Smoking Should Be Banned or not! Debate

Smoking Should Be Banned or not! Today I gonna share a special topic smoking should be banned or not, It is one of the most important topics for the English speakers when they debate or have group discussions (GD), Then they need to know about Why smoking should be banned also some of having questions that smoking should not be banned.

First of all, I will not promote smoking coz smoking is injurious to health but if we think as a practical then smoking should be banned but in a manner way. We will discuss this in brief. Please keep reading with us.

Several countries now have legislation prohibiting smoking in public places.

Their health is being harmed against their volition, and they may develop lung cancer as a result.

However, it appears that this law only protects one side, and public places (which should be available to everyone for any purpose) are only designed to meet the needs of non-smokers.

How to Quit smoking ?

Tobacco causes addiction, and active smokers cannot go long without lighting a cigarette, making public places and many other facilities unsuitable for them and their needs. let’s see whether Smoking Should Be Banned or not

Smoking should be banned or not – Debate

Smoking should be banned or not we will discuss in a two way

smoking should be banned or not

1. Either it should be banned or 2. It should be not banned. read the complete debate Smoking Should Be Banned or not

Yes, points:

  • Should be banned in a public places
  • Yes, Should be banned
  • Yes
  • Yes, of course
  • It’s bad for the health
  • It needs to be banned
  • Very bad for health
  • Banned but limited the way
  • Should be banned coz Youth Destroying their carrier.

No points:

  • Smoking should not be banned
  • Right to smoke
  • No Because
  • Fraud
  • No, It should not be banned
  • Should not be banned in public places
  • No, Because its a Freedom country
  • Smoking doesn’t necessarily to banned
  • It’s needed to relieve stress

Yes, points:

Should be banned in a public places

In public spaces, smoking should definitely be prohibited. Smoking-friendly establishments may lose some revenue, but it will also help with the health issues that arise.

Most people believe that someone who is not in a public place’s smoking area will not be harmed by the smoke, yet smoke can spread throughout a room and influence those who are nearby.

Smoking produces a slew of issues for both the smoker and others around him or her. I’m sure that if someone organized a rally to encourage people to cease smoking in public, every non-smoker would agree.

I doubt that bars are closing down only because smokers refuse to patronize them.

Oh, and by your logic, if someone is a pyromaniac who is always in the mood to ignite fires, it’s fine for them to do so in public; non-pyromaniacs simply need to stay away from the fire.

I mean, what’s the big deal?

Yes, Should be banned

Obviously, the cloud of smoke irritates others, particularly non-smokers.

Imagine being in a restaurant and being unable to enjoy your dinner due to smoke from a nearby table.

It should be prohibited since the percentage of nonsmokers is higher than that of active smokers, implying that nonsmokers have a right to clean air, and secondhand smoke is also more deadly than smoking.
So you’re arguing that pyromaniacs should be entitled to ignite fires whenever they want and that they’re just being discriminated against because they don’t live on Wall Street?


To begin with, being in high school and being surrounded by smoke after school isn’t pleasant at all.

Because all of the older kids smoke, the younger kids enjoy listening to the Juniors and Seniors. They will eventually begin to smoke and develop a smoking habit.

It’s also extremely harmful to your health. Second, being at a restaurant and having to smell smoke while eating is not only unappealing but also upsetting and unhealthy.

Those who smoke away have my respect.

Another argument is that smoking will become fashionable, luring a large number of young people to do so.

According to certain reputable assessments, the number of smokers is significantly increasing these days. Of sure, we can smoke if no one is affected.

If we don’t want to have any negative effects on future generations, we need to work together to create some tight and rigorous regulations for smokers.

Yes, of course, Definitely

Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous as smoking. I believe that smoking should be prohibited in public areas since it not only harms smokers’ health but also the health of others around them.

Smoking in public areas, especially in places with a large number of people, is, in my opinion, a selfish act.

Secondhand smoke irritates me because I constantly feel like I have to hold my breath when I pass past someone who is smoking.

Secondhand smoke, like smoking, can be harmful to people’s lungs. Sorry, the title was misspelled. “Of course,” I intended.

Employees, as well as the general public, have an issue with designated smoking locations. What if the company’s employees don’t smoke?

Let’s say there’s a smoking area with ventilation in a restaurant. The greater the area, the larger the vent; the larger the vent, the more powerful it must be; the more powerful it must be,

the louder it must be. Non-smokers would be irritated by this, as it is simply an obnoxious noise designed to give the miserable addicts their poison.

