex- Good, bad, red, black, tall, short, beautiful, ugly, long etc.

  1. Aviraj is a tall boy
  2. He is a foolish boy.
  3. She is a beautiful girl.
  4. I write with an old pen.
  • Adjective of quantity or quantitative adjective

Ex- Some, any, no, little, much, all, whole, enough, sufficient, none, most etc.

  1. Aviraj has much money
  2. He has lost his wealth.
  3. She has a lot of coffee.
  4. There is a little water in a glass
  • Adjective of number or numeral adjectives

Ex-One, two, three….etc., Next, last, first, second, third…etc., many, few, various, some, all, sufficient, no, none, most, whole, enough, several etc.

  1. I have three rooms
  2. The two sisters have left for London
  3. There are forty students in the class
  • Definite adjective of number

Ex- one, two, first, second…..etc

  1. I have two brothers
  2. P. Jawaharlal Nehru is the first prime minister of India

(i). Cardinal adjective

(One, two, three, four, five, six, etc.)

  1. He has four pens
  2. She has two toys
  3. Have you, two sisters
  4. Aviraj babu has only one doubt

(ii). Ordinal objectives

(Next, last, first, second, third, fourth, fifth…etc)

  1. The first chapter of this book is Statics.
  2. Who will be the next chief minister of U.P?
  • Indefinite adjectives of number

(Some, many, few, most)

  1. Some books are duplicate
  2. Many students are laborious
  3. I have a few pens
  4. Most boys are single
  • Proper adjective

Ex- Indian, American, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.

Proper NounsProper Adjectives
Africa African
  • Possessive Adjective

Ex- My, our, your, his, her, its, their etc. 

  1. That is my car
  2. This is my pen
  3. These are his books
  4. These are our chairs
  • Distributive Adjective

Ex- Each, every, either, neither

  1. Each girl has a book
  2. Every man is emotional
  3. Either book is yours
  4. Neither boy is handsome
  • Demonstrative Adjective

Ex- This, that, those, these, such, the some, some, any, a certain, certain, any other, other, another.

  1. This book is red.
  2. That pen is red
  3. This boy is honest
  4. Those books are good
  • Interrogative Adjective

Ex- What, which, whose.

  1. Which pen is yours?
  2. Whose pen is yours?
  3. What book do you want to read?
  4. Whose pen is this?
  • Emphasizing Adjective or emphatic adjective

Ex- Own, very.

  1. He saw his beloved on the road with his own eyes
  2. She killed her husband before his very eyes.
  • Exclamatory adjective

Ex- What!

  1. What an ugly woman!
  2. What a big fool!

Some adjectives words of Noun:

Crime Criminal 
Series Serial 
Critic Critical 
Voice Vocal 
Senses Sensible 
Anxiety Anxious 
Economy Economic 
Benefit Beneficial 
Bother Bothersome 
Boy Boyish 
Cheer Cheerful 
Corruption Corruptible 
Decision Decisive 
Hurt Hurtful 
Hunger Hungry 
Grass Grassy 

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