How to write a letter for condolence? This letter is written on sad occasions, so it is short and straightforward, Sometimes this letter is written by the bereaved, sometimes by a family member. In this letter, along with thanks for the condolences, gratitude is also expressed for any help or offer of assistance.

Begin the letter like this:

1. Your letter has been very comforting at this tragic juncture of my life.
2. Thanks/Thank you for your kind note of sympathy and your offer of help.
3. My mother deeply appreciates your sympathies at this tragic hour of her life.
4. Your words have been a source of comfort at this hour of my life.
5. Your words have helped me regain my lost energy and will.
6. It is difficult to express in words how much relief your letter has given me in my grief.
7. Since my sister is not in a position to reply to your note of sympathy, I am expressing our
gratitude for your comforting words.
8. In this hour of the trial your letter of sympathy has given me tremendous courage and strength.
9. Although separated by thousands of miles your letter of sympathy has brought me nearer to
you and consoled me greatly.
10. Thank you for your words of comfort which have helped me face this difficult time.

Express gratitude for the show of affection:

11. I am trying to cope with reality.
12. With friends like you, I am sure, the burden of sorrow will be less painful.
13. Your touching letter has timely expressed your deep love for us.
14. No one knows better than you what Meena meant to me.
15. How can I express my gratitude to you for standing by me at this hour of trial?
16. I was feeling very helpless, but your letter of sympathy has indeed helped me a lot to sustain myself.
17. Your words of comfort have given me a new life.

Show gratitude for help or offer of help:

18. In fact, during Mohan’s illness also you had been a great help.
19. I am deeply moved by your offer of help. I will definitely approach you whenever the need arises.
20. It was very kind of you to make such an offer of assistance and I appreciate it more than I can express.
21. I really don’t know what I would have done but for your assistance on this critical occasion.
22. Your words were, of course, consoling and I really appreciate it.
23. You have indeed been a great help in my hour of distress. 24. My sister, of course, needs assistance at this crucial juncture of her life, and I am sure you will be a great help.
25. It was really kind of you to have made this offer of help. I will soon get in touch with you.
26. I am indebted to you for your help and support.
27. Had it been without you, I don’t know what could have happened to me.
28. If it is not a great trouble, please drop in one of these days. Your company will be a great comfort.
29. Had it not been for you, I would have been a totally shattered man today.
30. Your invaluable help has been a tremendous prop to me in this hour of crisis.
31. I am back to work and hope to sit with you for some time.

End the letter like this

32. Of course, only time can heal this deep wound.
33. You have been really very kind to us.
34. Thanks for your sympathy.
35. Please excuse me for such a short letter of thanks.
36. My mother/sister feels indebted to you for your kind concern.
37. I am really grateful for your generosity.
38. Be in touch.
39. I am back to work and hope to meet you soon.
40. Be in touch and thank you for the offer of help.
41. Thanks for everything.
42. Leaving everything to God as we all are only characters in his drama.

Read Also | Spoken english pdf

How to write a letter for condolence
My dear...
Thank you for your note of sympathy and your offer of help. With friends like you, I am sure the burden of sorrows will be less painful. You have, indeed, been a great help in this hour of my distress. Please excuse me for such a short letter of thanks.
With good wishes,
Thank you for your words of comfort which have helped me face this
difficult time. I am trying to cope with the reality." Be in
touch and thank you for the offer of help.

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