These are the list of all common medical abbreviations.
Medical Abbreviations: Common Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Stands for | Information |
DNP | Doctor of nursing practice | Nurses pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree to develop advanced practice expertise in order to offer safe and effective patient care. |
ACOS | Accountable Care Organizations | ACOs are voluntary collaborations of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to offer coordinated high-quality care to Medicare enrollees. |
CRT | The Certified Respiratory Therapist | The Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Examination objectively assesses fundamental respiratory therapist knowledge, skills, and abilities. |
WPF | web application firewall | A web application firewall (WAF) defends web applications against application layer vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cookie poisoning. |
DMD | Doctor of Dental Surgery | The degrees DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and DMD (Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry or Doctor of Dental Medicine) are interchangeable. Dentists with a DMD or DDS have the same training. |
EdD | Doctor of Education | Doctor of Education (EdD) vs. PhD in Education. Earning an advanced degree can be a life-changing experience. |
DMin | The Doctor of Ministry | The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is a professional doctorate that focuses on building abilities in applied research for a ministry environment. |
NP | Nurse practitioner | |
MEd | Master of Education | |
M.D. | Doctor of Medicine | |
D.O. | Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine | |
RMT | Registered Massage Therapist, or Remedial Massage Therapist | |
M.S. Ed. | Master of Science in Education | |
M.A.T. | Master of Arts in Teaching | |
Ed. D. |  Doctorate in Education | |
MTh | Master of Theology | MTh, ThM, or MTheol is a postgraduate degree provided by universities, divinity schools, and seminaries. |
BSN | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, also known as a Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Science with a Major in Nursing in various countries, is an academic degree in nursing science and principles. |
HIV/AIDS | Human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that targets the immune system of the body. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). |
MCL | Medial collateral ligament | |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record | |
Inc. | incorporated | |
CMA | Certified medical assistant | The American Association of Medical Assistants provides this certification. You must meet certain certification requirements, such as graduating from a recognised medical assistant programme and passing a certification examination, to acquire it. |
AED | Automated external defibrillator | |
sbar | situation, background, assessment and recommendation | |
RA | Rheumatoid arthritis | |
ESRD | End-Stage Renal Disease | |
HF | Heart failure | |
PSA | Prostate-specific antigen | |
UC | Ulcerative colitis | |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning | |
ACA | Alaska Central Airways Inc. | |
I&D | Â Incision and drainage | |
EMT | emergency medical technician | |
MD | Ophthalmologist | While doing a normal eye exam, an optometrist (OD) detects the patient has extensive cataracts and recommends the patient to an ophthalmologist (MD) who has specific expertise in cataract removal. |
CTS | Carpal tunnel syndrome | |
AED | Atomated external defibrillator | |
EDI | Electronic data interchange | |
VTE | Venous thromboembolism | |
PCI | Percutaneous coronary intervention | |
SVT | Supraventricular tachycardia | |
OD | Optometrist (OD) | |
M.D. | Doctor of Medicine | |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant | |
IPF | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis | |
ACH | Automated clearing house | |
CA | Cancer OR Calcium | |
MI | Myocardial infarction | |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | |
HCC | Hepatocellular carcinoma | |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein | |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein | |
MSW | Master of Social Work | A medical social worker, often known as a health care social worker, assists patients and their families in dealing with illnesses. |
PVD | Peripheral vascular disease | |
BKA | below-the-knee amputation | |
RSV | Respiratory Syncytial Virus |