50 List of Symbols Name in English

A long list of the various types of symbol names in English, a symbols name in English is nothing more than a mark or sign that is used to represent or express any idea, object, or relationship.

It is a very different concept and experience that connects thought and understanding. Get complete information about the symbol name list.

Symbols are used for all communication and data processing. To transmit the message, the symbols may be described in the form of words, letters, sounds, visual images, and so on.

A red octagon, for example, represents ‘to stop,’ whereas a green octagon represents ‘to go.’

Symbols facilitate communication and provide a better way to represent things. keep reading symbols name in English.

Glyphs are the technical term for these character shapes. The Unicode and HTML entity, as well as the ASCII code and HTML entity, are listed next to each glyph name. I have added the Windows ALT keystroke and the Mac counterpart for inserting the character in the text.

Now, the question is what are these symbols called in English? Get the complete list of keep reading symbol names in English. Let’s discuss all sign name of all symbol name list.

50+ List of Symbol name in English

symbols name in english

50+ Symbols Names in English List

Sr. NoSymbolName of the Symbol
1. , Comma
2..Full Stop
5.” “Quotation Mark
6.?Question Mark
7.( )Parentheses
9.!Exclamation Mark
12.[ ]Square Bracket
13.{ }Curly Brackets
17.>Greater Than
18.<Less than
19.@At the rate sign
24.©Copyright Symbol
26.Almost equal to
27.⟨ ⟩Angle brackets
31.¤Currency sign
33.÷Division sign
34.Estimated sign
35.« »Guillemet
36.¡Inverted exclamation mark
37.¿Inverted question mark
39.®Registered trademark
41.Sound recording
copyright symbol
Trademark symbol
44.Therefore sign
Service mark symbol
46.±Plus-minus sign
47.Per mille
48.Numero sign
49.×Multiplication sign

Description of Symbol name in English

Brief description of symbols names in English. Keep reading till the end,

The comma (,) is a punctuation mark that indicates a pause in a clause or sentence.


Full Stop/Period
The full stop (.) is a sign that is used at the end of a sentence to indicate that it is finished. The period is another name for this symbol.

Full Stop/Period

(…) The Ellipsis symbol is a series of dots that is used to indicate a deliberate or unintentional word.


The colon (:) is a symbol with multiple interpretations. This symbol is used to represent any ratio of a given amount.


Bracket, Square
In a sentence or clause, the square bracket symbol ([]) is used to surround any particular material. It’s also where you’d put explanatory text.

Bracket, Square

Curly Brackets are a type of bracket that has a curvy shape
In the enclosure of the sentence, the symbol of a curly bracket { } is used to identify repeats or linked lines, as well as in formulae to deduce something. It’s also known as the brace. keep reading symbol names in English.

Curly Brackets

In comparison to
The greater than (>) symbol is a basic mathematical symbol that denotes the difference between two values.

greater than

fewer than
The less than (<) symbol is a simple mathematical symbol that is used to express the difference between two values.

fewer than

At the rate of change
The commercial symbol @ symbol name in English (also known as at site or the rate of) is used as a commercial symbol. The German Patent Office has registered this symbol as a trademark.

At the rate of change

The equal sign (=) is a mathematical symbol that is used to denote equality or the total value of a computation. It appears to be two horizontally placed parallel lines.


The hash symbol (#) is used for a variety of things, including the indication of an ordinal number, which comes from the word now-rare. A number sign is the name for this symbol.



The bullet point is a topographical symbol used to introduce elements in a list in topography. Bullets come in a variety of shapes, including round, dotted, round, square, arrow, tick, and so on. keep reading symbols name in English.


The underscore symbol (_) is a symbol that resembles a lengthy hyphen at the bottom of a line.


The bar symbol (|) is derived from the Greek word “BAROS,” which means “weight.” A horizontal line above any letter can also be used to represent it.


Symbol for Copyright
In copyright notices for worlds other than sound recordings, the copyright symbol (©) or a sign is used. The universal copyright conventions make use of this symbol.

Symbol for Copyright

The apostrophe (‘) is a punctuation mark that is used to denote grammatical possession or the contraction of two words.


The percent symbol ( % ) is used to represent a percentage in any calculation or to express a ratio as a fraction of 100.


Instead of using the term AND, the And sign (&) is utilized. OR, on the other hand, does not have a sign.


The slash (/) is a punctuation mark that resembles an oblique slanting line punctuation mark. The slash is commonly used to signify exclusive or inclusive, division or fraction, and a date separator, and it is also used in the URL.


A semicolon (;) is an orthographic punctuation mark with a dot on the upper side and a comma on the lower side. This symbol is used to connect two unrelated independent clauses.


Mark of Quotation
Any word, phrase, clause, quote, thinking, speech mark, or sentence can be highlighted with a quotation mark (” “) symbol. This symbol is always used in pairs to highlight the full area.

Mark of Quotation

With a question mark

In various languages, the question mark (?) sign is used to express a question or interrogation statement, clause, or phrase.

With a question mark


The sign parentheses (()) is used to enclose any word, phrase, or clause, as well as to represent additional information or a unique remark.



The hyphen (–) is a punctuation mark that is used to separate syllables of a single word and to unite words. Hyphenation is the term for the use of this symbol.


Exclamation Mark

The exclamation mark, also known as the exclamation point, is a punctuation mark that is used to express strong emotions or emphasis in writing. It is represented by a vertical line with a dot above it (!).

Exclamation Mark

Even you can also read this article: symbols name in English

So these are the complete information symbols name in English. I hope you got the new information. further, if you have any queries regarding this kindly respond to us on our social media or comment to improve about symbols name in English.

What are these symbols called in english, ~, `, #, ^, *, -, {}, [], ‘, “, /, \?@

  • – symbol name is Hyphen
  • @ symbol name is at the rate
  • # symbol name is a hashtag
  • ^ symbol name is circumflex
  • _ symbol name is an underscore
  • * symbol name is Asterisk
  • / symbol name is a backslash
  • £ symbol name is a pound sign
  • () the symbol name is in Parentheses
  • $ symbol name is a symbol of the dollar
  • ! symbol name quotation mark
  • § symbol name is Silcrow
  • ( symbol-name half braces
  • ” symbol name is a double comma
  • | symbol name is a bar
  • & symbol name is and
  • ¶ symbol name is Pilcrow
  • — symbol name is a dash
  • = symbol name is equal
  • ¢ symbol name is the cent
  • ; symbol name is a semicolon

Can symbols have different meanings

There are two types of symbol meaning – Denotative and Connotative
Denotative: It’s the meaning of a symbol that is shared by a group of people. Denotative meaning is used for communication.
Example: If I say “cat” then most of you think about animals.
Connotative: It’s the meaning of a symbol that is personal or individual not in public. for example, when I was younger My father was a farmer in his old age era.

What are symbols called in English?

In English, symbols are called symbols. A symbol is a mark, sign, or object that represents or stands for something else, often an abstract concept or idea. Symbols can be used in various forms of communication, including written language, art, music, and more. Some common examples of symbols include letters of the alphabet, numbers, currency signs, mathematical symbols, flags, and logos.

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Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.