List of Medical Abbreviations

These are the list of all common medical abbreviations.

Medical Abbreviations: Common Abbreviations

AbbreviationsStands for Information
DNPDoctor of nursing practiceNurses pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree to develop advanced practice expertise in order to offer safe and effective patient care.
ACOSAccountable Care OrganizationsACOs are voluntary collaborations of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to offer coordinated high-quality care to Medicare enrollees.
CRTThe Certified Respiratory TherapistThe Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Examination objectively assesses fundamental respiratory therapist knowledge, skills, and abilities.
WPFweb application firewallA web application firewall (WAF) defends web applications against application layer vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cookie poisoning.
DMDDoctor of Dental SurgeryThe degrees DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and DMD (Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry or Doctor of Dental Medicine) are interchangeable. Dentists with a DMD or DDS have the same training.
EdDDoctor of EducationDoctor of Education (EdD) vs. PhD in Education. Earning an advanced degree can be a life-changing experience.
DMinThe Doctor of MinistryThe Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is a professional doctorate that focuses on building abilities in applied research for a ministry environment.
NPNurse practitioner
MEd Master of Education
M.D. Doctor of Medicine
D.O.Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
RMTRegistered Massage Therapist, or Remedial Massage Therapist
M.S. Ed.Master of Science in Education
M.A.T.Master of Arts in Teaching
Ed. D. Doctorate in Education
MThMaster of TheologyMTh, ThM, or MTheol is a postgraduate degree provided by universities, divinity schools, and seminaries.
BSNBachelor of Science in NursingThe Bachelor of Science in Nursing, also known as a Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Science with a Major in Nursing in various countries, is an academic degree in nursing science and principles.
HIV/AIDSHuman immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndromeHIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that targets the immune system of the body. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
MCLMedial collateral ligament
EMRElectronic Medical Record
CMACertified medical assistantThe American Association of Medical Assistants provides this certification. You must meet certain certification requirements, such as graduating from a recognised medical assistant programme and passing a certification examination, to acquire it.
AEDAutomated external defibrillator
sbarsituation, background, assessment and recommendation
RARheumatoid arthritis
ESRDEnd-Stage Renal Disease
HFHeart failure
PSAProstate-specific antigen
UCUlcerative colitis
ERPEnterprise resource planning
ACAAlaska Central Airways Inc.
I&D Incision and drainage
EMTemergency medical technician
MDOphthalmologistWhile doing a normal eye exam, an optometrist (OD) detects the patient has extensive cataracts and recommends the patient to an ophthalmologist (MD) who has specific expertise in cataract removal.
CTSCarpal tunnel syndrome
AEDAtomated external defibrillator
EDIElectronic data interchange
VTEVenous thromboembolism
PCIPercutaneous coronary intervention
SVTSupraventricular tachycardia
ODOptometrist (OD)
M.D.Doctor of Medicine
CPACertified Public Accountant
IPFIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
ACHAutomated clearing house
CACancer OR Calcium
MIMyocardial infarction
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
HCCHepatocellular carcinoma 
LDLlow-density lipoprotein
HDLhigh-density lipoprotein
MSWMaster of Social WorkA medical social worker, often known as a health care social worker, assists patients and their families in dealing with illnesses.
PVDPeripheral vascular disease
BKAbelow-the-knee amputation
RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
Medical Abbreviations


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