But what if we wanted to reduce the wattage or eliminate the vent entirely? Keeping non-smokers out of the area sounds reasonable, Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course yes.

but now you’re asking the waiter/waitress, busboy, manager, cleaning staff, bartender, and others to go through these areas to serve, clean, and address customers regardless of whether or not they smoke.

No, a manager does not have to go through and can make their own decision, but the rest of the team must still perform their duties.

In my perspective, asking a restaurant to hire only personnel who ‘don’t mind’ inhaling secondhand smoke is unrealistic and out of line.

It’s bad enough that smokers get to walk outside every 30 minutes to smoke for 5-10 minutes, while non-smokers are forced to work nonstop all day.

Now we’re suggesting that smokers be given preference for jobs because they need to inhale their cancer sticks? Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course yes.

It’s bad for the health

Although many people believe that smoking is the smoker’s choice, it is not. It is in some ways, but not all.

It is their choice whether or not they want to pay to die, but it is our choice whether or not we want them to be able to smoke around us.

It is not only harmful to them when they smoke, but it is also harmful to us.

By smoking in public areas, all persons who visit those places are forced to inhale the smoke, even if they have chosen not to smoke.

They have no voice in whether smoking will continue to be a part of our lives or not.

However, if smoking was prohibited, smokers would be able to smoke in their homes and cars, causing harm to themselves rather than others.

It needs to be banned

Because those with asthma can’t or hardly breathe when there’s smoke nearby, smoking should be prohibited.

There are a few “smoke zones” in locations like Disneyland, but even if you walk past them, you can inhale the smoke they are smoking.

Very bad for health

Nonsmokers should not have to suffer as a result of smokers’ irresponsible choices.

Nonsmokers who see smokers “Lighting up a ciggy” suffer just as much as smokers.

I don’t believe it is fair for non-smokers to suffer; smokers only care about themselves, not the people around them, which sickens me, and I believe it is past time for non-smokers to be treated fairly. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course yes.

I couldn’t care less about smokers; all I care about are the folks who are forced to suffer because they don’t smoke.

It would be a favor to all of us if all of the smokers in the world dug themselves a hole and smoked themselves to death.

Banned but limited the way – Public Places

Smoking should be prohibited in public areas, in my opinion.

This is because nonsmokers should not be compelled to inhale secondhand smoke.

Even if it is common sense not to smoke when surrounded by a large group of people, a large number of smokers appear to be unconcerned. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side yes.

It’s not difficult to spot a person smoking at a bus stop, for example, even if there are young girls nearby. People who have little care for the well-being of others should be subject to rules.

Another reason why smoking should be prohibited in public spaces is the waste issue.

Many smokers do not dispose of their cigarette butts in garbage cans. The majority of them simply throw it out on the streets.

If smoking is prohibited, the streets will be considerably cleaner. Smokers, on the other hand, should not be treated unfairly.

There should be more areas where only smokers are permitted to smoke. As a result, smoking in public places should be prohibited, but new smoking spots should be constructed.

Should be banned coz Youth Destroying their carrier.

Only 25% of the food is given to the smoker, leaving the remainder for us. Asthmatics should always take their inhaler with them in case they come into contact with a smoker or cigarettes. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course yes.

If you want to define cigarettes as a dangerous weapon and call it “the right to bear arms,” I believe anyone who smokes in public should be prosecuted for attempting homicide and endangering others.

Why are you robbing me of my right to be cancer-free in this country established on equality? We fought for our freedom, and I’m delighted we finally got it! And by this way youths are destroying their carrier. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side yes definitely.

No points:

Smoking should not be banned Because

If people don’t enjoy a smoke, they should stay away from those who do. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not

I do not believe that smoking should be prohibited, but I also do not believe that individuals should be forced to shun another person solely because they are a smoker.

I believe they should simply return to a smoking section with air vents pointing upwards and away from individuals in the smoking section,

making it less likely that smoke will escape if the door to the smoking section is opened.

Also, businesses are not losing any money;

there are bars all around me that have been open for years that are being entirely shut down.

People will not go there because they are unable to smoke.

Smoking Should Be Banned or not in my side not.

Right to smoke

People must have the right to smoke. I don’t think that could be a serious issue for the government. Even government gets much more revenue as a tax from tobacco. So I think the government should think about it again, before banning smoking.

No Because

So you’re arguing that Americans who don’t smoke have no rights and that America is all about the majority winning? Smoking Should Be Banned or not in my side not.

