Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

By Alex

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Do you want to learn about different types of Birds name in English with images? Why am I asking often people search A to Z birds names in English, 10 birds’ names, 100 bird names, a list of a to z birds’ names, etc.

So we decided to create a collection of all the birds’ names in English with pictures. You can download ‘birds name‘ with pictures. Here you will get more than 70 birds’ names in English all over the USA and other countries.

What are Birds?

Birds are living creatures that belong to the Aves family. Despite having teeth, they are warm-blooded animals with beaked jaws that are identified by their feathers.

birds name

Birds Images With Name

These are the egg-laying species. Birds’ skeletons are light and airy, allowing them to glide higher in the sky while reducing their weight. This might readily be found throughout the world and come in different sizes, from giant to little.

The development of the wings, as well as their strategic vision, differs according to the species. The outdated man and elephant birds are the only known birds without wings.

Birds developed their wings from their forelimbs and the capacity to fly. Because of their genetics as well as their habit of existence, certain birds are unable to fly.

Seabirds have long beaks and broad wings that allow them to fly and cover greater distances without becoming exhausted, and water birds, such as penguins, live in aquatic environments and have the ability to swim and survive. Birds have the same five senses as humans do: visual, hearing, taste, touching, and smell.

Birds name With Pictures

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Here is the 100+ list of Birds name mostly found in the United States. I hope you loved it keep reading till the end you will get amazing information.

List of Birds name with pictures

Sr no.Birds ImageBirds name
1birds nameGrebe
2birds nameTurkey
3birds nameDove
4birds nameRooster
5birds namePeacock
6birds nameParrot
7birds namePigeon
8Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Swan
9birds nameOstrich
10birds nameBat
11birds nameWood Picker
12birds nameGull
13birds nameCrane
14birds nameDuck
15birds nameOwl
16birds nameRobin
17birds nameHornbill
18birds nameGander
19birds nameKingFisher
20birds nameHummingbird
21birds nameEagle
22birds nameVulture
23birds nameParrot
25birds nameFlamingo
26birds nameWoodpecker
27birds nameSwan
28birds namePelican
29birds nameToucan
30birds nameGuineafowl
31birds nameCrow
32birds nameNorthern cardinal
33Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023American robin
34Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Black-capped chickadee
35Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Blue jay
36Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Common starling
37Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Downy woodpecker
38Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023American Goldfinch
39Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Baltimore oriole
40Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Eastern bluebird
41Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Yellow-rumped warbler
42Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023New World warblers
43Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Chipping sparrow
44Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Carolina wren
45Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023American crow
46Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Killdeer
47Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Ruby-throated hummingbird
48Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Bluebirds
49Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Purple martin
50Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Auk
51Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Gruiformes
52Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Waxwing
53Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Anhinga
54Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023House finch
55Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Trogon
56Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Falcon
57Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Rail
58Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Grebes
59Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Nuthatch
60Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Tit
61Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Cormorants
62Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Cuckoos
63Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Mimid
64Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Yellow-breasted chat
65Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Larks
66Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Stork
67Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Wrens
68Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023New world vultures
69Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Shrike
70Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Nightjars
71Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Motacillidae
72Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Treecreepers
73Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Swifts
74Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023New World quail
75Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Plovers
76Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Silky-flycatchers
77Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Common blackbird
78Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Eurasian blue tit
79Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023House sparrow
80Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Great tit
81Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Common wood pigeon
82Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Long-tailed tit
83Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023Eurasian collared dove

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Birds Name in English with Pictures


Grebes are aquatic diving birds in the order of Podicipediformes. Grebes have widely distributed birds of freshwater, with some species also occurring in marine habitats during migration and winter. The order contains a single family, the Podicipedidae, which includes 22 species in six extant genera.

birds name


The turkey is a huge North American bird belonging to the genus Meleagris. The wild turkey of eastern and central North America and the ocellated turkey of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula are the two existing turkey species.

birds name


Doves may be found practically everywhere on the planet, and there are hundreds of different species. However, only a few dove species are routinely sold as pets, with the diamond and ring-necked doves being the most popular.

birds name


There are hundreds of different chicken breeds. The rooster is a male gallinaceous bird, often known as cock or cockerel, and is an adult male chicken.

birds name


The Indian peacock’s plumage is iridescent blue and green, primarily metallic blue and green, while the green peacock’s body feathers are green and bronze.

