Best Biography on Steve Jobs – Apple Founder

By Alex

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Best Biography on Steve Jobs: I think Everyone knows about Steve jobs in the world. If you’re not knowing about Steve jobs’ life then don’t worry. In, this article I’ve briefly explained Steve Jobs’s history. And believe me, this is one of the Best biographies on Steve jobs. After reading this article you won’t have any questions, Regarding Steve Jobs.

The Best Biography on Steve Jobs

Steve jobs biography

Steve Jobs was the founder of Apple. The life of Apple founder Steve Jobs is inspirational for everyone, the way he touched new dimensions of success in his life by facing all the struggles in his life, is praise-worthy.

In another way, we can say he was a legendary person and very hard-working. He achieved so many things in his life.

This is not the only thing, what do you feel when you are fired from your own company which you have created? Yes, Steve Jobs has fired from his company but despite all these things He created a new company, and finally “Apple company” has to say come back steve. this is the Best Biography on Steve Jobs.

Best Biography on Steve Jobs at a Glance

Full Name  Steve Paul Jobs 

Birth Date  24 February 1955 Sent Francisco, California 

Father Name Abdulfattah Jandali, Paul Jobs (who adopted)

Mother Name  Joanne Simpson, Clara (who adopted)

Wife Name Loryn Powell (1991–2011), Kirsten Brennan

Children Name Lisa Brennan, Erin Jobs, Eve Jobs, Reid Jobs

Death October 5, 2011 (California)

Steve Jobs History

Steve Jobs’s life is also very different from the rest. He was born on February 24, 1955, in St. Franciscan, California, in the house of Muslim Abdulfattah Jandali of Syria.

He was born from the womb of Joatri Simpson, although his mother was not married during that time. So he decided to give Steve in his arms.

He adopted a couple named Paul and Clara after promising to send Jobs to college to study.

Let me tell you that Paul, who adopted Jobs, was a mechanic, while his mother Clara was an accountant, who later opened a garage. At the same time, Jobs was also interested in electronics from the beginning.

That’s why he used to tamper with the electronic items kept in the garage and was always trying to learn something new. In this way, in his childhood, Jobs had learned a lot of electronics work with the help of his father.

Jobs was an avid student with extraordinary talent since childhood, although he preferred to sit at home and read books better than going to school.

Steve jobs Education and Career 

 Steve Jobs’s father did not so belong to a rich family, That’s why he won’t be able to send Steve Jobs more than higher school.

But after this, when Steve Jobs was admitted to Reed College in Oregon, it was so expensive that Steve’s parents’ entire deposit being spent on the fees of this college, so there was a shortage of money only after the first semester. Because of this, Steve Jobs decided to leave his college.

After leaving college,  He joined calligraphic  Classes And there he learned about how to write calligraphy? 

 If you don’t have an idea that what is calligraphy?  Let me tell you telegraphy is a way of writing Letters in beautiful and different ways.

During these days Steve Jobs met Wozniak.  And later they become friends. Wozniak was also interested in Electronics and computers.

In the Early days, Steve Jobs had to suffer from financial constraints. Steve Jobs did not have enough money to satisfy the hunger of his stomach, somehow made his living by selling Coke bottles, and went to the Krishna temple every Sunday because there was a lot of food available for free, not only this Steve Jobs had spent many nights sleeping on the floor in his friend’s room. 

However, instead of that Steve jobs have great willpower and talent. Due to this, In 1972, he got an opportunity to work in a video game developing company, but Steve Jobs was not happy with this work and finally, he decided to leave the company.

After leaving the company he decided to explore India and whatever he saved money, from that he went to India.

Actually, Indian culture has been influencing Steve a lot and he wanted to come here and get spiritual knowledge.

Therefore, in the year 1974, he spent about 7-8 months in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Delhi of India and learned Buddhism here. 

After this he returned to America, although the former jobs were no longer there, he had completely changed and his mind was also completely concentrated. After that, he joined the job again.

Steve Jobs as a founder of Apple company

Best Biography on Steve Jobs - Apple Founder

After spending 7 or 8 months In India he went back To America and after that he met with his friend Wozniak.  After meeting they decided to make a computer and finally, they have made it.  They were so much happy after making Their 1st personal computer. 

After that Steve jobs got a business idea to sell computers. They finally decided to make computers.

In the year 1976, Jobs along with his friend started making computers in his father’s garage, the name of the company started from garage was “Apple”. 