Currently, we have the Occupy Wall Street movement, which is delegitimizing minority rule.

Just though nonsmokers outnumber smokers in America does not mean that smoking should be outlawed just to appease them.


Only those who seek to profit from the selling of snake oil or mindless automatons who accept what they are told are concerned about other people’s smoking habits. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not

Cancer is not caused by SHS. It has no effect on the heart. It has no effect on asthma attacks. You are a helpful idiot if you believe any of these.

Eventually, Even if I did… Consider the case where one-tenth of one percent of the population is vulnerable.

Should a business owner who has taken all the risk of creating a firm that services the 99.9% be required to cater to the 1/10 percent?

(In reality, you are 4 times more likely to die from a meteor strike than SHS; but I digress.) Cupcake, the world is a harsh place.

Because I did not cause your predicament, I am not obligated to become bankrupt to help you. Don’t like it when people smoke? Goodbye, and good luck!

No, It should not be banned

It appears to me that the majority of people are opposed to smoking.

Nevertheless, there are some economic benefits to smoking.

For example, many countries around the world, particularly tropical countries such as Cuba and England, regard cigarettes as a vital product to export in order to obtain money or exchange other commodities. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not

As a result, they will be able to invest that money in a variety of industries.

Furthermore, in my country, selling cigarettes is a simple job that anyone, regardless of age, can do to supplement their income.

As a result, some people may be able to find work, and the unemployment rate may be reduced to some extent.

Should not be banned in public places

Yes, it is a serious issue. Nonsmokers are bothered by the smoke. However, a full prohibition is not required.

Those public locations, for example, may set aside some funds to construct non-smoking sections, which would be ventilated.

This method would benefit both groups: smokers who enjoy smoking in restaurants and non-smokers who can’t take the smell of smoke. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not

So, if someone wants to smoke, that’s fine. As long as no one is socially harmed.

Everyone would be happy, and the restaurants would prosper if these dedicated sections for smokers were used.
Please accept my apologies for my poor English; it is not my first language.

But I hope I succeeded in proving my point.

No, Because its a Freedom country

It is a free country, and everyone has the right to do whatever he wants to do. Drinking causes heart difficulties, liver problems, cancer, and drunk drivers. Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not

Put a ban on them or build a bubble to put all the non-smokers in or build places only for smokers and keep signs up to keep non-smokers out.

We are old enough to make our own choices, so put a ban on them or build a bubble to put all the non-smokers in or build places only for smokers and keep signs up to keep none smokers out.

Smoking doesn’t necessarily to banned

Look, no one should be bothered by smoking and should learn to cope with it.

Non-smokers stay in the pub while smokers go outside to smoke (at least in nations where smoking is prohibited indoors) (or wherever you are).

Nonsmokers bemoan everyone’s health, but smokers aren’t foolish; they’re well aware that it might affect them.

It’s needed to relieve stress

It gives relief from stress, many people get stressed and they need to smoke to get relief. In ancient times Britishers smoke to think more, they were smoking to get ideas.

On my side Smoking Should Be Banned or not in my side not because there are so my youth are struggling form their carrier.

they need to be stressed ahead so Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of course not. So Smoking Should Be Banned or not on my side of no.

Should Smoking be Banned Completely? Debate

Sam said: Smoking should be prohibited because it not only damages the individual who smokes, but also the people around him or her; it degrades the health of the smoker and the people around him or her by contaminating the environment.
Gloria said: In my opinion, smoking should be completely prohibited in India. When smoking kills people and animals in a short amount of time or causes long-term health problems, and because parents smoke in secret inside the house, children are also afflicted.
Saurabh said: Yes, smoking should be outright outlawed in India, as it causes direct harm to smokers' lungs and indirectly harms non-smokers' lungs.

There are already a slew of reasons for air pollution; we don't need any more to wreak havoc on our lungs.
Natasa said: Smoking is undoubtedly harmful to one's health; nonetheless, I do not believe that a complete prohibition is feasible.

To begin with, the discontinuation of tobacco-producing industries will result in the loss of various jobs, raising unemployment to some amount. Another factor is that the government's primary source of money is tobacco taxes; thus, the government's revenues would be harmed.