birds name


Parrots are very sweet birds. Parrots, also known as psittacines, are tropical and subtropical birds that belong to the order Psittaciformes, which includes 398 species in 92 genera.

birds name


These birds are very popular birds and also they are so much cute and soft. In ancient times they are used to send messages. It is also known as messenger birds.

birds name


Swans belong to the Anatidae family, which includes the genus Cygnus. Geese and ducks are the closest cousins of swans.

birds name


Struthio is a genus of birds belonging to the Struthioniformes order, which includes ostriches.

birds name


Bats are mammals of the order Chiroptera. With their forelimbs adapted as wings, they are the only mammals capable of true and sustained flight. It is the only mammal in the Chiroptera order from the Aves species that can fly.

birds name

Wood Picker

Piculets, wrynecks, and sapsuckers are all members of the Picidae family, which also contains woodpeckers. This family has members all around the world.

birds name


Gulls, sometimes known as seagulls, are seabirds belonging to the Laridae family and the Lari suborder. They are most closely related to terns, and only distantly to auks, skimmers, and much farther away from waders.

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Cranes belong to the order Gruiformes and belong to the Gruidae family of huge, long-legged, and long-necked birds. Cranes are classified into three genera: Antigone, Balearica, and Grus. In contrast to the similar-looking

birds name


Duck is the common term for a variety of waterfowl species belonging to the Anatidae family. Ducks have shorter necks and are smaller than swans and geese.

birds name


Owls belong to the Strigiformes order, which contains over 200 species of largely nocturnal and solitary birds of prey with an erect posture.

birds name


This birds name English is European robin, often known as the robin or robin redbreast in the United Kingdom, is a tiny insectivorous passerine bird that belongs to the Old World flycatcher family’s chat subfamily.

birds name


Hornbills are a tropical and subtropical bird family found in Africa, Asia, and Melanesia. They have a long, down-curved beak that is typically vividly colored and occasionally has a casque on the upper mandible.

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The word “goose” can refer to either a male or female bird, but when combined with the word “gander,” it refers to a female bird.

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Kingfishers or Alcedinidae are a family of small to medium-sized, brightly colored birds in the order Coraciiformes

birds name


Hummingbirds belong to the Trochilidae family of birds, which are endemic to the Americas. They are found from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and number over 360 species.

birds name


Eagle is the common name for many large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae. Eagles belong to several groups of genera

birds name


A vulture is a carrion-scavenging bird of prey. Vultures come in 23 different species. There are 16 species of Old World vultures that are endemic to Europe, Africa, and Asia.

birds name


The chicken is a domesticated subspecies of the Southeastern Asian red junglefowl. A mature male bird is known as a rooster or cock, whereas a younger male is known as a cockerel.



Flamingos are well-known for standing on one leg. Scientists aren’t sure, but they think flamingos can conserve energy by standing on one leg rather than two. Their long, lanky legs have a particular trait that allows them to “lock” their leg into position such that standing needs little effort.

birds name


Piculets, wrynecks, and sapsuckers are all members of the Picidae family, which also contains woodpeckers. Except for Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar areas, members of this family may be found all over the world.

birds name


Pelicans are a genus of huge aquatic birds belonging to the Pelecanidae family. They have a long beak and a big neck pouch that they utilize to grab food and drain water from scooped-up contents before swallowing.

birds name


Toucans belong to the Ramphastidae family of Neotropical near passerine birds. The American barbets are the most closely related to the Ramphastidae.

birds name


Guineafowl is birds of the order Galliformes in the family Numididae. They are only found in Africa and are among the oldest gallinaceous birds.

birds name


A crow is a bird of the genus Corvus or a synonym for the entire genus Corvus. Crows are predominantly black in color.

birds name

Northern cardinal

The northern cardinal is a species of bird in the family Cardinalis. It is also known as the redbird, common cardinal, red cardinal, or simply cardinal.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

American robin

The American robin is a migratory bird of the true thrush genus and the Turdidae family of thrushes. It is called after the European robin due to its reddish-orange breast, despite the fact that the two species are not related, with the European robin belonging to the Old World flycatcher family.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Black-capped chickadee