After this, this company made new inventions one after the other and touched new dimensions of success. In the year 1980, Jobs’s Apple company had become a reputed and well-known company in the world.

Why Steve Jobs Kicked out from His Own Company?

Actually, Continuing success, Apple took a break when they launched the Apple 3 and the Lisa computer (named after Steve’s daughter). Both these products failed ultimately. And the company got so much loss. 

However, later Steve worked hard to make the Macintosh and then launched it with the Macintosh by making the Best Super Bowl on Lisa in 1984 after he became successful again. 

At the same time, Apple and IBM started making computers together. Due to the good quality, its demand in the market increased so much that the company was under pressure to make more and more systems. 

Apple founder Steve Jobs never hide their concept of making computers. Due to that other companies have started copying their concept and started making computers. And the company was getting loss again and again. Seeing all these things Steve Jobs was kicked out of his company.

Steve Jobs Created Next computer

It is said that struggles and Hard work make the path to success.

Think about it once, what will you do? after kicking out from your own company which you have created with your hand. I can’t imagine what would happen to me, but it is said ” legends will be legends” Steve Jobs did not get as a badly. He created a new company after kicking it out from his company.

And by luck, this time A big businessman Perot invested in this company.

After this, on October 12, 1988, the Next Computer was launched at an event. However, NeXT was also quite advanced like Apple, so it was also much expensive. Due to that not much success.

After this Steve Jobs realized this and he made Next Computer Company a software company, he also achieved a lot of success in this.

In 1986, Steve Jobs bought a graphics company Pixar Movies, and partnered with Disney. After this Steve climbed the ladder of success and never looked back in his life.

Steve Jobs as a CEO of Apple 

In the coming days, apple company was getting lost due to a lack of innovative ideas.

then Apple talked to Steve to buy Next Company in 1996, and the deal was finalized for $427 million. 

This time Steve Jobs returned to the Apple company as CEO, but during this time Apple was going through a difficult period, after which under Steve’s guidance the company launched the Apple iPod Music Player and iTunes. 

After this, in 2007, Apple revolutionized the mobile world by launching its first mobile phone. and Now, Apple is constantly touching new heights of success by launching new products one after the other.

Awards To Steve Jobs 

Here are the following awards which have been awarded to Steve Jobs for his innovative ideas.

  • Steve Joves was awarded the “National Medal of Technology” by the President of America. 
  • Steve Jobs was honored with the “California Hall of Fame”. 
  • Also was awarded the “Machine of the Year” award in the year 1982 for his prestigious company Apple.

Steve Jobes Quotes

Steve Jobs said very important quotes for getting success in life. Because had gone through it from the ground level. Here are the quotes and understand their meaning.

Stay hungry stay foolish: what does it mean? Did you get it! Let me tell you. It means be always hungry and foolish I mean not to say about eating. What I mean is about knowledge. Be always foolish and focus on learning always.

Connecting dots: It was the most amazing quote. When he explained this I was amazed. What he said is that when you look back into your life whatever you have achieved. You realize that all the experiences are dots and all dots are connected to each other and result in what you are.

Death of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the founder of the world’s largest company “Apple”, had to deal with a disease like pancreatic cancer at the end of his life.

After fighting this disease for many years, he breathed his last in Palo Alto, California on October 2, 2011. Before his death, on 24 August 2011, Steve Jobs announced the appointment of Team Cook as the new CEO of Apple.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: who is steve jobs?

Ans: Steve jobs was a founder of “Apple company” 

Q2: Steve Jobs’s father’s Name?

Ans: Steve Jobs Father’s Name was Abdulfattah Jandali, Paul Jobs (Adopted)

Q3: How steve jobs died?

Ans: Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer.

Q4: What is Steve Jobs’s net worth?

Ans: If Steve Jobs would live his net worth would be 45+ billion dollars. 

Q5: Steve Jobs’s wife’s Name.

Ans: Kirsten Brennan

Q6: What is Steve Jobs’s movie name?

Ans: Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

Q8: What are the last words of Steve Jobs?

Ans: “Steve’s final words were ‘OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW. ‘”

Q9: What are the Best books on Steve Jobs?

Ans: Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography 

Q10: What is Steve Jobs Daughter Name?

Ans: Lisa Brennan, Erin Jobs, Eve Jobs, Reid Jobs

Further, if you have any queries Regarding Steve Jobs or more information or Updates kindly comment below. Thanks for reading this article.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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