So, in order to discourage individuals from smoking, numerous public awareness campaigns emphasising the dangers of smoking should be undertaken. Furthermore, the supply of these products should be curtailed, and they should not be sold to anyone under the age of 18.
Simran said: I believe that smoking should not be prohibited since, in today's society, we are unable to prohibit or eliminate automobiles that emit a large number of dangerous gases that might cause fatal diseases. Apart from that, smoking reduces stress and despair, and it contributes significantly to a country's revenue.
Jack said: I believe that smoking should not be prohibited since, in today's society, we are unable to prohibit or eliminate automobiles that emit a large number of dangerous gases that might cause fatal diseases. Apart from that, smoking reduces stress and despair, and it contributes significantly to a country's revenue.

Aakash said: In my opinion, smoking should be fully prohibited in India. Because it is a potentially lethal additive in India. Many people die or surrender their lives as a result of this hazardous intake. They drink it to feel better and have fun.

In India, I believe smoking should be outright prohibited. As a result, I agree with the statement that smoking should be outlawed totally, as research has demonstrated that smoking is a dangerous habit. Not only that, but many people lose their lives. Their children, on the other hand, become orphans, and their wife becomes a widow.

Many boys under the age of 18 are frequently seen smoking in a park or on the side of the road.

As a result, I believe that smoking should be fully prohibited in India.
Sidharth said: Smoking, in my opinion, should be prohibited. As we all know, smoking causes diseases such as cancer and lungs problems, but if we do something abruptly, the effect will be negative, causing many people not only in India but also in other countries who smoke to have problems because they have become addicted to smoking, even if it is only for fun. 

As a result, the government should take steps such as prohibiting merchants from selling cigarettes to children aged 15 to 20.

When it comes to the bright side of things, cigarettes do not cause cancer. Whose people do not smoke also have cancer, even if they are born children. 

They are not smokers. Furthermore, the compounds in cigarettes contribute to and improve our economic situation in a minor way. We are less stressed when we smoke. 

The government will never prohibit smoking; all it can do is provide instructions and directions similar to those found on cigarette packs. It's bad for your health, so don't smoke, and we learned in class that every cigarette cuts your life short by 5 minutes. As a result, it's a do-or-die situation.
Lomi said: It is not recommended that cigarettes be switched off. Because everyone now understands that excessive car use generates pollution and makes breathing difficult. We do not, however, stop driving. Also, if you want to smoke, please do so while drinking. 

Cigarettes help to relieve work-related stress. And the one who suffers is well aware of the consequences. Furthermore, the smoker will not approach you and ask for money. 

And his funds will be spent solely for the benefit of the country. Many people will lose their jobs as a result of the tobacco ban. As a result, I am opposed to it.
Akul said:In my opinion, smoking is the most harmful thing that can happen to our society, and it should be outlawed. While there is no doubt that smoking improves a country's economic situation, it also results in a significant loss of manpower, which is vital to a country's survival. They have many diseases, such as cancer and TB asthma, and have lost a lot of money as a result. As a result, in my opinion, it should be prohibited.

Vishalsaid: In my opinion, smoking is the most harmful thing that can happen to our society, and it should be outlawed. While there is no doubt that smoking improves a country's economic situation, it also results in a significant loss of manpower, which is vital to a country's survival. They have many diseases, such as cancer and TB asthma, and have lost a lot of money as a result. As a result, in my opinion, it should be prohibited.

Shivani Said: Yes, smoking should be prohibited since we all know that it is harmful to our health and causes a variety of dangerous ailments such as cancer and damage to our respiratory systems. Tobacco contains a narcotic substance that is very addictive.
Lokesh Said: As we all know, smoking is harmful to one's health and is made from tobacco plants, which are addicting. Drung is found in tobacco plants. Smoking is extremely detrimental to both our bodies and the environment. It gives birth to cancer, tuberculosis, and other diseases. 

In addition, it has polluted our ecosystem. Our youth, as well as women, are attracted to smoking nowadays. Babies born to smoking mothers are less likely to be healthy.

They have suffered from pulmonary problems throughout their adult life.

Beverage liquor drew the attention of teenagers as well. Excessive alcohol use can harm our lungs and digestive systems. It had an impact on our minds as well.

As a result, smoking ought to be prohibited.
Pinky Said: In my opinion, smoking should be banned in India since it is very harmful to our health and causes many deadly diseases such as cancer, which damages our respiratory system and is fatal to our lives because there is no cure for cancer, so I recommend that it be stopped immediately.


Myself S. Alex A Certified Digital Content Writer and Expert Fluent Speaker with a Nicher in Public speaking, English Language Teacher, Life lessons,, Institutes an Personal Development. I enjoy giving life to my hearty musings through my blogs.