The black-capped chickadee is a small, non-migratory songbird native to North America’s deciduous and mixed woodlands.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Blue jay

Bluejay is one of Bangalore’s most prominent real estate developers. Bluejay features the best villa villas in Bangalore, along with excellent amenities and strategic locations.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Common starling

The common starling, commonly known as the European starling in the United Kingdom and Ireland, is a medium-sized passerine bird in the Sturnidae family.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Downy woodpecker

The downy woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in North America.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

American Goldfinch

The American goldfinch is a tiny bird of the finch family native to North America.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Baltimore oriole

The Baltimore oriole is a tiny icterid blackbird that breeds migratorially in eastern North America.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Eastern Bluebird

This birds name eastern bluebird is a small migratory thrush found in open forests, farmlands, and orchards in North America.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Yellow-rumped Warbler

This birds name is yellow-rumped warbler is a widespread North American bird that can be seen all over the continent.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

New World warblers

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Chipping sparrow

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Carolina wren

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

American Crow

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Ruby-throated hummingbird

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Purple martin

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

House finch

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Yellow-breasted chat

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

New world vultures

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

New World quail

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023


Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Common blackbird

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Eurasian blue tit

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

House sparrow

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Great tit

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Common wood pigeon

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Long-tailed tit

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Eurasian collared dove

The Eurasian collared dove is a dove species native to Europe and Asia that has been imported to Japan, North America, and the Caribbean islands birds name.

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Collection of Birds Name Picture

Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023

Birds Name list A to Z

  1. Grebe
  2. Turkey
  3. Dove
  4. Rooster
  5. Peacock
  6. Parrot
  7. Pigeon
  8. Swan
  9. Ostrich
  10. Bat
  11. Wood Picker
  12. Gull
  13. Crane
  14. Duck
  15. Owl
  16. Robin
  17. Hornbill
  18. Gander
  19. KingFisher
  20. Hummingbird
  21. Eagle
  22. Vulture
  23. Parrot
  24. Hen
  25. Flamingo
  26. Woodpecker
  27. Swan
  28. Pelican
  29. Toucan
  30. Guineafowl
  31. Crow
  32. Northern cardinal
  33. American robin
  34. Black-capped chickadee
  35. Blue jay
  36. Common starling
  37. Downy woodpecker
  38. American Goldfinch
  39. Baltimore oriole
  40. Eastern bluebird
  41. Yellow-rumped warbler
  42. New World warblers
  43. Chipping sparrow
  44. Carolina wren
  45. Killdeer
  46. Ruby-throated hummingbird
  47. Bluebirds
  48. Purple martin
  49. Auk
  50. Gruiformes
  51. Waxwing
  52. Anhinga
  53. House finch
  54. Trogon
  55. Falcon
  56. Rail
  57. Grebes
  58. Nuthatch
  59. Tit
  60. Cormorants
  61. Cuckoos
  62. Mimid
  63. Yellow-breasted chat
  64. Larks
  65. Stork
  66. Wrens
  67. New world vultures
  68. Shrike
  69. Nightjars
  70. Motacillidae
  71. Treecreepers
  72. Swifts
  73. New World quail
  74. Plovers
  75. Silky-flycatchers
  76. Common blackbird
  77. Eurasian blue tit
  78. House sparrow
  79. Great tit
  80. Common wood pigeon
  81. Long-tailed tit
  82. Eurasian collared dove

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FAQ Questions

50 birds name in english

Wood Picker
Northern cardinal
American robin
Black-capped chickadee
Blue jay
Common starling
Downy woodpecker
American Goldfinch
Baltimore oriole
Eastern bluebird
Yellow-rumped warbler
New World warblers
Chipping sparrow
Carolina wren
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Purple martin

20 birds name in english

Wood Picker

10 birds name in english

New World quail
Common blackbird
Eurasian blue tit
House sparrow
Great tit
Common wood pigeon
Long-tailed tit

30 birds name in english

Wood Picker

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  1. vegetables name
  2. colors name
  3. animals name


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

1 thought on “Birds Name: Amazing List of a Birds Name in English with Pictures in 2023”

  1. This is an amazing list of birds name in English with pictures in 2023. I am looking forward to see more posts like this in the future.

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