English to Hindi means Forcibly

Meaning and definitions of Forcibly in Hindi, translation in the Hindi language for posts with similar and opposite words. Also, find the pronunciation of posts in Hindi and English language.

Forcibly Meaning in Hindi

Hindi meaning: बलपूर्वक

Pronunciation  with Meaning







Definition and meaning of Forcibly

Definition in English: Meaning and definitions of forcibly, translation in Hindi language for forcibly with similar and opposite words

Definition in Hindi: What forcibly means in Hindi, forcibly meaning in Hindi, forcibly definition

Forcibly meaning in Hindi (Verb)

adverbबलपूर्वकforcibly, forcedly, violently, pithily, amainहठ पूर्वकforciblyजबर्दस्तीforcibly, forcedly, forciblenessबलात्amain, by force, forcedly, forcibleness, forcibly

Antonyms of Forcibly meaning

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Synonyms of Forcibly meaning


Sentenses of Forcibly

Examples In English

1. She forcibly restrained herself from joining the group.

Examples In Hindi

1. उसने समूह में शामिल होने से खुद को जबरन रोका।

Forcibly meaning in hindi

English to Hindi Meaning in hindi

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What is the Hindi Language?

Hindi or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in India. It is the main language in India. It is the fifth most spoken language in the world with about 182 million native speakers in 1998. Hindi is the primary official language of the Union government of India. It is the primary tongue of about a third of India’s 121 million people. This English to-Hindi Dictionary pertains is useful for improving your Hindi as well as English.

Why is Hindi an important language in India?

Hindi the face of India. Whether you like it or not u have to accept it. Yes, we have 22 official languages apart from nearly 6000 local languages and dialects to be added. Though we are multi-ethnic and multi linguistics if there is one language that has the eligibility to represent India in an International forum it is Hindi. 

But Hindi is a language that can be understood by the majority of Indians very easily other than any language in India.

What’s special about the Hindi language?

It is the only language that has absolutely no competition from any other language in India or the world if you wish to communicate with the largest number of people in the Indian subcontinent.

Why is Hindi the most difficult language?

Hindi is not a hard language to learn. In fact, it is one of the easiest to learn. All the words are easy to pronounce and there is no stress or tone involved while speaking them. Though there are a few sounds that can be hard for foreigners to pronounce overall it is an easy language to learn, both in writing and speaking. Hindi is an Indo-European language and it is easier for people speaking the languages of this family to learn it easily

What is the script of the Hindi language?

Devanāgarī, Sanskrit pronunciation:

The Devanagari script, composed of 47 primary characters including 14 vowels and 33 consonants, is the fourth most widely adopted writing system in the world,

What is the meaning in Hindi

The meanig in hindi is  “Hindi me kya matlab hai”. Hindi meaning of Post Post ; meaning in hindi, ka matalab hindi me, Post ; translation and definition in Hindi language.Post ; का मतलब (मीनिंग) हिंदी में जाने |

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.

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